

单词 pettitte
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A bout with back spasms cost Pettitte stamina-building innings in Spring Training, forcing pregame projections to be lowered to just five innings.
背痛问题在春训时候苦恼著派特提,造成赛前预测只能降低成只投五局。 http://dj.iciba.com

Baseball banned HGH in January2005. Pettitte has said he used it to heal faster, not to enhance his performance, and stressed that he never used steroids.
大联盟在二OO五年一月才将 HGH列为禁药,佩提特说他使用该药是为了加速复原速度,不是为了增进表现,并强调他从未施打过类固醇。 taipeitimes

In his Yankees career, Pettitte is68-33 when taking the hill on the day after a loss, according to the Elias Sports Bureau.
在洋基的生涯中,只要洋基前一场是输的状况,老派一共取得68胜33败的成绩。 dj.client.iciba.com

New York Yankees pitcher Andy Pettitte had to leave Sunday's game against Tampa in the third inning because of a strained groin.
周日,在与坦帕队对抗的第三回合中,纽约洋基队投手安迪·派堤特因腹股沟拉伤不得不退赛。 hjenglish

Oh, Pettitte's out for at least a month— providing new data for further research.
啊噢,派堤特已经至少一个月没参赛了——正好为深入研究提供了新数据。 hjenglish

Pettitte had vowed earlier this week that he would pause every now and then this season, trying to soak everything in and enjoy the ride.
派特提本周稍早还誓言本季将会时常停歇下来尝试去吸收任何事情并享受它。 jukuu

Pettitte was named in the steroids report, released Dec.13. He has since admitted he used human growth hormone HGH to recover from an elbow injury in 2002.
名列去年十二月十三日公布的类固醇报告中的佩提特事后坦承,他确实在二OO二年有服用人体生长激素 HGH来治疗肘伤。 taipeitimes

Pettitte4-4 picked up his first victory in three starts, while limiting the D-backs to one run and four hits.
小派四胜四负,拿下他最近三次先发来的首胜,让响尾蛇只敲初四支安打拿下一分。 iciba

Pettitte said the promise of that staff was spirited.
小派说这样的阵容让人精神振奋。 iciba

Pettitte will be subjected to heat and ice therapy to make that possible, and the team is encouraged even by small signs such as Pettitte's ability to sit upright on the trainer's table.
小派将会接受冷热敷治疗让星期五能够上场,洋基也因为小派能够在训练桌上面坐直等等的小小象徵而倍受鼓舞。 jukuu




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