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Pettigrew ˈpetɪɡruː 高 基本例句 n.佩蒂格鲁¹⁰⁰ Peter Pettigrew was born c.1960. 小矮星彼德1960年出生。 hoolee8 The IAAF decided to cancel the4x400m relay world record set on July22,1998 by the US as one of the team members, Antonio Pettigrew, confessed to doping, Xinhua reported Tuesday. 据新华社报道,因安东尼奥·佩蒂格鲁承认使用过兴奋剂,国际田联决定取消美国队1998年7月22日创造的4x400米接力纪录。 www.chinadaily.com.cn A group of these Hit Wizards captured Sirius Black after he supposedly killed Peter Pettigrew. 这些打击手中的一组人逮捕了被认为杀害了小矮星彼得的小天狼星布莱克。 hoolee8 Certainly Pettigrew's hesitant suggestions to Voldemort that they find an alternate victim for his rebirth spell came from Pettigrew's sense of life debt to Harry. 彼特吞吞吐吐地对伏地魔建议,说他们可以找到一个替代者完成伏地魔的复活,当然这可能由于彼特意识到了自己对哈利有生命的负债。 hoolee8 Harry spared the life of Peter Pettigrew, with consequences we have yet to see played out. 哈利放了小矮星彼特一马,我们现在还看不到这一行为产生的结果。 hoolee8 Implicit in those remarks is the information that Pettigrew could communicate with rats to obtain information involving rather complex concepts. 其中提到虫尾巴的“和老鼠亲近的独特天性”,相当于暗示,小矮星可以从老鼠那儿获得很复杂的信息。 hicoo Peter Pettigrew as“posthumously” awarded a medal. All that was returned to his mother was his finger. 彼德小矮星彼德作为死者得到了一枚勋章,而他失去的只有一根手指。 hoolee8 Professor Pettigrew told BBC News, “ These organisms are alive and could have replenished themselves over endless millennia to explain the freshness of the paintings' appearance.” 杰克•佩蒂格鲁教授告诉英国广播公司,“这些微生物是活的,几万年以来它们不断繁衍,这解释了这些岩画何以历久弥新”。3us.enghunan.gov.cn Sex, Lies, and Unforgivable Curses: The Authorised Biography of Lord Voldemort by Peter Pettigrew. 《性感,谎言,和不可饶恕咒:伏地魔授权传记》,小矮星彼德著。 blog.sina.com.cn The Muggle witnesses claim that Pettigrew cornered Black and attacked Sirius saying“ Lily and James, Sirius, How could you?” 麻瓜目击者声称,是小矮星把布莱克逼到街角,在攻击小天狼星的时候说“莉莉和詹姆,小天狼星,你怎么敢?” hoolee8 This second prophecy came true that evening when Peter Pettigrew, who had been masquerading as a rat, escaped and went to Albania to find the vanquished Voldemort. 这第二次预言在当天晚上实现了,化装成老鼠的小矮星彼得逃走去阿尔巴尼亚寻找被击败的伏地魔。 hoolee8 When Black cornered Pettigrew on a busy street, Peter created an explosion with his wand, cutting off a finger from his own right hand in the process, and disappeared. 当布莱克把小矮星彼德困在一个繁华的街角时,彼德用魔杖制造了一场爆炸,断掉自己的一根右手指并且消失了。 hoolee8 When Brian Pettigrew sent a job offer to a recent recruit from the East Coast, he included an unusual guarantee at the bottom of thee- mail: at least seven months of blue skies. 当 Brian Pettigrew送一份提供最近东海岸招聘工作报告,在电子邮件的底部,他包括一个不同寻常的保证:至少有7个月的蔚蓝天空。 lwtxw Your father, the werewolf, Pettigrew, and Black were already breaking the rules of Hogwarts at the time. Always plotting against me. 你的爸爸、狼人、小矮星,还有布莱克当初就不停的破坏霍格沃兹的纪律,不停的暗算我。 yeeyan Pettigrew did so, and the Potters were killed. 彼德这样做了,波特被杀了。 hoolee8 Pettigrew passed information to Voldemort for a year c.1980. 从1980年开始,小矮星彼德为伏地魔搜集了一年的资料。 hoolee8 Pettigrew knew that Sirius Black would figure out that he had betrayed the Potters, since Black was the only one who knew that Peter was the Secret Keeper. 小矮星彼德知道小天狼星被指控,罪行是出卖了波特一家,因为小天狼星是唯一一个知道彼德才是波特的保密人的人。 hoolee8 |