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词汇 petroliferous
释义 pet·ro·lif·er·ous AHDpe.trə|lifərəs COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
Oilfield development achievements of Shengli petroliferous area during the “ ninth five year plan” are summarized.
总结了胜利油区“九五”期间的开发成果; chemyq

The hydrocarbon generation mechanism of China's petroliferous basins could be divided into organic mechanism, inorganic mechanism and synthetic mechanism due to their sources.
中国含油气盆地的生烃机制因生烃物质来源不同,可分为有机生烃、无机生烃及合成生烃机制。 cnki

The majority of salt- bearing basins in the world are petroliferous basin.
世界上大多数含盐盆地都是含油气区。 cnki

The present situation of China offshore petroliferous basins is that oil gas reconnaissance has been basically accomplished, but there exists large differences in exploration degree.
我国近海含油气盆地的勘探现状是油气普查阶段基本完成,但勘探程度差别较大。 cnki

The research of sedimentary facies is an important foundational work for the exploration and evaluation of petroliferous basins.
沉积相研究是进行含油气盆地勘探、评价的一项重要的基础工作。 cnki

The total numbers of oil-gas fields in a petroliferous basin are calculated by means of Weibull method.
用维布尔分布法逼近含油气盆地中油气田的总数量。 chemyq

There is a close relationship between oilfield water systems and petroliferous systems. The generation, migration and accumulation process of hydrocarbon took place with oilfield water.
油田水系统与含油气系统关系十分密切,油气的生成、运移和聚集过程都是在油田水参与下进行的。 cnki

Therefore, it is significant for the exploration work in continental petroliferous basins of China.
对推进我国陆相含油气盆地油气勘探工作向纵深发展具有重要意义。 cnki

This area is the northeast continental part of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic North Gulf petroliferous basin, composed of ten secondary units of five sags and five highs, all of which extend into offshore.
属北部湾中、新生代含油气盆地东北部的陆上部分,含五凹五凸次级构造单元,均延入海区,以第三系沉积为主。 chemyq

About60% petroliferous traps are associated with the salt structure in the world.
世界上大约有60%的含油气圈闭与盐构造有关。 cnki

Development of petroliferous basin, first of all, is the development of human being. And the most important is the self liberation and self development of the developer.
盆地油气的开发首先是人的开发,其中最关键的是开发者的自我解放与自我开发。 cnki

From analysis of reservoir characters in Yuguo- Yanmuxi Petroliferous area, the middle-late Yanshan movement episode is considered to be primary stage of controlling the hydrocarbons by structures.
通过对玉果—雁木西区带油气成藏特点的分析,认为该区控油气构造主要形成期为燕山运动中晚期; chemyq

In the basin modeling system, the function of geohistory model is to rebuild the depositional and structural histories of a petroliferous basin.
在盆地模拟系统中,地史模型的功能是重建油气盆地的沉积史和构造史。 cnki

Reformed petroliferous basins are those that the feature of the prototype basins have changed greatly under inner and outer geological dynamics.
改造型含油气盆地是指含油气盆地原型经过内外地质动力作用使其面貌发生了重大改变的盆地。 cnki

Tarim basin is a large superimposed petroliferous basin developed in complex plate tectonic system, which is made of multi- prototype basin reconstructed later.
塔里木盆地是一长期发育在多种板块构造运动体制下由多种类型的原型盆地改造、叠合而成的大型叠合含油气盆地。 cnki

The groundwater systems are the main part of the fluid systems and they include petroliferous systems.
地下水系统是流体系统的主体部分,它包含了含油气系统。 cnki

The North Yellow Sea basin is the only petroliferous basin of late Mesozoic in China's offshore areas which has not been explored for petroleum.
北黄海盆地为我国在近海海域惟一未进行过石油钻探的晚中生代含油气盆地。 cnki

The South Yellow Sea basin is China's only offshore petroliferous basin whose oil and gas flows have not come up to the industrial standard, and whose petroleum potential has become a public interest.
南黄海盆地是中国近海唯一未突破工业性油气流的含油气盆地,其油气潜力目前已成为大家关注的热点。 cnki

The Tarim basin, with rich hydrocarbon resource and low exploration level, is the largest petroliferous basin in China.
塔里木盆地是中国最大的含油气盆地,油气资源丰富,勘探程度低。 cnki

Turpan-Hami basin, located in the southeastern part of Junggar- Turpan ancient landmass, is a superimposed petroliferous basin with a long period of geologic development history.
吐哈盆地属于长期发展的叠合型含油气盆地,它位于准噶尔-吐鲁番古陆块的东南部。 cnki

Petroliferous basin analysis is a system engineering for study of forward hydrocarbon formation.
油气盆地分析是一门研究油气形成正演过程的系统工程方法。 cnki

Petroliferous basins with different structural features have different increasing process of reserves, more complicated the basin structure is, longer period of reserve increasing has.
不同构造特征的含油气盆地有不同的储量增长过程,盆地结构越复杂,储量增长的周期越长。 chemyq




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