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petrol. 'petrəl 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配记法近义反义句型派生词例句Thesaurus例句 abbr.petrology
n.名词 U汽油a liquid obtained especially by the petroleum used mainly for producing power in the engines of cars, aircraft, etc. Noun: a volatile flammable mixture of hydrocarbons hexane and heptane and octane etc. derived from petroleum; used mainly as a fuel in internal-combustion engines n.名词 petrol, gasoline这两个名词的共同意思是“汽油”。gasoline用在美式英语中; petrol用在英式英语中。 来自法语,源自拉丁语单词petroleum石油,是它的简化形式。原本表示“石油”,但后来转而表示石油的常见加工产品汽油。不过这种用法主要局限于英国。在美国,人们使用gasoline或其简化形式gas来表示“汽油”。 用作名词 n. ~+名词petrol additive可使发动机减少爆击声的汽油助剂petrol engine汽油机petrol fume汽油味petrol station加油站 非常记忆pet宠物+roll滚⇒宠物滚到了汽油里发音记忆“派车”⇒汽车有油petrol才能派出发音记忆“派车”→汽车有油才能往外派→汽油发音记忆“派车”→汽车有油才能派出→汽油近义词 gasoline 用作名词n.Our car was useless for want of petrol.由于缺少汽油,我们的汽车派不上用场。 After a long traveling, we get to a petrol station at last.一场长途跋涉后,我们终于赶到了加油站。Ppetrolene石油烯软沥青Ppetrol-resistance耐汽油性Ppetroliferousa.产油的含石油的Ppetrolica.石油的汽油的汽油发动机的
名词100% 用作名词Petrol is volatile.汽油容易挥发。 Thepetrolis running out.汽油快要耗尽了。 My car is rather heavy onpetrol.我的汽车很费油。 They have increased the price ofpetrolagain.他们又提高了汽油的价格。 My new car really runs away with thepetrol.我的新汽车耗油太多了。 They had to rationpetrolduring the war.战时他们不得不限量供给汽油。 The police faced a mob throwing bricks andpetrolbombs.警察面对一群投掷砖块和汽油弹的暴徒。as in.black gold 同义词 Texas Tea,oil,petroleumas in.crude oil 同义词 crude,oil,petroleumblack gold,coal oil,fossil oil,rock oil,Texas Teaas in.gasoline 同义词 diesel fuel,juice,oilgasohol,propellantas in.petroleum 同义词 crude oil,fossil fuel,fuel,gas,gasoline,kerosene,natural gasnaphtha black goldnoun crude oil Texas Tea,oil,petroleum crude oilnoun unrefined petroleum Texas Tea,black gold,coal oil,crude,fossil oil,oil,petrol,petroleum,rock oil gasolinenoun fuel diesel fuel,gasohol,juice,oil,petrol,propellant petroleumnoun oil crude oil,fossil fuel,fuel,gas,gasoline,kerosene,naphtha,natural gas,petrol All the petrol pumps have been switched over to show decimal values. 所有汽油加油泵现在都已改成十进位显示了。《21世纪大英汉词典》 Although BP plans to start selling the stuff in the next few weeks mixed with petrol, to start with, the truth is that butanol is not all that much better than ethanol. 英国石油公司BP计划在几周后开始销售该产品开始阶段会将丁醇混合汽油,但事实是丁醇比乙醇强不到哪儿去。 ecocn Although consumption of petrol is falling in America, the oil price is setting new records, because demand from China and other developing economies is still on the rise. 尽管美国的汽油消费量已经在下滑了,但油价却不断创下新高,这是因为中国和其他发展中经济体的需求仍在增长。 ecocn As the smell of petrol filled his nose in the pitch- blackness of the vehicle, he began to cry like a baby. 随着汽油的味道填满了他的鼻腔,他开始在伸手不见五指的黑暗中像婴儿一样哭了起来。 yeeyan But the aim is not to save petrol. It is to extract billions of dollars in loans from the federal government. 但节省汽油并不是此行的目的,他们的目标是向联邦政府索取数十亿美元的贷款。 ecocn Can you look for something to substitute for petrol? 你能找点什么东西来当汽油用吗?《21世纪大英汉词典》 Environmentalists reckon that using the ethanol produced over the lifetime of such a plant would cut carbon emissions by75% compared with burning the equivalent amount of petrol. 环保人士估计,在这样一个工厂的生命期内一直使用其生产的乙醇,与燃烧等量汽油相比将减少75%的碳排放量。 ecocn Ethanol is corrosive and has less energy per litre than petrol and diesel. 乙醇具有腐蚀性,且每公升乙醇的产能不及汽油和柴油。 ecocn Fearing for their American investments, several of the world’s biggest oil- trading companies have stopped selling petrol to Iran, whose limited refining capacity means it depends on imports. 伊朗由于炼油能力有限,主要依赖进口,而一些世界上最大的石油贸易公司担心失去美国的投资,已停止向伊朗出售汽油。 ecocn He could change water into petrol or diesel on which cars ran for many miles. 他可以将水变成汽油或柴油,很多汽车加上这些油可以跑好几英里。 ecocn He produced a set of proposals to tackle climate change and America's dependence on foreign oil, including a target of reducing America's petrol consumption by 20% in the next ten years. 他提出一系列建议来处理气候变化的问题,解决美国对于国外石油依赖的问题,还提出争取在未来十年内,将美国的汽油使用量降低20%。 ecocn Hourly earnings rose just1.7% in the year to March, a paltry raise that will soon be eaten up by the rising cost of petrol and grocery bills. 到今年三月份每小时工资将仅上升1.7%——这点微不足道的提高将很快被上涨的汽油和杂货帐单费用抵消掉。 remword How do UK petrol prices compare with other countries? 英国汽油价格与其他国家如何比较? ecocn If you rent the battery rather than buying it, that becomes a running cost like petrol and the sticker price of the car drops accordingly. 如果电池是租的而不是买的,那么它将变成流动成本诸如汽油,并且汽车的固有价值会相应下降的。 ecocn If your car runs out of petrol, you have used a tankful. 如果你的汽车烧光了汽油,可以说你用掉了一罐。 yeeyan It worked like a hot air balloon underwater, since the petrol in the balloon could not be compressed, so it could keep its shape even in great pressure. 它的运行原理就像水下的热气球,因为气球里的汽油能够被压缩,所以它能够在很大的压力下保持其形状。 yeeyan Lack of refining capacity means that it must import expensive petrol and lubricants. 缺乏精炼设备意味着它还必须进口昂贵的汽油和润滑油。 ecocn Much of the work focuses on designing hydrogen fuel cells that would generate electricity to drive the car, at first in combination with a petrol engine. 多数的研究方向都集中于设计可以产生电流来驱动汽车的氢燃料电池,并在最初与汽油引擎相结合。 ecocn She wears the evidence of what happened on almost every inch of her body, every scar a reminder of how she was doused in petrol and set alight. 她身上的每一处都记录着那时候发生的事情,每块疤都在诉说汽油是怎样泼到她身上然后燃烧起来的。 yeeyan So they suffer, and pray for petrol prices to fall. 所以他们只能承受损失,并祈求汽油价格下降。 ecocn The car has two fuel tanks, one containing petrol and the other hydrogen. 这种汽车有两个燃料槽,一个装有汽油,而另一个含有氢。 ecocn The petrol in the tank is leaking out. 油箱里的汽油正往外漏。《21世纪大英汉词典》 This encouraged drug- dealing and the stockpiling of petrol bombs on campus. 这助长了校园里的毒品交易和汽油炸弹的存放。 ecocn We ran out of petrol. 我们的汽油用完了。 kekenet Whether this will be reflected in daily petrol prices, still depends on policy adjustments. 无论这是否反映在日常的汽油价格中,它依然依靠政策进行调整。233 You can use petrol to take out that stain. 你可以用汽油去掉那个污渍。《21世纪大英汉词典》 Petrol prices typically rise from the winter to the summer driving season. 从冬季到夏季这一驾驶季,汽油价格会有典型的上升。 ecocn |