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词汇 petrochemicals
释义 petrochemicals 英ˌpetrəʊ'kemɪkəlz美ˌpetroʊ'kemɪkəlz COCA⁶¹⁴⁰⁰BNC³⁷⁸⁹⁰Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
名词 petrochemical:
any compound obtained from petroleum or natural gas用作名词The details remain vague, but such a pact would reduce cross-strait tariffs on a broad range of goods such aspetrochemicals.该协议仍嫌模糊,但这类契约可以大范围削减两岸货物的关税,包括石油化学制品。 A10- industry support package covers autos, steel, shipbuilding, textiles, light industry, nonferrous metals, logistics, petrochemicals, electronics, and machinery manufacturing.
十项产业振兴政策涵盖汽车,钢铁,造船,纺织,轻工,有色金属,物流,石化,电子和机械制造业。 yeeyan

It is doubtful whether Iran’s leaders can achieve all their stated aims of maintaining petrol production, manufacturing lots of petrochemicals and cleaning the foul air their citizens must breathe.
伊朗领导人能否实现他们的三大既定目标—保持石油产量、大量生产石化产品和净化空气仍然不十分明朗。 ecocn

Such musical chairs occur periodically in leading sectors including telecommunications, banking, aerospace and petrochemicals, still heavily regulated by Beijing.
在仍受中央政府严密监管的一些重要行业,比如电信、银行、航空航天、石化,会周期性地出现此类人员更迭。 iciba

The two main classes of petrochemicals are olefins and aromatics.
石化的两类主要产品是烯烃和芳烃。 yeeyan

China has accused Saudi Arabia of dumping petrochemicals on its markets.
中国指责沙特在中国市场上倾销石油化工产品。 yeeyan

For oil and petrochemicals, gas, coal, power, telecom, and tobacco industries combined, there are a total of17 firms operating nationally, all state-owned.
石油和石化产品,天然气,煤炭,电力,电信和烟草等行业加在一起,总共有17家国家经营的大型企业。 yeeyan

His business interests span petrochemicals, textiles, transportation and electronics.
他的企业涉足石油化工,纺织业,运输业和电力行业。 yeeyan

India, for example, exports not just garments and cheap electronics— characteristic of many countries with similar levels of income per head— but ships, petrochemicals, steel and business services.
例如印度不仅出口服装和廉价电子产品——这是人均收入水平与印度相似的国家典型的出口产品——它还出口船舶、石油化工产品、钢铁和商业服务。 ecocn

Industrial development plans focus on gas resources, metal manufacturing, petrochemicals, and international transshipment ports.
工业的增长依赖于能源、钢铁、制造业、石油化学工业和国际中转港口。 ebigear

It paid too much for Unilever's specialty chemicals business and struggled to pay down the debt it incurred by selling its commodity petrochemicals operations at just the wrong point in the cycle.
它在对联合利华的特色化学制品业务投入过多,并且还要努力偿还由于在石油化学制品销售操作中错误运作所遭致的大量债务。 ecocn

Lower energy prices and falling demand have naturally hit Eni’s profits from production, refining, marketing and petrochemicals.
更低的价格和不断下降的需求从生产,炼化,销售和石化等方面打破了埃尼的利润。 ecocn

LYONDELLBASELL, the world’s third- largest petrochemicals producer, should have“ Danger, inflammable substance” signs posted on its debt.
莱昂德尔巴塞尔工业公司,世界第三大石化产品制造商,在它的债务中有“危险,易燃物”出现的迹象。 ecocn

The overwhelming majority of these were in Asia and Africa. The biggest sectors were mining, transportation and petrochemicals.
绝大多数的投资在亚洲和非洲,涉及最多的行业是采矿,运输和石油化工。 yeeyan

Their mother brokered a demerger in 2005, which gave Mukesh control of oil and gas, petrochemicals, refining and manufacturing; Anil took charge of electricity, telecoms and financial services.
2005年,他们的母亲做出安排,将集团一分为二。油气,石油化学,提炼和制造业归穆克萨所有,电力,电信和金融服务则归安尼尔所有。 ecocn

Petrochemicals, steel, glass- making and rubber have all expanded to feed auto- making.
石油化学、钢铁、玻璃制造和橡胶业都为满足汽车制造业而迅速膨胀。 yeeyan




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