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词汇 Petrobras
释义 Petrobras ˌpeˈtrɑːbrəs Economist²⁸⁴²
n.巴西石油公司¹⁰⁰原型petrobra的复数 Brazil’s Petrobras postponed until September a planned share issue that is expected to raise$25 billion.
巴西石油公司推迟股票发行计划到9月份,该计划准备筹集250亿美元。 ecocn

But first the oil must flow, and that means getting private money flowing into Petrobras.
但首先,石油必须涌流出来,这意味着让私人资金流入巴西石油。 ecocn

By 2020 Petrobras, the country’s government- controlled oil firm, will be pumping4m b/d in Brazil, double today’s amount— if all continues to go well.
如果一切都进展顺利的话,到2020年,巴西政府控股石油公司 Petrobras的石油日产量会达到400万桶,是现在产量的两倍。 ecocn

By the same token emerging- market exporters like Samsung or Petrobras need consumers in Europe and America to keep spending.
而诸如三星、巴西石油这样的新兴市场出口商也同样需要欧洲和美洲消费者来维持开销。 ecocn

Colombia's government has a different model in mind: Petrobras.
哥伦比亚政府有另一个榜样:巴西石油公司。 ecocn

Even so, state-owned oil firms from China, Russia and India have expressed interest in the blocks, along with Brazil’s Petrobras and multinationals such as BP, Chevron, Royal Dutch Shell and Total.
虽然如此,来自中国、俄罗斯和印度的国营石油公司已经对这些矿区表达投资兴趣,还有巴西国营石油 Petrobras及 BP, Chevron, Royal Dutch Shell和 Total等跨国石油公司。 ecocn

Future Brazilian concessions are expected to be run on a profit- sharing basis, with companies other than Petrobras able to take part.
预计未来巴西会让步于一个利润共享机制,允许除巴西石油以外的公司参加。 ecocn

He said that Petrobras needs to find financing during a period of turmoil in international capital markets to stick with its investment program.
他说,值此国际资本市场持续动荡之际, Petrobras要坚持其投资计划,必须找到融资渠道才行。 ebigear

If the ambitious plans of Petrobras, the national oil company, come to fruition, by 2020 Brazil will be producing5m barrels per day, much of it from new offshore fields.
如果 Petrobras巴西石油公司的这一雄心勃勃的计划实现的话,那么到2020年巴西每天就会生产500万桶石油,其中多数产自新的近海油田。 ecocn

In all cases, however, the government is likely to demand that Petrobras be the operator.
然而,无论哪种情况,政府都很可能要求巴西石油成为操作手。 ecocn

In Brazil, Citi helped Petrobras, the state- run oil company, to issue stock to the public; in the United Kingdom, it helped raise money for a leveraged buyout of Tomkins, an engineering company.
在巴西,花旗帮助巴西石油公司——国家石油公司向公众发行股票;在英国,它帮助一家工程公司 Tomkins为实现杠杆收购筹集资金。 yeeyan

It is popular with governments looking to sell shares: recent deals it jointly led include Petrobras and Agricultural Bank of China, as well as GM.
政府寻求出售股票的行为较为普遍:其共同领导的最近交易包括巴西石油公司和中国农业银行,和通用一样。 ecocn

Much of Petrobras's oil comes from fields off Brazil's Atlantic coast.
巴西石油公司的大量石油都来自在远离大西洋巴西海岸的地区。 ecocn

One occurred when The Economist recently visited the research laboratory in Rio de Janeiro of Petrobras, Brazil’s oil giant.
当《经济学人》最近拜访国营巴西石油公司 Petrobras在里约热内卢的研究实验室,就发生了一次停电。 ecocn

Pockets of the commodity sector, such as Petrobras’s deepwater drilling, do require high levels of technical expertise.
商品领域的局部行业,如巴西石油公司的深海钻探,确需高水平的技术专长。 yeeyan

Since60% of Petrobras’s shares are traded on the market, this capital boost will dilute existing shareholders.
因为 Petrobras公司的60%股票在市场上交易,这一资本比例若升高将稀释现有的股东。 ecocn

So is Petrobras of Brazil, which operates more deepwater drilling rigs than any other oil company.
巴西石油公司也一样,它经营比其他石油公司更深的深海钻井装备。 ecocn

Thanks to a meritocratic culture and the discipline of having some of its stock traded Petrobras is a leader in deep-sea oil.
多亏了精英文化和部分股票可以流通,巴西石油公司成为深海石油业的翘楚。 yeeyan

The bills, which have to be approved by Congress, will not affect existing exploration and development contracts held by Petrobras, the state-controlled oil company, and five foreign oil companies.
这些法案必须得到国会表决通过,不会影响国营巴西石油公司 Petrobras和五家外商石油公司目前的探勘和开发合约书。 ecocn

The bosses of PepsiCo, Nestlé, Prudentialof Britain and Petrobras expressed enthusiasm about his arguments at the recent Davos summit.
在达沃斯论坛上,百事可乐公司、雀巢公司、英国保诚集团还有巴西石油的老板们都热忱地支持这个新观点。 ecocn

There, the Ceará state government is setting up an institute to train12,000 workers a year, and Petrobras is building another refinery.
塞阿腊州政府正在那儿建立一家机构一年培训12000工人,而巴西石油股份有限公司正在那建另一间炼油厂。 ecocn

Petrobras also hopes to sell shares to raise up to $25 billion in cash.
同时,巴西炼油厂希望通过销售股票募集250亿美元的现金。 ecocn

Petrobras, for example, is not going to Africa to bring back oil to Brazil.
例如,巴西石油公司不会到非洲把石油带回巴西。 yeeyan

Petrobras is a leader in deep-sea oil production.
巴西石油是深海采油的佼佼者。 ecocn

Petrobras is Latin America’s largest company by market value, but it is short of cash and its feud with the government has helped to wipe25% off its shares since the start of the year.
巴西石油公司按市场价值来说是拉丁美洲最大的公司,但同时也是一个缺钱的公司。今年初以来,这家公司同政府之间的不和导致25%的股份丢失。 ecocn

Petrobras said it was putting the share issue on hold because of a delay in a government valuation of its offshore reserves.
巴西石油公司称暂停发行股票的原因是政府暂缓了对远海石油储量的评估。 ecocn




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