

释义 PETNCOCA¹⁴³⁰⁰⁸BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
The shipping of two printers containing the almost untraceable explosive PETN on board cargo planes bound for the United States.
两台装有难以探测的,称做 PETN爆炸物的打印机装载在飞机货运仓被运往美国。 yeeyan

The microstructure of PETN film is obtained by scanning electronic microscope analysis.
扫描电镜分析得出了太安薄膜的微观结构; cnki

The purpose of this paper is to find the effects of the size of exploded foils and burst current densities on the initiation behavior of PETN.
主要研究了爆炸箔尺寸和爆炸电流密度对引爆过程的影响。 cnki

The PETN explosive is detonated by mini size laser driven flyer.
利用小型激光器驱动飞片技术成功起爆了 PETN安全炸药。 dictall

A flexible explosive is developed in the present paper using explosive PETN as the base explosive and methyl silicone rubber as a bonder, which is cured at room temperature.
选用 PETN炸药为主体炸药、室温硫化甲基硅橡胶为粘接剂,研制出了一种挠性混合炸药。 cnki

Experiments were carried out to study the synthesis of ultrafine aluminum oxide by the detonation of aluminum nitrate and PETN mixture.
论述了利用硝酸铝和炸药混合爆轰合成纳米氧化铝的实验研究。 cnki

I company for PETN public insurance assessment Ltd. Qing Dao branch, now the Shandong province of Zibo, Weifang, Yantai to carry out auto insurance claims survey work.
我公司为民太安保险公估有限公司青岛分公司,现在山东省淄博,潍坊,烟台开展车险查勘理赔工作。 qite8

In this paper, the effect of B-based high-energy ignition composition transformation of combustion to explosion of PETN was studied.
文章研究了硼系高能点火药对 PETN燃烧转爆轰的影响。 dictall

Solidification degree of PETN composite explosive would affect ultrasonic attenuation.
介绍泰安混合炸药固化程度对超声波衰减的影响。 cnki

The results show that static electricity of PETN is greatly decreased after it was treated with this surfactant. Thus, it benefits the production process and quality of detonating cord.
实验结果表明,太安炸药经过表面活性剂处理后,其静电得到大幅度降低,有利于导爆索生产工艺与质量。 chemyq

The mechanism of evaporating PETN explosive film in vacuum is studied experimentally.
以实验为基础对真空蒸镀太安炸药薄膜的机理进行研究。 cnki

PETN, for example, is found in military devices such as landmines, and it is sold commercially as a heart drug.
以季戊四醇四硝酸酯为例,它既用在地雷等军事装备中,也作为一种心脏病药物出售。 ecocn

PETN film and its application in small size cha rg e are researched by vacuum evaporation technology in the paper.
利用真空蒸镀技术对太安炸药薄膜及其在小尺寸装药上的应用进行了研究。 cnki

PETN is also not particularly easy to detonate. That stymied the“underpants bomber” on a Detroit- bound plane at Christmas.
季戊四醇四硝酸酯也不是那么容易去引爆,圣诞节期间在一架飞往底特律的飞机上,一个试图引爆藏在裤子里的炸弹的恐怖分子就因为这一点而失败了。 ecocn




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