

单词 Peter
释义 peter 1 英ˈpiːtə美ˈpitɚ;英'piːtəʳ美'piːtər ☆☆☆☆☆高Economist²²⁵²
disciple of Jesus and leader of the Apostles; regarded by Catholics as the vicar of Christ on earth and first Popeobscene terms for penis基督十二门徒之一,常用人名。来自拉丁语Petrus,石头,词源同petrology, petroleum。常见于习语rob Peter to pay Paul,拆东墙补西墙,字面意思即拆了圣彼得的教堂去建圣保罗的教堂。 petrologypetro-,石头的,岩石的,-logy,学说。 petroleum来自拉丁语petroleum,石油。来自petra,石头,词源同petrology, oleum,油,词源同oil。 rob来自原始印欧语*rueb, *reup,抓,抢,词源同rape, rip, rupture。 Peter基督十二门徒之一,常用人名。来自拉丁语Petrus,石头,词源同petrology, petroleum。常见于习语rob Peter to pay Paul,拆东墙补西墙,字面意思即拆了圣彼得的教堂去建圣保罗的教堂。 to来自古英语to,朝向,在某方向。来自西日耳曼语支*to,朝向。来自原始印欧语do,指示代词词干,朝,向,衍生前缀de-。 pay来自古法语paier,支付。来自拉丁语pacare,平息,安抚,使满意。来自pacis,和平,平静,词源同peace, pacify。Peter Principle彼得原则Peter Pan syndrome彼得·潘综…Peter Pan彼得·潘(…peter out逐渐减少Blue Peter开船旗,离港旗…rob peter to pay paul借债还钱(借东西还东…
近义词 prick刺shaft柄putz阴茎tool工具pecker会啄的鸟dick家伙cock雄禽

用作名词Peterhas a special affinity for booze.彼得嗜酒。
To this dayPeterwon't eat peas.彼得至今还是不肯吃豌豆。 But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you.
你们可以去告诉他的门徒和彼得说,他在你们以先往加利利去。在那里你们要见他,正如他从前所告诉你们的。 ebigear

The Spider Armor was donned by Peter Parker on only one occasion, probably because it was too heavy!
蜘蛛装甲是彼得帕克仅在一次战斗中所用的,大概是因为它太重了! yeeyan

“ It gets like that of itself,” explained Peter.
“它自己成的这样,”彼得解释。 yeeyan

And, as we have seen, Paul's vision of Christ was opposed to rules and restrictions around food, to the extent that he found himself in conflict with James and Peter on the subject.
而且,正如我们所看到的,保罗的基督观是反对对食物的规矩和限制的,以至于在这个问题上他发现自己与雅各和彼得有冲突。 blog.sina.com.cn

Bob, this is my colleague Peter.
鲍勃,这是我的同事彼得. ebigear

But seeing Peter and Max and the guys come up with ideas and seeing how to make things work gave me a lot of insight.
然而当我看到彼得,麦克斯和那帮家伙想出一个点子,然后看着这个点子做起来了的时候让我领悟了很多东西。 yeeyan

I found Peter kissed by Linda.
我发现彼得被琳达亲吻了。 ebigear

I wish to thank all the players for their support during my time as captain, Peter Taylor, Sven and all the coaches.
在此我要向所有在担任队长期间支持我的队员表示感谢,还有彼得泰勒、斯文埃里克森和所有教练们。 www.xue163.com

In this iteration of the tale, Peter Parker is a pedant with sweaty palms and weak posture.
在对故事的重述中,彼得帕克是一个有着爱出汗的手掌和虚弱姿态的书呆子。 yeeyan

It shows up in almost every one of these places where Paul or Peter or James talks about change, personal change.
但每逢保罗、彼得、或雅各在谈到“个人生命的改变”时,这个单词几乎都会出现。 yeeyan

John and Peter are brothers.
约翰和彼得是兄弟。 ebigear

They decide to meet for lunch and talk about Peter and the problems.
她们决定共进午餐,一起谈谈彼得和这其中的问题。 yeeyan

This iconic photograph by Peter Dombrovskis played an instrumental role in the campaign to prevent the damming of the Franklin river.
彼得多姆波罗斯基的这幅标志性照片在阻止富兰克林河筑坝运动中起到了积极的作用。 yeeyan

With calm discipline Peter’s officers called the infantry and field artillery into a square formation.
带着镇定与纪律,彼得的军官们命令步兵和野战炮兵组成方阵队形。 yeeyan

You know Peter and his secrets.
你知道彼得和他的秘密。 yeeyan

Peter swept into the room, whistling.

Peter, is this your works?
彼得,这是你的作品吗? ebigear

Peter drew him into the argument.

Peter gives two explicit answers in verse38 to what they need—what we need.
彼得给出了两个在38至诗他们需要什么,我们需要明确的答案。 yeeyan

Peter has fainted; this bucket of water should fetch him round.

Peter waters the garden in the morning.




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