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Atl. 基本例句 abbr.=Atlanta;Atlantic Mary Bousted, general secretary of the ATL, said: “ Teachers are struggling under a mountain of cut- and-pasting to spot whether work was the student's own or plagiarism.” 英国教师与讲师协会的秘书长玛丽•鲍思蒂德说:“由于学生抄袭作业的现象很严重,因此老师现在得花很多时间来判断学生的作业是否是抄袭的。” www.chinadaily.com.cn The landslide surge compute model study: Adopt the ATL model technique, develop glide speed compute model, surge compute model and the spread surge compute model. 滑坡涌浪计算模块研究:采用 ATL模型技术,开发滑速计算模块、涌浪计算模块、涌浪传播计算模块。 cnki “ In the' Model- to- Model transformation' area,” Brun said, “ the ATL tooling has been improved a lot, providing better user interfaces and debugging assistance.” “在‘模型到模型转换’领域,” Brun说,“ ATL工具已经改进了很多,提供了更好的用户界面和调试辅助。” ibm Adds ATL support to the new project. 向新项目中添加 ATL支持。 microsoft At OPCClient , MFC and ATL realize the communication between OPCServer and OPCClient with the programming method of single interface and dual interface respectively. 在客户端 MFC和 ATL分别通过单接口和双接口的编程方法实现与 OPC服务器的通信。 cnki Chi's team says inhibiting activity in the left ATL reduces the confusing influence of context, cutting down on visual memory errors. 理查德·池的团队说,抑制左前颞叶的活动可以减少周边信息的干扰影响,降低视觉记忆的错误率。 yeeyan Discusses how to compile existing MFC and ATL programs to target the Common Language Runtime. 讨论如何编译现有的 MFC和 ATL程序,以面向公共语言运行时。 microsoft From my experience, it's always a pain to implement sink interface with MFC wizard. But ATL is much more straightforward and easy to do the same job. 以我的经验,用 MFC向导实现下凹的界面是很难的。但 ATL是完成这一工作的更直接和方便的方式。 osl.bsw.net.cn I'm learning WTL and ATL, since you are the author of WTL and a member of ATL group, can you give me some advice? 我现在正在学习 WTL以及 ATL,既然您是 WTL的作者,同时又是 ATL开发小组中的一员,您能不能给我一些建议呢? haogongju In the end, the thesis gets a conclusion and gives a prospect to the research and realization of the technology in remote fault diagnosis based on ATL. 最后,论文对基于 ATL核心远程设备诊断安全平台技术的研究及实现进行了总结和展望。 cnki In an ATL survey of627 teachers from primary, secondary, sixth form and further education colleges, almost80 per cent said they had students living in poverty. 在一个由小学,中学,六年级和继续教育学院627名教师的 ATL调查中发现将近80%老师说他们有学生过着贫穷的生活。 hxen In this article, I'll consider first the underlying mechanics of containment and aggregation, and then look at the way the ATL supports the two strategies. 在这个项目中,我首先考虑聚合和聚集的基本机制,再看一下用 ATL支持这两种策略的方式。 net Inspired by the iconic hand drawn style of the ATL work, Impossible Story lets users create a totally personalised animation in a matter of seconds. 在 ATL所支取的标志性的手作风的鼓舞下,不可能让用户创建的故事在几秒钟内完全个性化的动画。 movingshop.org Objective Analyzing biological function of ATL, an auto reactive T cell line from lupus-prone mice BXSB to study the feasibility of TCV T cell vaccine in the SLE. 目的探讨自身反应性 T细胞系过继转移对受体小鼠免疫应答的影响,为在 BXSB小鼠探索 T细胞疫苗的可行性奠定基础。 iciba People with autism have lesions on their left ATL, New Scientist reports. 《新科学人》报道说,患有自闭症的人群在他们的左前颞叶具有病变。 yeeyan Script recording will be generic, in that object recognition will be as ATL or HTML objects, not as Siebel objects. 脚本记录将会产生,这样的话对象将作为 ATL或者 HTML对象被识别,而不是 Siebel对象。 ibm See Application Settings, ATL Project Wizard and Basic Mechanics of Attributes for more information. 有关更多信息,请参见 ATL项目向导的应用程序设置和特性的基本机制。 microsoft Solid knowledge in these areas is very beneficial for WTL and ATL developers, and it also helps to understand the source code for both libraries. 在这些领域有着坚实的基础对于 WTL以及 ATL开发人员来说有着很大的好处,同时对于理解这两个的源代码也能够起到帮助作用。 www.360doc.com Solution Explorer or Class View, right-click the name of the project to which you want to add the ATL simple object. “解决方案资源管理器”或类视图中,右击要向其添加 ATL简单对象的项目的名称。 microsoft Some functions and features of an authoring tool for developing instructional software ATL is presented. Its design method and implementation techniques are discussed. 本文简要介绍开发教学软件的写作工具 ATL的主要功能和特点,并对它的设计思想和实现技术进行了讨论。 cnki The team has already shown that low-frequency magnetic pulses can inhibit false memories, also by temporarily inhibiting the left ATL. 这个团队已经研究出,通过低频脉冲磁场来暂时抑制左前颞叶也能抑制虚假记忆。 yeeyan |