

单词 pestered
释义 pes·ter·ed 英'pestəʳ美'pestər COCA⁶³⁰¹⁵BNC⁴⁶⁴⁸⁹Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
vt. 使烦恼;纠缠


annoy persistently;

The children teased the boy because of his stammer

pester power儿童消费力pester someone with something麻烦某人做某事…pester someone to do something麻烦某人做某事…pester the life out of someone没完没了地纠缠某人…pester someone for something麻烦某人做某事…
近义词 dog狗ride骑bait饵bug臭虫badger獾needle针vex使恼怒worry撕咬hound猎狗spite恶意molest骚扰bother烦扰plague瘟疫annoy使恼怒tease揶揄者nag不断唠叨trouble困难torment苦痛disturb扰乱pick on挑选harass使疲乏beleaguer围攻bedevil使痛苦bully欺凌弱小者Hector赫克托①男子名 ②荷马…tantalize以可望而不可即之物逗…
S+ ~+n./pron.The little girl pestered the travellers for money.那个小女孩缠着游客要钱。
用作动词Don'tpesterme with your trivial matters.别拿你那些鸡毛蒜皮的事同我纠缠。as in.troubled
同义词 agitated,anxious,bothered,concerned,confused,distraught,distressed,disturbed,frightened,irritated,pained,plagued,puzzled,scared,tormented,tortured,unsettledaggravated,alarmed,anguished,annoyed,beset,chagrined,discombobulated,disconcerted,displeased,disquieted,exacerbated,flustered,harried,harrowed,inconvenienced,irked,miffed,mortified,perplexed,perturbed,provoked,riled,ruffled,shaken,terrified,upset,vexedafraid,apprehensive,fearful,in a tizzy,overwrought,put out,uneasy,worried stiff
反义词 calm,certain,comforted,content,happy,sure,unconcerned,untroubled,unworried,pleasedat ease,balanced,collected,composed,cool,peaceful,quiet,sane,settled,sound
troubledadjective worried
afraid,aggravated,agitated,alarmed,anguished,annoyed,anxious,apprehensive,beset,bothered,chagrined,concerned,confused,discombobulated,disconcerted,displeased,disquieted,distraught,distressed,disturbed,exacerbated,fearful,flustered,frightened,harried,harrowed,in a tizzy,inconvenienced,irked,irritated,miffed,mortified,overwrought,pained,perplexed,perturbed,plagued,provoked,put out,puzzled,riled,ruffled,scared,shaken,terrified,tormented,tortured,uneasy,unsettled,upset,vexed,worried stiff Critters not caught on camera also pestered the team during their five-year survey, according to FFI's Linkie.
林基说,在五年的调查中,相机镜头未捕捉到的小动物也困扰着这个团队。 yeeyan

Hannah was too young to be reasonable. She pestered her parents about inequity, insisting that she wanted to do something.

The child pestered his mother for money.

The Lord of the Ascendant in the combust way, shows th over the Noverive will be much entangled and pestered with business.
命主星落在焚烧之路,表明盘主易在经商、交易等事务中陷入麻烦和困扰。 ahyg

The Lord of the Ascendant in the combust way, shows that the Native will be much entangled and pestered with business.
命主星落在燃烧之路,表明盘主易在经商、交易等事务中陷入麻烦和困扰。 jinzi

The poor children pestered the travellers for money.

After his painful choice of life, what is hidden is his struggling heart, and what pestered him is the enlightenment of his versa human nature and then back to the humanism.
在周朴园痛苦的人生选择之后,隐藏的是一颗挣扎的心灵,纠缠的是他反人性后寻求回归人性的启示录。 cnki

After reading all your replies, I am sure that you are indeed a learned person. master, I have some problem which pestered me for a very long time.
读过您所有的回复以后,我认为您的确是一个经验丰富的人。大侠,我也有一些长期困惑我的问题。 veryeast

God puts up well with being pestered.
天主能够容忍“纠缠”。 tianzhujiao

Her poor pestered father had to endure her constant interruptions.
她可怜的被纠缠不休的父亲不得不忍受她无休止的打扰。 nciku

I used it, and was very pleased with the results, especially being able to pull up albums and quickly do a slideshow for when friends and family pestered me for photos.
我用过这种方法,并且对结果很满意,尤其是当亲友缠着我要看照片时, 我能提取出相册并快速地放映幻灯片。 yeeyan

I was crazy about the stars, and pestered my father into buying me a telescope.
我对星星着了迷,吵着要我爸爸买一架望远镜。 tdict

LIKE the alumni of a cash- strapped college, ethnic South Asians living abroad are constantly being pestered to fork out a bit for the dear old place.
如同囊中羞涩的大学校友一样,旅居海外的南亚裔族群正逐渐地被迫做出一点牺牲,来维护他们热爱的故土。 ecocn

Occasional morality campaigns have led to suspected homosexuals and cross-dressers being pestered, and may have dented the emirate’s thriving prostitution trade.
时不时的道德游行已经给一些疑似同性恋者和变装癖者带来困扰,并且可能已经对迪拜兴旺发达的卖淫业造成损失。 ecocn.org

Players leaving the stadium had the life pestered out of them by small boys looking for autographs.
正在离开体育馆的运动员被孩子们缠住签名。 hotdic

Relatives have pestered him for years about finding a girl to marry.
他的家人几年来一直在催促他找个姑娘成个家,这让他不胜其烦。 yeeyan

She pestered her parents about inequity, insisting that she wanted to do something.
她纠缠着她的爸爸说那不公平,坚持要做些什么事情。 yeeyan

Stuck in Tokyo, she was pestered by the military police to give up her American citizenship.
困在东京后,她被军警纠缠胁迫,逼她放弃自己的美国国籍。 ecocn

The children pestered the life out of Grandma, asking her to tell them stories.
孩子们死缠住奶奶不放,要她讲故事。 hotdic

The girl pestered her mother for new clothes.

The house is pestered by rats.
这房子被老鼠所扰。 msky365.com

The little girl pestered the travelers for money.
那个小女孩缠着游客要钱。 hjenglish




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