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Pe·sha·war 英pəˈʃɑːwə美pəˈʃɑwɚAHDpə-shäʹwər 高Economist⁹²⁰⁰ 基本英英例句例句 白沙瓦巴基斯坦北部城市
Noun: city in northern Pakistan at the eastern end of the Khyber Pass 名词100% On Tuesday, a bomb exploded outside aPeshawarhotel, causing several casualties.周二,一枚炸弹在白沙瓦一家酒店外爆炸,造成数人伤亡。 Azmat Hayat Khan, vice chancellor at Peshawar University, says the complexity of tribal alliances in both North and South Waziristan makes the Pakistani military's job much more difficult. 哈亚特汗是白沙瓦大学的副校长,他说,南北两方瓦济里斯坦地区复杂的部落联盟使得巴基斯坦军队的工作更加困难。 ebigear Mr. Malik told a news conference in Peshawar Friday that the majority of the militants are foreigners, including nationals from Afghanistan, Central Asia and some Arab countries. 马利克星期五在白沙瓦举行的一个新闻发布会上说,绝大部分激进分子来自外国,包括阿富汗、中亚国家和一些阿拉伯国家。 ebigear Sequenced bomb blasts in Peshawar, in north-west Pakistan, killed at least39 people. 巴基斯坦西北部白沙瓦系列炸弹爆炸造成至少39人死亡。 ecocn “There was an attack on a two- car convoy from the consulate in Peshawar. One car was hit. We are still investigating what actually happened,” said Rodriguez. 罗德里格斯说:“在白沙瓦发生了针对领事馆的两辆护送车队的袭击。其中一辆车被击中。我们还在调查到底发生了什么事。” yeeyan According to this assessment, two decades since its founding in Peshawar, Pakistan, al- Qaeda remains a source of inspiration for certain extremists around the world. 在他的评价中,在二十年前成立于巴基斯坦白沙瓦的基地组织仍是世界各地极端主义者的中心。 yeeyan Also on Wednesday Pakistan’s Taliban detonated a car bomb in a packed market in the north-western city of Peshawar, killing at least87 civilians and injuring at least200. 本周三,巴基斯坦塔利班也在西北部城市白沙瓦的一个人口密集的市场引爆了一枚汽车炸弹,造成至少87位平民死亡,最少200人受伤。 ecocn But the government dispatched paramilitary forces to root out militant strongholds near Peshawar, the capital of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province. 但是,巴基斯坦政府还是派遣了准军事部队去消灭西北边境省首府白沙瓦附近的激进组织据点。 ebigear Crowds of Pakistanis swarm together in a camp at the Government College of Technology in Nowshera,40 kilometers east Peshawar. 在白沙瓦以东40公里的瑙谢拉市,一群巴基斯坦人挤在政府科技大学内的救援营地。 voanews Goodson says a threat to the Khyber Agency and Peshawar was too much for Pakistan to abide. 古德森说,巴基斯坦不能忍受开伯尔部落特区和白沙瓦存在的威胁。 ebigear Hundreds of homes, bridges and roadways have been destroyed in the province, including the areas of Peshawar, Swat Valley and the Charsadda district. 洪水冲毁了该省数百座房屋、桥梁和道路,其中包括白沙瓦、斯瓦特山谷和查沙达地区。 eol In my early youth I had conceived a fancy to journey along the Grand Trunk Road, right up to Peshawar, in a bullock cart. 在我很年轻的时候,我曾怀有这样的梦想:坐牛车沿着大干路到白沙瓦去旅行。 yeeyan In times of crisis, people want to hear what's happening down the road, not what's happening in Peshawar, Islamabad, Mumbaiformerly Bombay, or Washington. “在危机时期,人们想要听到路边发生了什么事情,而不是白沙瓦、伊斯兰堡、孟买或是华盛顿发生了什么”。 yeeyan In two bloody weeks more than250 people have died in suicide- attacks in Peshawar, Islamabad and Lahore. 在这泛着血腥的两周内,有来自白沙瓦,伊斯兰堡和拉合尔,共计超过250人丧命于自杀式袭击。 topsage Militants in both areas have since fought Pakistani forces inside their respective tribal zones, and have also carried out attacks in the cities of Peshawar, Charsadda and Mardan. 这两个地区的武装分子各自在部落地区与巴基斯坦部队作战,还进行对白沙瓦,查沙达和马丹等城市的攻击。 yeeyan More than100 people were killed by a car bomb in a crowded market area in Peshawar, capital of Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province. 巴基斯坦西北部边境省省会白沙瓦的闹市发生了一起汽车炸弹事件,造成超过100人死亡。 ecocn Nato supply trucks and fuel tankers bound for Afghanistan were stopped at the town of Jamrud, near the city of Peshawar, just hours after the raid, officials in the country said. 巴基斯坦官员称,在袭击发生后数小时,他们就把北约前往阿富汗的油料和其它补给品车队目前截停在白沙瓦附近的贾姆若德。 yeeyan Officials say no one was injured in the early Wednesday attacks in Bara, a town about20 kilometers south of Peshawar. 官员说,星期三早晨在白沙瓦以南约20公里处的巴拉镇发生的袭击没有造成人员伤亡。 iciba On Tuesday the U.S. reopened its embassy in Islamabad and its consulate in Karachi, but consulates in Peshawar and Lahore remain closed due to security concerns. 星期二,美国重新开放其在伊斯兰堡的使馆和在卡拉奇的领事馆,但是白沙瓦和拉合尔市的领事馆出于安全顾虑仍然关闭。 voanews On the day of his dinner in Lahore, Mr Holbrooke had also visited Peshawar— and a member of NWFP’s government had been killed there by a roadside bomb. 在拉合尔吃晚餐那天,霍尔布鲁克还同样到访了白沙瓦— 当天还有一名西北边境省政府成员被一起路边的爆炸炸死。 ecocn Residents say that paramilitary soldiers have set up bunkers in areas of Peshawar close to the scene of military action and patrolled the streets in vehicles mounted with machine guns. 当地居民说,准军事人员在白沙瓦靠近清剿敌人军事行动的地带构筑了掩体,并乘坐车辆巡逻街道,车辆上配有机关枪。 ebigear Some people going to Mardan, some are going to Peshawar. 一些人前往马尔丹,一些人去白沙瓦。 ebigear The police chief says security forces are focusing on the town of Bara, which borders Peshawar. 警察总监说,安全部队正集中清剿靠近白沙瓦的巴拉镇。 ebigear The American officials who drove to the capital Islamabad on Friday said they had been told to leave because of fears of kidnapping in Peshawar of American officials this week. 周五驱车前往首都伊斯兰堡的美国官员说她们被告知离开是因为担忧这周在白沙瓦的美国官员被绑架。 yeeyan The violence also intensified in Pakistan, with the most savage terrorist assaults carried out in Peshawar, capital of the North-West Frontier Province. 巴基斯坦境内的暴力活动也在加剧,残暴恐怖分子发动的大部分袭击发生在巴基斯坦西北部边境省首府白沙瓦地区。 ecocn There, he joined forces with Bin Laden, and together they founded al- Qaida in Peshawar in1988. 在那里他遇到了本·拉登,1988年在白沙瓦,他们一起创立基地组织。 yeeyan These groups have also carried out rocket attacks and bombings inside Peshawar city, the capital of NWFP. 这些团伙还实施了对白沙瓦市-西北前线省首府-的火箭攻击和爆炸。 yeeyan This week it struck back at militants harassing security forces around NWFP’s capital, Peshawar. 本周,他们对 NWFP首府白沙瓦附近骚扰安全部队的武装分子进行了反击。 ecocn Two Afghan diplomats and one Iranian were recently abducted in Peshawar; the American consul was lucky to survive a murder attempt there last year. 两名阿富汗外交官和一名伊朗人最近在白沙瓦遭绑架,美国领事去年在此幸运地躲过了一劫。 ecocn UN refugee spokesman, Ron Redmond, says the supplies will be taken immediately to UNHCR's warehouse in Peshawar, the capital of the North West Frontier Province. 联合国难民署的发言人罗恩·莱德蒙说,这些物资将立即送往难民总署在西北边境省首府白沙瓦的库房。 iciba |