释义 |
Pesci ˈpeski 高 基本例句 佩希¹⁰⁰ On screen there is obviously Jake LaMotta and his brother and then you have the combination of DeNiro andPesciworking together.荧幕上显然是拉莫塔和他兄弟,德尼罗和派西一起合作。 The other brilliant performance, of course, comes from the then little known actor, by the name of JoePesci, as LaMotta's brother, Joey.稍后小有名气并且出演了拉莫塔兄弟乔依的乔派西在剧中也有不错表现。 I figliuoli di Senaa costruirono la porta de’Pesci, ne fecero l’intelaiatura, e vi posero le imposte, le serrature e le sbarre.哈西拿的子孙建造鱼门,他们安置横梁,装上门扇、门插和门闩。 PesciJoe乔·佩希 |