

单词 pervaded
释义 per·vade·d 英pə'veɪd美pər'veɪd COCA⁴⁵⁴²⁰BNC³⁴⁶⁴⁷Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
spread or diffuse through;

An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration

music penetrated the entire building

His campaign was riddled with accusations and personal attacks

近义词 fill装满thread线riddle谜imbue灌输infuse注入occupy占用diffuse扩散overrun超越permeate弥漫suffuse遍布 …transfuse移注penetrate渗透saturate使浸透pass through穿过interpenetrate渗透infiltrate使渗透

用作及物动词The smell of baked apple piespervadedthe house.房子里弥漫着烤苹果馅饼的香味。
We are allpervadedwith a sense of disaster.我们普遍有大祸降临的感觉。
Her work ispervadedby nostalgia for a past age.她的作品充满了怀旧之情。
Revolutionary ideaspervadedthe whole land.革命思想遍及全国。
A strong sense of patriotismpervadedhis writings.一种强烈的爱国主义感情渗透在他的作品中。 A spirit of hopelessness pervaded the refugee camp.
绝望的情绪笼罩着难民营。 chinabaike

An atmosphere of hedonism pervaded the house;
他们家弥漫着享乐主义的氛围; yeeyan

An aura of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters.
失败的氛围笼罩着候选者总部。 douban

At the same time I am free to recognise that the writings of that period were pervaded with an enthusiasm the value of which cannot be small.
同时我也可以直率地承认我那时期的作品,充满着一腔热情,而这热情的价值决不是细微的。 yeeyan

By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them.
我以未展示的形体,遍透整个宇宙。众生尽在我中,我却不在他们中。 blog.sina.com.cn

One great advantage which I enjoyed in my younger days was the literary and artistic atmosphere which pervaded our house.
我年轻的时候有个让我欢喜的很大优势,就是我们家里无处不在的文学艺术气氛。 yeeyan

The Higgs field is thought to have pervaded the void ever since a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang.
人们认为希格斯场在大爆炸之后的一万亿分之一秒的时候就遍布了宇宙空间的各个角落,直到现在这一刻依然是这样。 ecocn

A deep hush pervaded the Abbey.
深沉的寂静遍布了整个大教堂。 kuenglish

A half moon hung in the sky before nightfall, and the air was pervaded with the fragrance of dusk.
半园月挂在天空,夜还没有降临,空气里带着黄昏的香味。 jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn

An uncomfortable question pervaded the art-filled rooms: how do contemporary art and democracy connect?
一个让人不快的问题弥漫在了这些充满艺术氛围的展览室里:怎样把当代艺术和民主结合起来? ecocn

As to the trading process, electronic trading has pervaded in the pre- and post- trade information dissemination, order transmission and execution, settlements, etc.
从证券交易过程来看,电子交易已渗透至交易信息披露、指令传递与指令执行、清算交割等环节。 cnki

Colors and radiances surrounded him and bathed him and pervaded him.
斑斓的色彩和光芒包围了他,沐浴着他,浸透了他。 ebigear

For most people in the world, though, the worry is not that corruption may slow down their country's GDP growth. It is that their daily lives are pervaded by endless hassles, big and small.
可是,对全世界大多数人来说,忧虑并非在于腐败有可能减慢本国的 GDP增长,而在于他们的日常生活到处是大大小小的无穷无尽的困扰。 ecocn

His“ philosophy” is extreme and pervaded with hate, but we must admit that many of his views and arguments are not obscure nonsense in the mind of a freak.
他的“人生哲学”极端且充满了仇恨,但我们必须承认,他的许多观点与理论都不是令人难以理解的疯言疯语。 blog.sina.com.cn

I discovered an Irish imagination, imbued with a complexity of poetry, politics, humor, and history, which pervaded the works they performed on the stage.
我发现爱尔兰人的想象力是把诗,政治,幽默和历史融合在一起的,贯穿于他们的表演当中。 www.usastudy.com.cn

Liquidation must be conducted on the educational ideology that has pervaded for over a century.
百年来的教师教育思想应该进行认真的清理。 cnki

Nevertheless, a feeling of normality prevailed and pervaded all vision.
不过,一种恢复正常的感觉占据了上风,弥漫了所有景象。 yeeyan

Plastic waste has pervaded every nook and cranny of the country but it may take some time for the street cleaners and rubbish collectors to follow.
塑胶废料普遍存在的每一个角落和缝隙,但该国可能需要一些时间,街道清洁工和垃圾收集遵循。 blog.sina.com.cn

Raphael so pervaded mid- nineteenth century taste that almost anyone who tried to draw was imitating him, often at several removes.
拉斐尔风格在十九世纪中期是如此流行,以至于每个学画的人都要模仿他,甚至是模仿的模仿. cnblogs

Since independence, instability has pervaded the political climate.
独立后的政坛笼罩着不安定的气氛。 yeeyan

Song poetry in the luxury cruise on the interior or exterior, pervaded the Italian romance.
歌诗达的豪华邮轮无论在外观还是内部装潢上,都弥漫着意大利的浪漫气息。 qglyw.com

This has prevented the kind of panic that pervaded Wall Street in 2008.
这政策避免了像2008年华尔街一样的恐慌。 yeeyan




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