

单词 personalise
释义 personalise 英'pə:sənəlaiz美'pə:sənəlaiz 高ICOCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺BNC⁶⁴⁰⁹⁶iWeb²⁰⁹⁸¹
make personal or more personal;

personalized service

person-al…的-ise表动词⇒vt.使个人化⁵⁰;拟人化⁵⁰=personalize美.近义词 personalize个人化individualise赋予个性individualize使具有个性反义词 depersonalise =depers…
Let's notpersonalisethis argument.让我们不要把这场争端搞成针对个人。 The outfit has started to personalise some of its sites, meaning that different users will see different deals depending on things like age, sex and interests.
因此团宝网便开始将一些网站个人化,即不同的用户将会根据年龄、性别、爱好等信息看到不同的交易。 ecocn

The length of the dangling elements is adjustable, so you can personalise the necklace according to your taste!
悬挂饰链的长度可以调节,根据你自己的喜好来打造你的项链。 cnshop7

A jewel- coloured scarf, an iridescent silk blouse, a neon pump, some understated yet fabulous jewellery; Italians prefer to personalise with details.
一条宝石颜色的围巾、一件彩虹色的丝绸罩衫、一双亮色浅口鞋、几样低调却奢华的珠宝,意大利人喜欢在细节处体现个人风格。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

But it will be a question of how many people are satisfied with a black bumper on their phone versus how many people want to personalise it.
纽曼先生说,“但有多少人会对黑色的保护套满意,有多少人想让他们的保护套有个性,这将会是个问题。” yeeyan

First, it needs to personalise what it offers, rather like online shopping services which record customers' preferences, making their next visit easier.
首先,应该提供个性化服务,就像在线商店那样记录顾客的信息参数,使得他们的下一次登录更加容易; ecocn

His observations chime with a trend in British classrooms to cut back on traditional teaching and to personalise learning.
他的观察与英国课堂的趋势一致,就是缩减传统教育,开始个性化的学习。 yeeyan

I hate those irresponsible generalizations! And you are so prone to personalise them. Without causality there will be no order; nor purposeful action will be possible.
我恨那些不负责任的统称!而您这样倾向将他们个人化。没有因果关系将没有秩序;也不可能有意义的行动。 siteground187.com

If women there keep phones in a pouch and decorate them with stickers and straps, that has nothing to do with economics, but reflects the urge to personalise the handset.
如果日本女士将手机放在袋子里,并在手机上用贴纸和不干胶带进行装饰,这并非出于任何经济方面的考虑,而是反映了让自己手机与众不同的需要。 blog.sina.com.cn

In some ways, Mr Sarkozy is a prisoner of his own impulsiveness, as well as of his tendency to over- personalise diplomatic relations.
从某种程度上说,萨科齐不过是受到自己冲动个性所驱,这在他那个性化的处理外交事务中得以明证。 ecocn

The market knowledge of service providers and their willingness to keep on developing new portfolio elements allow clients to increasingly personalise and improve their communications with customers.
服务供应商具备丰富的市场知识,并不断地开发盈利项目,使得印刷客户可以更加个性化,其与顾客的沟通也更有效。 yeeyan

They love to customise and personalise.
他们喜欢定制化和个性化。 topsage

They love to customise and personalise. They scrutinise everything.
他们热衷用户化、个人化,喜欢推敲每一件事情。 ecocn

Using templates you can personalise and customise each message in no time.

When you start the letter, try to personalise it by finding out the name of the person to write to.
在开始写信时,尽可能找出收信人的信息。 hjenglish

When you sign up, you adopt an animated penguin to chat to friends, play games, explore, collect coins and even personalise your very own igloo.
当你注册后,你就会领养一直动画企鹅,与朋友聊天,玩游戏,探索,收集硬币,甚至个性化你自己的圆顶冰屋。 yeeyan

With just a computer and Internet browser and no specialist skills, customers can design and personalise templates.
只需一台电脑和网络浏览器,而无需专业的技能,客户就可以设计出个性化的印刷活件。 yeeyan

Personalise the story with your friends and family to get great gift recommendations.
个性化与您的朋友和家人的故事,让伟大的礼物建议。 movingshop.org

'It's one of the first examples of being able to personalise cancer medicine and tailor treatment for the individual patient, ' he adds.
“在第一批对病人个性化使用肿瘤药物和治疗中,这是其中的一个例子。”他补充说。 dxy




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