

单词 personage
释义 per·son·age 英ˈpɜːsənɪdʒ美ˈpɝsənɪdʒAHDpûrʹsə-nĭj ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八COCA³²⁶¹⁵BNC³⁸⁵⁸⁵iWeb²⁵⁹¹⁰Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

another word for person; a person not meriting identification;

a strange personage appeared at the door

a person whose actions and opinions strongly influence the course of events来自古法语,源自拉丁语,和单词person个人一样都派生自拉丁语名词persona面具,人物角色,常特指大人物、要人、名人。钱博士person人-age集合/活动/动作名词后缀→人物角色⇒大人物,要人,名人
person + age 上了年纪的人→名人
GRE难词记忆personage→person n.人-age集合/活动/动作→人物词根记忆person人+ age ⇒名人近义词 star星VIP贵宾soul灵魂hero英雄grandee大公somebody某人celebrity名人notable显著的heroine女英雄worthy有价值的dignitary高贵的人important person要人public figure公众人物

用作名词He is fast becoming apersonage.他很快成为名人。
Gradually he was becoming quite apersonage.他逐渐变成了一个相当重要的人物。
He was a great and historicalpersonage.他是一位伟大的历史人物。
He played thepersonageof Hamlet in the play.他在这个剧中扮演哈姆雷特。noun.individual
同义词 celebrity,dignitaryVIP,being,bigwig,heavyweight,magnate,notable,tycoon
反义词 nobody,nonentity
beingnoun animate object
animal,beast,body,conscious thing,creature,entity,human,human being,individual,living thing,mortal,organism,person,soul,thing
big shotnoun very important person
VIP,big cat,big cheese,big fish,big gun,big kahuna,big man on campus,big wheel,bigwig,celebrity,dignitary,fat cat,head honcho,heavy-hitter,heavyweight,high man on the totem pole,high-muck-a-muck,important person,influential person,mogul,muck-a-muck,nabob,notability,notable,personage,somebody,someone,star,wheeler-dealer
bodynoun human being
celebritiesnoun dignitary
VIPS,aces,big cheeses,big deals,big guns,big names,big shots,big stuffs,bigwigs,celebs,cynosures,famous persons,figures,heavyweights,heroes,hotshots,immortals,lions,luminaries,magnates,mahatmas,major leaguers,names,notables,personages,personalities,somebodies,someones,stars,superstars,the cheeses,worthies
celebritynoun dignitary
VIP,ace,big cheese,big deal,big gun,big name,big shot,big stuff,bigwig,celeb,cynosure,famous person,figure,heavyweight,hero,hotshot,immortal,lion,luminary,magnate,mahatma,major leaguer,name,notable,personage,personality,somebody,someone,star,superstar,the cheese,worthy
creaturenoun being, beast
animal,body,brute,creation,critter,fellow,individual,living being,living thing,lower animal,man,mortal,party,person,personage,quadruped,soul,varmint,woman In fact, a new personage had entered on the scene.
确实,一个新脚色登上了舞台。 ebigear

The features of that tall fair personage shone with such a striking radiance that I could not contain my curiosity about him-- he was the only one there whose name I felt concerned to know that day.
他魁伟白皙的容貌,焕发出一种引人注目的光彩,我禁不住对他产生好奇心---他是那天我唯一一心想要知道姓名的人。 yeeyan

The main body of private right in the opening of government information includes three types: government staff, public personage and ordinary citizen.
政府信息公开中的隐私权主体可以分成国家机关工作人员、公众人物和普通公民等三种类型。 cnki

A new personage, the Brazilian multinational, has appeared.
一个新的明星,巴西的跨国企业已经出现了。 ecocn

Although living in different era, they share some common characteristics in personage portrait, and mind description and etc.
他们虽然生活在不同时代,但在人物肖像、心理刻划等方面有着同中见异的特点。 cnki

And Washington truly “ranks as the most famously elusive figure in American history, a remote, enigmatic personage more revered than truly loved.”
而且“华盛顿总统可以被认为是美国历史中最神秘、最难懂、离我们最遥远、一个我们心中尊敬比热爱要多的一个人物”。 yeeyan

Any historical phenomenon or historical incident, historical personage, we can know from different angles.
任何一个历史现象或历史事件、历史人物,都可以从不同的角度去认识。 cnki

Architecture art influence personage language, thought and life, express humanity thought for novel, object to religion oppression and play an important role.
建筑艺术影响了人物语言,思想和生活,对于小说表达人道思想,反对宗教压迫起到重要作用。 cnki

Galileo is the only contemporary personage, the only seventeenth- century figure, even so much as mentioned in Paradise Lost.

Gong Zizhen hoped to enlighten the personality of the contemporary intellectuals through his personage's prose in order to cultivate talents in social criticism and social improvement.
龚自珍想通过自己的人物散文对同时代的知识分子进行人格启蒙,以期培养社会批判和社会改良人材。 cnki

Hugo pays more attention to art, as personage of cultural circles, architecture art becomes one of the artistic classes that Hugo likes, and writes it in the literary works.
雨果作为文化界的人士对艺术十分关注,建筑艺术成为雨果所喜爱的艺术门类之一,并表现在文学作品中。 cnki

I went not into the forest to seek a potentate; neither do I, at any future time, design a visit thither, with a view to gaining the favour of such personage.
我到树林里去,绝不是去找什么有权势的人,而且在将来的任何时刻,我也没有去那儿拜访、谋求这样一个人欢心的意图。 hjenglish

If omit the personage, the crown on the head remains shining.
如果将人物删除,那头顶上的光环依旧。 fangce

Jade above, if the earth after tabled question concerned personage, not the“ state, ” the social just went haywire?
玉览上文后,如果地球有关人士提出问题,没了“国家”,那社会不就大乱了吗? blog.sina.com.cn

One personage, whose name has remained unknown, announced that at a given hour two overseers who had been won over, would throw open the doors of a factory of arms to the people.
一个没有暴露姓名的人传播消息说,到了一定时候有两个被争取过来的工头,会把一个武器工厂的大门向人民开放。 ebigear

Or contemporary great personage because of had by it greatness, influence and control other thought and will of people in history.
历史上或当代的伟大人物因其所具有的伟大,而影响和控制了其他人的思想和意志。 iask.sina.com.cn

Professional personage looked even would vomit.
专业人士看了甚至会吐。 dfftv

Puss in Boots was made major-domo and wore the most beautiful clothes, and became so great a personage that he would not even think of looking at a mouse!
穿靴子的猫被封为多莫少将,穿上了最漂亮的衣服。他成了大人物,甚至于不再想着去捉老鼠了。 yeeyan

The opinion usually often emphasizes between both's difference, even links two big schools of thought representative personage Musgrave and Buchanan proposed the similar viewpoint.
通常的见解往往强调两者之间的分歧,甚至连两大学派的代表人物马斯格雷夫和布坎南都提出了类似的观点。 fw789

This equipment reasonable unique pipeline disposition, perfect maturation various kill bacterium technology, is been by food circle personage reputation21 century most ideal kill bacterium equipment.
本设备合理独特的管道配置,完善成熟的多种杀菌工艺,被食品界人士誉为21世纪最理想的杀菌设备。 vlongbiz

What they have in common are impressive drawings, great consistent color and overall design, and mostly good general idea of the characters and their personage.
这些图片的共性就是色彩协调、设计协调、绘制精彩,最大的优点是人物鲜明的性格色彩。 yeeyan

Personage and professional personnel of high management layer, the art fields in the business enterprise.
企业中高管理层、艺术界人士及专业人员。 iciba




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