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词汇 Persians
释义 Persians ˈpə:ʃənz COCA³³⁷⁰³BNC³²⁵⁵⁸
n.波斯,波斯人原型persian的复数 All of this commotion was too much for the emperor, Justinian, who had just raised taxes quite a bit and was dealing with negotiating peace with the neighboring Persians to the east.
这些暴乱的发生对于查士丁尼皇帝来说过于棘手,他刚刚提高了一些税率,并正在与东面的邻国波斯进行和平谈判。 yeeyan

Having thus charged him and sent these away to the land of the Persians, he crossed over the river both himself and his army.
这样嘱咐好,并把他们送往波斯人的土地之后,他本人率领他的军队过了河。 yeeyan

In the fourth century, women in the Western world wore pants, which they adapted from the Persians.
四世纪时,西方世界的女人穿裤子。她们取自的是波斯人。 yeeyan

In the ninth century an estimated10,000 foreign traders and merchants, many of them Arabs and Persians, lived in Guangzhou.
据估计,9世纪约有10000外国商人住在广州,其中很多都是阿拉伯人和波斯人。 yeeyan

The Greeks won despite their numerical disadvantage and supposedly6,400 Persians were slaughtered while only192 Greeks died.
最终,数量上处于劣势的希腊人赢得了这场战争。 据推测,大概有6400波斯人阵亡,而希腊方面只损失了192人。 yeeyan

The Muslim majority of the region includes Arabs, Persians, and Kurds, all of whom speak different languages.
占据着中东地区大部分的穆斯林包括阿拉伯人、波斯人以及库尔德人,这些人都说着不同的语言。 yeeyan

The Persians celebrate their victory, but during the celebration Prince Dastan is held as the perpetrator of his father's murder.
战争胜利,波斯举国庆祝,达斯坦却被暗算,成了谋杀父亲也就是波斯国王的凶手。 eol

“The Persians” 472 BCE is his next known work, and concerns the wars between Greece and Persia.
《波斯人》西元前472年是他另一部已知的作品,其讲述了希腊与波斯之间的战争。 yeeyan

After the Persians it was Alexander the Great's turn.
继波斯帝国之后,阿富汗的统治者是亚历山大大帝。 yeeyan

After Oman’s development in the3rd century BC, the Persians developed an empire in the4th century BC which lasted until the7th century AD.
经过公元前3世纪的发展,波斯人在公元前4世纪建立了一个王国,一直持续到公元7世纪。 ebigear

After defeating the Persians again, he pushed his army all the way to the Indus River in India, to the western part of what's now India, and what was then called India also by Greeks.

Alexander the Great never lost a battle, not to the Persians or to anyone else.
伟大的亚力山大从未打过败仗,无论是对波斯还是其他的战争。 yeeyan

Although the Arabs and the Persians are known to Westerners primarily as desert peoples, they have also been great seafarers.
虽然最初西方人认为阿拉伯人和波斯人生活在沙漠里但他们也曾经是出色的海员。 yeeyan

Both sides used cavalry, but Alexander defeated the Persians again and took their city of Babylon.
双方都使用骑兵,但是亚历山大又一次击败了波斯,并占有了他们的城市巴比伦。 yeeyan

By that time the city had been fought over by Babylonians, Israelites, Jews, Philistines, Jebusites, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Macedonians, Maccabees, Romans and Herod and his descendants.
那时的耶城已是人皆夺之,巴比伦人、古以色列人、犹太人、菲律宾人、耶布斯人、亚述人、波斯人、希腊人、马其顿人、马卡比人、罗马人以及希律王和他的后裔都为在不断争抢这片土地。 ecocn

Domination by Persians, Arabs, and Turks was followed by a Georgian golden age11th to the13th centuries that was cut short by the Mongol invasion of1236.
经历了波斯人、阿拉伯人和突厥人的统治后,克鲁吉亚人的黄金时代大约11世纪到13世纪在1236年被蒙古人的入侵打断。 ebigear

He thought the Iranians were right to see300's depiction of the Persians as“an example of cultural denigration”.
他觉得伊朗人肯定把《300勇士》一片中对波斯人的描绘看作“文化毁谤的典型”。 yeeyan

Historically Azerbaijan has been occupied by a variety of peoples, including Armenians, Persians, Romans, Arabs, Turks, Mongols, Greek Empire, British and Russians.
历史上阿塞拜疆被多个不同的民族占领过,包括亚美尼亚人,波斯人,罗马人阿拉伯人,土耳其人,蒙古人,希腊帝国,英国和俄国人。 ebigear

In the Arab world, and among Persians too, they receive notably little sympathy.
在阿拉伯世界和波斯世界里,他们极少得到人们的同情。 ecocn

Indeed, the Sunnis of the Arab world are becoming increasingly twitchy about what they perceive as a rising Shia challenge, by Arab Shias in Iraq as well as by Persians, to their long-time hegemony.
事实上,阿拉伯世界的逊尼派 Sunnis正因为伊拉克的什叶派 Shias以及波斯人 Persians,此处指伊朗——译注对其长期以来的领导权的不断挑战而变得日益紧张不安。 ecocn

It is unlikely that Hamas and its Sunni Arab leaders are— as John Bolton, the American ambassador to the UN, claims— a proxy for the Shia Persians who dominate Iran.
哈马斯和它的逊尼派阿拉伯领导人不太可能——像美国驻联合国大使约翰-伯尔顿所称的——是掌控着伊朗的什叶派波斯人的傀儡。 ecocn

The ancient Persians believed all gods wore white.
古代波斯人认为诸神均着白色。 yeeyan

The Assyrians, Persians, Greeks and Romans all grabbed it.
亚述、波斯、希腊和罗马人都曾占有过这块土地。 ecocn

Then there are the Shabaks, who claim descent from Persians and follow various brands of religion, including Islam.
然后是 Shabak人,自称是波斯人的后裔,信奉各种各样的宗教,包括伊斯兰教。 ecocn

There were ethnic Russian, plus darker skinned Turks and Persians; but most common were the oval, Mongolian features of the ancestors of Genghis Khan.
有俄罗斯族裔,加上肤色较深的土耳其人和波斯人,但是最常见的是椭圆形脸,带有蒙古族特点,他们的祖先是成吉思汗。 yeeyan

Persians, or Iranians as they’re called today, have been at odds with both the West and neighboring Asians since antiquity— and over the same recurring issues of freedom versus autocracy.
波斯人,或今天我们称的伊朗人,自古以来就在反复出现的自由和专制对抗问题上与西方和亚洲邻国有着不同的看法。 yeeyan




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