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词汇 Persian Gulf
释义 A·ra·bi·an Gulf 英əˈreɪbiːən美əˈrebiənAHDə-rāʹbē-ən 
a shallow arm of the Arabian Sea between Iran and the Arabian peninsula; the Persian Gulf oil fields are among the most productive in the worldPersian Gulf syndrome波斯湾综合症…
近义词 Arabian Gulf波斯湾,阿拉伯湾…
用作名词Oil prices have shot up because of the Gulf crisis.由于波斯湾危机,油价已经急速上涨。
The oil slick in thePersian Gulfseriously threatened the marine life around the sea.波斯湾的油泄漏严重威胁了附近海域的海洋生物。 Besides a wealth of marine life, the sea is believed to be rich in oil and gas: the “ next Persian Gulf” in the words of one excited observer.

The rise of the Arab states of the Persian Gulf is a now- familiar tale.
位于波斯湾地区的阿拉伯国家崛起已是人们耳熟能详的故事。 yeeyan

The tiny island kingdom produces little oil but is of vital strategic importance in the Persian Gulf, a seaway that carries 18% of the world’s oil.
巴林一个小小岛国几乎不产石油,但作为控制着世界18%石油量的海道,却在波斯湾有着重要的战略影响力。 ecocn

This time round the show was the12- day public humiliation of British sailors and marines who were captured by the Revolutionary Guards in the Persian Gulf and were due to be released on April4th.
时过境迁,片子里的主人公如今换成了英国水兵和海军陆战队士兵。他们先前在波斯湾被伊朗革命卫队俘虏,随后遭到12天的公开羞辱。预计他们将于4月4日获释。 ecocn

A veteran of developing markets in scores of countries, he says the only comparable growth potential he has seen has been in the Persian Gulf oil states.
他是一名在数十个国家发展市场的高手,他说只有在波斯湾的石油国家中见到过拥有可以和蒙古相媲美的发展潜力。 yeeyan

After retirement, he became a broker between the farmers and customers in the Persian Gulf.
在他退休后,他就成为波斯湾地区农民和顾客的经纪人。 yeeyan

But neither China nor the U. S. is driving the land scramble: Saudi Arabia and its neighbors are. The Persian Gulf's water reserves are diminishing, and in30 years they may be kaput.
但无论中国还是美国都没有将置土地作为投机者抢夺的对象:而对于沙特阿拉伯和它的邻国,波斯湾的水源储备正逐渐减少,30年之后或许就不复存在。 yeeyan

By2007 it had jumped the Persian Gulf into Iran.
到2007年,它已经越过波斯湾进入伊朗。 yeeyan

Dolphins most recently were deployed in the Iraq war, performing mine detection and clearance operations in the Persian Gulf to ensure safe passage for humanitarian ships delivering aid.
最近,海豚被调动至伊拉克战场上,进行矿藏探测和波斯湾海域障碍扫除工作,以保证人道主义支援的船只可安全通过。 kekenet

Egypt is an oil importer, but acts as a vital conduit between the huge oilfields in the Persian Gulf and markets in Europe, via the Suez Canal and through the SUMED pipeline.
埃及是个石油进口国,但它却是连接起波斯湾大量油田和欧洲市场的关键运油通道,此通道途经苏伊士运河和苏麦德石油管道。 ecocn

Followers in the West and on the Arab side of the Persian Gulf, as well as in Lebanon, generously funded his charities.
西方和波斯湾阿拉伯地区的追随者们,如同黎巴嫩人一样,都慷慨的资助他的慈善事业。 ecocn

India, Russia, China, and Persian Gulf countries are all accumulating gold.
印度,俄罗斯,以及波斯湾国家都在囤积黄金。 yeeyan

India imports four-fifths of its oil, mostly from the Persian Gulf, plus liquefied natural gas from Qatar and Indonesia.
印度五分之四的石油需要进口,主要来自波斯湾,它还从卡塔尔和印尼进口液化天然气。 topsage

Iran may declare that its objective is to chase America from the Persian Gulf, but it is Iranian recalcitrance that prompts its neighbours to host American bases and spend lavishly on American arms.
伊朗可能宣布它的目标是将美国从波斯湾驱逐出去,但正是伊朗的桀骜不驯促使其邻国在自己的领土上接纳美军基地和大把花钱采购美国的武器。 ecocn

Iraq is situated in Middle East, bordering the Persian Gulf, between Iran and Kuwait.
伊拉克位于中东,毗邻波斯湾,处于伊朗和科威特之间。 ebigear

Many were co- opted by their governments or Persian Gulf oil money or forced into exile, where they lost touch with the lived reality of their societies.
许多人要么被政府或是波斯湾石油公司指派工作,要么被驱逐流放,与他们生活的现实社群失去联系。 yeeyan

Methane from the bottom of the Persian Gulf is part- combusted and filtered in a spaghetti- like tangle of steel pipes.
来自波斯湾底部的甲烷气体在未完全燃烧后,经过那些像意大利面缠绕在一起的钢管来进行过滤。 ecocn

Modest improvements in auto fuel efficiency could save as much oil as we import annually from the Persian Gulf.
汽车燃油效率适度的改进节省的原油多达我们一年从波斯湾进口的总量。 yeeyan

Perhaps these were gifts for a royal wedding in the Persian Gulf—a bride's treasure of the sort rarely seen outside of China.
或许这是送给波斯湾一个皇族的婚礼的礼物——因为只有在中国才能看到这样的新娘嫁妆。 yeeyan

President Nicolas Sarkozy opened France’s first military facilities in the Persian Gulf as part of a realignment of its overseas bases.
法国总统尼克拉•萨科齐在波斯湾启动了法国第一批军事设施,这作为他重新调整海外军事基地的一部分。 ecocn

Rather than inspiring the Persian Gulf’s more authoritarian monarchies to reform, its46- year-old experiment with limited democracy has often seemed a model to be avoided.
令人振奋的不是波斯湾更加专制的君主政体的改革,而是46年来有限的民主实验证明这似乎是一个可以避免的模式罢了。 yeeyan

Shortly after the invasion of Iraq, teams of minesweeping dolphins cleared the approaches to Iraqi ports in the Persian Gulf, allowing ships with humanitarian aid to reach the Iraqi city of Basra.
在入侵伊拉克不久之后,一群扫雷海豚清理了靠近波斯湾的伊拉克港口,从而使人道主义援助船能够到达伊拉克城市巴士拉。 yeeyan

The US ultimately established a massive military presence in the Persian Gulf and most, himself included, expected this to be bullish for gold, said Christian.
美国最终在波斯湾地区开展了大规模军事行动,和大部分人一样,包括他自己在内都认为此次事件对黄金应该产生利好。 yeeyan

Yemen also overlooks a maritime“ choke- point,” a narrow passage like the Strait of Hormuz at the tip of the Persian Gulf.
也门还是通往海上的“咽喉”要道---这与波斯湾角上的霍尔木兹海峡的狭长海道有点类似。 yeeyan




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