

单词 Persia
释义 Per·sia 英ˈpɜːʒə, -ʃə美ˈpɝʒə, -ʃəAHDpûrʹzhə, -shə 高Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

an empire in southern Asia created by Cyrus the Great in the 6th century BC and destroyed by Alexander the Great in the 4th century BCa theocratic Islamic republic in the Middle East in western Asia; Iran was the core of the ancient empire that was known as Persia until 1935; rich in oil近义词 Iran伊朗Persian Empire波斯帝国Islamic Republic of Iran伊朗

Any of the western Iranian dialects or languages of ancient or medievalPersiaand modern Iran.波斯语伊朗西部的方言,或古代或中世纪波斯和现代伊朗的语言
Greek culture penetratedPersiathrough the medium of the Syrians.通过叙利亚人作媒介,希腊文化渗透到波斯。
This carpet was made inPersia.这块地毯是波斯制造的。 Adopted from the streets by King of Persia, young Dastan Jake Gyllenhaal grows up amongst royalty and quickly earns his place as a mighty warrior and prince.
孤儿达斯坦杰克·吉伦哈尔饰在市集上被波斯国王收养入宫,长成了一位勇猛的武士和王子。 eol

Take, for example, his latest picture, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.
他的最新力作《波斯王子:时之刃》就是个不错的例子。 hjenglish

“The Persians” 472 BCE is his next known work, and concerns the wars between Greece and Persia.
《波斯人》西元前472年是他另一部已知的作品,其讲述了希腊与波斯之间的战争。 yeeyan

“The retrograde motion meant the planet was travelling in a westerly direction in the sky and so the Three Wise Men may have followed it from Persia, ” Thompson told the UK's Telegraph.
“逆行意味着行星在天空向西运动,因此东方三贤士可能从波斯追随此星而来。”汤普森对英国电讯报说。 yeeyan

A Japanese Buddhist map from those days includes China, the Himalayas, India and Persia.
那时,一张日本僧人所绘的地图包括了中国、喜马拉雅山、印度和波斯。 yeeyan

At13, Babur headed off to capture Samarkand—the former imperial capital, a jewel built by craftsmen Timur had kidnapped from raids into India, Persia and Arabia.
13岁时,巴布尔进军撒马尔罕,前帝国的首都,一颗由帖木儿在劫掠印度,波斯和阿拉伯时劫持的工匠们建造的明珠。 ecocn

By using cavalry cleverly, he attacked and occupied part of Persia that is now the present day country of Turkey.
他巧妙的运用骑兵,击败并占领了波斯的一部分,也就是现在的土耳其王国。 yeeyan

Damascene dealers boast what they describe as the most interesting collection of antique carpets and rugs this side of Persia.
大马士革的商人有着他们所说的最有趣的古老的波斯地毯。 yeeyan

Demand for porcelain made expressly for foreigners spread as far afield as the Netherlands, Germany, Persia, the Ottoman empire, Japan and the young United States.
特意为外国人制作的瓷器需求远及荷兰、德国、波斯、奥斯曼帝国、日本以及年轻的美国。 ecocn

Do thou therefore go by the quickest way back to Persia and take care that, when I return thither after having subdued these regions, thou set thy son before me to be examined.
因此,你要以最快的方式返回波斯处理此事。当我制伏这里回到波斯后,你把你儿子带来见我,我要对他进行审查。 yeeyan

He conquered the rest of Persia and swept on to Afghanistan and India.
他占领了波斯的其余部分,接着目标朝向了阿富汗和印度。 yeeyan

In Tang China, Chia explains, music and dance from eastern Persia were all the rage.
贾解释道,来自波斯东部的音乐和舞蹈在唐代十分流行。 yeeyan

In the past few years the Saudi and Egyptian governments have occasionally let their media descend into anti- Shia bigotry and old- fashioned Persia- bashing.
在过去几年里,沙特和埃及政府偶尔让媒体陷入反什叶派的偏激和老式波斯扑。 ecocn

Iran traces its national origin to Persia, an empire that emerged in the6th century BC under the Achaemenid dynasty.
伊朗的起源可以追溯到波斯,一个形成于公元前6世纪在契美尼德王统治下的古老王朝。 ebigear

One was Tang dynasty China, an empire stretching from the South China Sea to the borders of Persia, with ports open to foreign traders from far and wide.
一个是中国的唐王朝,这个帝国的疆域辽阔,最南到南海,最西到波斯边境,而且所有的港口均向来自世界各地的商人开放。 yeeyan

Pakistan exists in a region whose history has overlapped that of India, Afghanistan and PersiaIran.
巴基斯坦存在于一个历史与印度、阿富汗和波斯重合的地区。 ebigear

Sassanid Persia controlled the trade of silk destined for Europe and Byzantium.
萨珊王朝的波斯控制着指定运往欧洲和拜占庭的丝绸贸易。 yeeyan

Some despots, in Hindustan and Persia, went further, slitting smokers’ lips or pouring molten lead down their throats.
更有甚者,一些印度斯坦和波斯暴君扯开吸烟者的嘴唇,或者把融铅灌入喉咙。 ecocn.org

Tang China was hungry for fine textiles, pearls, coral, and aromatic woods from Persia, East Africa, and India.
中国唐王朝渴望得到来自波斯、东非和印度的精美纺织品、珍珠、珊瑚和香料。 yeeyan

The other funerary rite is older and hails from the Zoroastrian religion, which has its roots in ancient Persia now Iran.
另一种丧葬仪式则要古老些,它来自琐罗亚斯德教拜火教,该教起源于古代波斯今伊朗。 yeeyan

The name means Eagle's Nest. Home of the legendary Assassins featured in the adventure movie Prince of Persia, Alamut was also historically a center for libraries and education.
这个名字意思是鹰巢,冒险片《波斯王子》中传奇刺客的家乡,历史上阿拉穆特还是图书馆和教育中心。 yeeyan

Then ceased the work of the house of God which is at Jerusalem. So it ceased unto the second year of the reign of Darius king of Persia.
于是,在耶路撒冷神殿的工程就停止了,直停到波斯王大流士第二年。 ebigear

Through the medium of the Syrians Greek culture penetrated Persia.

When Alexander gets to Persia, or let's say when he gets to Egypt, he knows that there is this god Isis, this female god Isis, that's very important.
亚历山大抵达波斯时,这么说吧,他来到埃及后,发现当地有个叫艾西斯的神,这位艾西斯女神地位非常崇高。 open.163.com




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