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词汇 Perseus
释义 Per·se·us 英ˈpɜːsiːəs, -ˌsjuːs美ˈpɝsiəs, -ˌsjusAHDpûrʹsē-əs, -sy›s' 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

Greek mythology the son of Zeus who slew Medusa with the help of Athena and Hermes and rescued Andromeda from a sea monstera conspicuous constellation in the northern hemisphere; between Auriga and Cassiopeia and crossed by the Milky Way珀尔修斯Perseus是希腊神话中的英雄,同时也是英仙座的来源。珀尔修斯的外祖父是阿尔戈斯的国王阿克里西奥斯,他从神谕那里得知自己将被女儿达那厄Danae所生之子杀死,便把女儿囚禁在铜塔中。宙斯化成金雨和达那厄相会,生下珀尔修斯。阿克里西奥斯将女儿达那厄和刚出生的珀尔修斯装在一只箱子里,投入大海。宙斯保佑着在大海中漂流的母子,引导这只箱子穿过风浪,最后箱子一直漂到塞里福斯岛。岛上有两位兄弟发现了箱子,收留了他们。
珀尔修斯长大后,出门远行冒险。他夺走了福耳库斯的三个女儿共用的一颗牙齿和眼睛,迫使她们给他指出去仙女那里的路。珀尔修斯从 仙女那里获得了三件宝物:一双飞鞋,一只神袋,一顶狗皮盔。凭着这些宝物,珀尔修斯杀死了蛇发女妖戈耳工之一的美杜莎,并在埃塞俄比亚杀死了海怪,救下了 公主安德洛墨达,并与公主结婚。在一次比赛中,珀尔修斯掷出的铁饼不幸砸死了一位老人,而这位老人就是外出避祸的阿克里西奥斯,珀尔修斯的 外祖父。珀尔修斯继承了外祖父的国家,和安德洛墨达生下了6个儿子和两个女儿。他的几个儿子都建立了丰功伟绩,使得珀尔修斯成为伯罗奔尼撒最有名望的人, 最伟大的英雄,也是最有权势的国王。珀尔修斯去世后,宙斯送他到天上成为“英仙星座”,他的妻子安德洛墨达则成为“仙女星座”。
Perseus:'pə:sju:s; -siəs n.英仙座,珀尔修斯
用作名词Kratos eventually killsPerseus, and uses his shield to proceed with his quest.终于奎托斯杀了珀尔修斯,以他的盾打开自己继续寻找命运三女神的大门。
Perseus, favored by Minerva and Mercury, set out against the Gorgon.珀尔修斯在密涅瓦和墨丘利的庇护下出发去征服这蛇发女妖。用作名词Perseusrise in the northeast around midnight.英仙座会在午夜从东北方向升起。
Of course, the trails point back to a radiant point in the constellationPerseus, giving the meteor shower its name.这些流星迹都回指到英仙座的辐射点,因此这群流星雨就以此命名。 A new generation of advanced ordnance, including the Perseus, is making bombing campaigns safer for civilians.
包括珀尔修斯在内的新一代先进炸弹使得轰炸行动对平民更为安全。 ecocn

he Perseus can smash through several metres of reinforced concrete and detonate only after it has gone into a bunker.
能击穿数米厚的钢筋混凝土,并在进入掩体之后才引爆。 ecocn

The Scoop: Almost30 years after the first fantasy film, Perseus, mortal son of Greek god Zeus, is back to take on Medusa and the Kraken to stop their evil from spreading to earth and the heavens.
独家报道:第一部幻想电影距今已有30年了,帕尔修斯,宙斯的人子,又回来了,他带领美杜莎和北海巨妖阻止恶魔侵蚀人间与天堂。 yeeyan

“As Barnes& Noble grew, there was a lot that was very good for publishers and authors,” said David Steinberger, the chief executive of the Perseus Books Group.
“‘邦诺’的成长对出版商和作家都大有裨益。”珀休斯书业集团的首席执行官大卫.斯坦伯格说。 yeeyan

And in a masterstroke of dramatic perversity, Io is given to Perseus- as a gift from the gods- just before the movie ends.
而在神奇的逆转之中,伊俄被众神作为礼物送给了珀修 斯,然后电影就结束了。

By means of two large scale demonstrations Perseus will prove its feasibility and will set the standards and grounds for the future development of EU maritime surveillance systems.

Having established Perseus as a fearless hunk, however, the misshapen script won't give him a girl to love.
不过,在畸形的剧本把珀修斯塑造成一个无所畏惧的大块头之后,却不给他一 个姑娘来爱。

It is an active galaxy lying at the centre of the Perseus Cluster of galaxies.

James Bond is the Hercules or Perseus of the modern age.
詹姆斯邦德是大力神,是现代的帕尔修斯。 yeeyan

Located about6,000 light-years from Earth, the Heart and Soul nebulae form a vast star- forming complex that makes up part of the Perseus spiral arm of our Milky Way galaxy.
心与灵星云离地球有大约6千光年的距离,形成一个其大无比的星辰制造场,构成了我们银河系英仙座螺旋星云的部分螺旋腕。 yeeyan

Modified with new technologies, however, the Perseus is increasingly considered legitimate.
然而,经过新技术改造的珀尔修斯炸弹逐渐被认为是合法的。 ecocn

Remarkably, the ion tail easily stretches past background star cluster NGC1245 upper left in the constellation Perseus, about 1.5 degrees from the comet's lovely greenish head or coma.
明显地,离子彗尾轻易伸展至背景星团 NGC1245上左的前面,在飞马座,离彗星可爱的绿色彗头或彗发1.5度。 yeeyan

The annual meteor shower takes place every August and the meteors are so named as they appear to emanate from the constellation Perseus.
这里每年8月发生了一年一度的流星雨。因为它们似乎来源于英仙座流星因而命名为英仙座流星样。 yeeyan

The clusters are over7,000 light years distant toward the constellation of Perseus, but are separated by only hundreds of light years.
该星群距离英仙座超过7000光年,不过两星之间的距离不过数百光年。 yeeyan

The hero is Perseus, called a demi- god, because his father is Zeus the god, while his mother a human.
我们的主角是珀尔修斯,他是一个半人神,因为他的爸爸是一个神,宙斯,而他的妈妈是一个人。 yeeyan

This Hubble Space Telescope image shows NGC 1275, the galaxy located in the center of the Perseus Galaxy Cluster.
这幅哈伯天文望远镜拍摄的图片显示的是新总表1275,该星系位于英仙座星系团的中部。 vvcat

When he came upon a couple who were weeping in distress because the last of their daughters was about to be sacrificed to a dragon, Susanoo decided to go to their aid, rather like an Asian Perseus.
当他遇到一对夫妇因为他们的女儿要为龙献祭正在哭泣时,须佐之男决定去帮助他们,而不是像亚洲的珀尔修斯。 yeeyan

When you're looking to the sky, the meteors will appear to be originating from the constellation, Perseus, in the northeast sky.
当你仰望天空,你会看到流星是从天空东北方向的英仙座出现的。 不要用取景器,看一会儿空中的流星确定它们运动的方向。 yeeyan

Perseus, who killed Medusa, was able to confront her by looking at her reflection in his shield, thus avoiding being turned to stone.
杀死美杜莎的珀尔休斯通过在盾上观察她的影子,避免了变成石头而得以与她对抗。 ibm




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