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词汇 persecutors
释义 persecutors ˈpɝːsəˌkjuːtərz COCA⁶⁷¹⁰³BNC⁶⁴⁰⁹⁴Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
n.迫害者persecutor的名词复数原型persecutor的复数 And both of these one- time political prisoners then, in effect, took their persecutors and jailers hostage.
他们俩都有一次成为政治犯但事实上却把迫害他们的人和狱卒变为人质的经历。 ecocn

Egypt’s large minority of Christian Copts continue to suffer sporadic attacks, with their persecutors going unpunished, just as they did under Mr Mubarak.
长期以来,针对埃及最大的少数族群科普特基督教徒的袭击事件时有发生,施暴者依然逍遥法外,这一点与穆巴拉克时代的情况如出一辙。 ecocn

Great persecutors are recruited among martyrs whose heads haven't been cut off.
那些没有被砍头的殉道者,招安成伟大的迫害者。 yeeyan

He sought every opportunity to retaliate on his persecutors.
他寻求每一个机会向迫害他的人们复仇。 i21st

I began to see my captors as victims as much as persecutors. Many had not been paid.
我开始觉得逮捕我的人,还有迫害我的人同样也是受害者,其中很多人都没有拿到薪水。 ecocn

In general the council is made up of five to nine savants, their apprentices, the Mandare and the clan's persecutors.

Interestingly, none of Sternberg's persecutors said anything about the concepts, arguments, or facts in Meyer's paper.
有趣的是,斯滕伯格的迫害者中没有任何人谈到迈耶论文的概念、争论或事实。 sea3000

Mr Babbage was engaged on works of great scientific importance, and of a nature which his persecutors could not understand.
Babbage先生投身于伟大科学工作中,投身于一个他的骚扰者们无法理解的世界。 ecocn

Pray the persecutors will be brought to justice quickly, and that Believers will be able to freely worship God in this land.
祷告那些迫害者能速速面对公义的处置,使信徒们能在这片土地上自由的敬拜神。 so-buy

Russia has skinheads, persecutors of ethnic minorities and even neo- Nazis puzzling: do they think they areübermenschen or untermenschen?. Such groups have minor offshoots in Belarus.
俄罗斯有光头党,少数民族迫害者,甚者有新纳粹分子疑惑:他们认为他们是高等民族或者是低等民族吗? ecocn

Several American states have now passed laws entitling victims of“ libel tourism” to counter- sue their persecutors for harassment.

The Mandare sits as the arbitrator, only casting a vote in case of a while and the persecutors act as advisers.

The third caste is made up of clansmen known as taskmasters and persecutors.

This phrase, “ cast out and trodden under foot of men, ” really means to be left under the power of the persecutors.
“丢在外面被人践踏”这个短语真实的意思是要被遗弃在逼迫者的权下, 1.76蓝魔精品传奇。 szwxton

Unfortunately, they are somehow the most vicious persecutors of the boy.




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