

单词 per second
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Angular velocity means not how many meters per second but how many radians per second.

Based on it, the Fragment Cache optimization over one year led to a50x increase in page requests served per second.
基于此,持续一年的碎片缓存优化带来了50倍的每秒页面请求服务增加。 infoq

Einstein said that all observers will measure the speed of light to be186, 000 miles per second, no matter how fast and what direction they are moving.
爱因斯坦认为,所有的观察者不管他们以在什么方向以怎样的速度运动,他们所测到的光速都是每秒186,000英里。 yeeyan

Einstein's theory of special relativity sets of the speed of light, 186, 000 miles per second300 million meters per second, as a cosmic speed limit.
爱因斯坦的狭义相对论把光速定位在每秒186,000英里每秒300,000千米,并把它作为宇宙的速度极限。 yeeyan

How many meters per second is linear, as opposed to how many radians per second, which is angular velocity.

Special relativity is also based on a second assumption that gives the speed of light — 186,000 miles per second300 million meters per second — in a vacuum a special status.
狭义相对论也奠基于它的第二个假设:他所设定的真空中光速为每秒186,000英里每秒300,000米有它的特殊地位。 yeeyan

Special adapters are fitted to conventional digital projectors that rotate the light several times per second, mimicking the effect of two projectors.
只要在传统的数字放映机上安装特殊的转换器,使光得以每秒转动数次,就能模仿出两台放映机的效果。 ebigear

The machine packs more than70, 000 chips and can compute563 trillion calculations per secondteraflops.
该机配备超过70,000个芯片,每秒能计算563兆次每秒万亿次计算。 yeeyan

This throughput value is reported in units of megabytes of memory touched per second.
吞吐量值是以每秒接触到的内存千兆数为单位报告的。 ibm




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