释义 |
Perreux 基本例句 佩勒¹⁰⁰ In the Paris suburb of LePerreux, residents like Lucille Svay and her husband Chan Phal said they had not voted for their E.在法国,萨科奇总统领导的人民运动党保守联盟也预计将会赢得欧洲议会选举。 In the Paris suburb of LePerreux, residents like Lucille Svay and her husband Chan Phal said they had not voted for their EU parliament representatives.在法国,总统萨科齐的保守派“人民运动联盟”预计将在欧盟议会选举中获胜。但是在欧洲的其他地方,选民们总的来说是漠不关心。 In the Paris suberb suburb of LePerreux, residents like Lucille Svay and her husband Chan Phal said they had not voted for their E.U. parliament Parliament representatives.在巴黎郊区L,像L和她丈夫C这样的居民表示他们没有为他们的欧盟议会代表投票。 |