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词汇 perp
释义 perp.
A scant five years ago the only time you saw Robert Downey Jr. getting big play in your newspaper come when he was on a perp walk.
而五年前,你见他“扮演角色”的唯一机会是在报纸上,且是他被警察游街示众时。 ecocn

The “ perp walk” was singled out as a humiliating breach of the principle of the presumption of innocence.
“游街示众”被指是对无罪假定原则的可耻背叛。 ecocn

Anyway, that's where the perp tried to clean up his victim's blood, but some invisible traces of it remain behind.

Handcuffed, he made the “ perp walk” in front of rolling cameras and flashing bulbs.
在各种闪光灯和相机下卡恩戴着手铐被警察带走了。 ecocn

Hence a final argument against perp walks: they can be risky for prosecutors.
于是对示罪行的最后驳斥是:对检方不利。 ecocn

Jack King, of the National Association of Criminal Defence Lawyers, says perp walks “ run counter…to the presumption of innocence.”
来自全国刑事辩护律师协会的杰克·金 Jack King,称示罪行“与无罪推定的司法原则相悖”。 ecocn

Lee Harvey Oswald, Kennedy’s assassin, was killed during a perp walk.
刺杀肯尼迪的李·哈维·奥斯华德 Lee Harvey Oswald也是在一次“示罪行”中被杀的。 ecocn

The French were particularly indignant at the sight of a handcuffed Mr Strauss-Kahn doing the “ perp” walk in New York.
而使法国人格外义愤填膺的是看到戴着手铐的卡恩被迫在纽约街头“游街示众”的情景。 ecocn

This time the alleged perp was Maria Guzman Hernandez, a 32-year-old instructor at the private Our Lady of Charity school in Hialeah; her victim was15.
这次的犯罪嫌疑人叫做 Maria Guzman Hernandez,现年32岁的她是海里亚市私立善牧会学校的指导老师;受害者才15岁。 yeeyan

To Americans, this was just the“ perp walk”.
可对美国人来说,这不过是常见的“示罪行”秀。 ecocn




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