释义 |
peronist 基本例句 adj.阿根廷总统庇隆的;庇隆主义的;庇隆主义者的 And the price of Argentinean bonds increased by more than five percentage points following Mr Kirchner’s announcement that he will resign as leader of the Peronist party. 在基什内尔发出关于他将辞去正义党领导职务的声明后,阿根廷货币的价格增长了超过5%。 ecocn He was also the head of a union of South American nations, a congressman and leader of the Peronist party. 在去世前,基什内尔是南美洲国家联盟秘书长、国会议员以及庇隆党党首。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Her relationship with the Peronist base of unions, party-machine mayors, and street- protest organisations is distant. 菲南德斯与很多社会力量的关系都很疏远,比如庇隆基地联盟、代表政党集团的市长们和上街抗议游行的组织。 ecocn Ms Fernández faces no challenges from within her governing Peronist Party. 费尔南德斯女士面临的挑战并非来自执政的庇隆党内部。 ecocn The wealthy city of Buenos Aires has long been hostile to her Peronist partyunlike its heavily populated working- class suburbs, which are the Peronists’ stronghold. 富裕的布京长期以来一直敌视她的裴伦党不像工人阶级群聚的郊区,向来是裴伦党的铁票区。 ecocn Both the Kirchners are from the left wing of the dominant Peronist movement. Both claim to have been active in the resistance to Argentina’s military government. Kirchner夫妇两人都是来自最大党裴隆运动党的左翼,两人自称过去一直积极参与抵抗阿根廷军政府。 ecocn But thanks partly to his efforts, power looks likely to swing back towards the Peronist right. 但是部分因为他的努力,权利似乎向右翼庇隆主义者回转。 ecocn He took formal charge of the ruling Peronist movement, routinely gave orders to ministers and oversaw economic policy. 他正式登上执政的裴隆党全国主席,定期向各部会首长发号施令,并监督经济政策。 ecocn He zips around the poor suburbs of the province in a private jet, trying to impress the mayors who are the vital local cogs in the clientelistic Peronist machine. 并乘坐着私人飞机在这个省的贫困区盘旋,试图让那些市长知道谁是顾客式贝隆主义机器中最重要的齿轮。 yeeyan He faces many challengers for Peronist votes, and is trying to win over as many wings of the movement as possible. 他将会在裴隆党内面对很多挑战者,并试图尽可能争取更多的党内派系支持。 ecocn He might continue to manage relations with the Peronist base. 他可能还是会继续掌管并协调与庇隆主义分子的关系。 ecocn Her political views, like Mr Kirchner's, were forged in the Peronist left of the 1970s: nationalism, a sizeable state role in the economy and hostility to the armed forces. 她的政治观点就像科奇勒先生一样,仍然遵循着二十世纪七十年代庇隆左派的模式进行,也就是实行其国家主义,政府在国家经济中发挥很大的作用,而且对武装部队充满着敌意。 ecocn If not, they will be hostages of the Peronist right and the opposition. 如果失败,他们将被贝隆主义者权利和反对者绑票。 yeeyan In 1997 Carlos Menem, a Peronist, lost his majority, but he survived by cultivating good relations both with the opposition and the provincial governors. 1997年,卡洛斯·梅内姆,一个庇隆主义者也失去了他的多数派地位,但他通过与反对派以及各省省长发展良好关系得以幸存。 blog.sina.com.cn Mr Kirchner, who is standing in Buenos Aires province is neck-and-neck with Francisco de Narváez, a businessman who heads a dissident group within the ruling Peronist movement. 基什内尔将参加布宜诺斯艾利斯省的选举,其主要对手是一位商人 Francisco de Narváez,他是庇隆运动阵线中一个异见团体的领导人。 ecocn Mr Kirchner, who heads the Peronist movement, has resorted to artifice. 作为庇隆运动阵线的领导人,基什内尔也耍了一些技巧。 ecocn Mr Kirchner, who steered the Peronist movement to the nationalist left, was the dominant political figure of the past decade in Argentina and was preparing to run for the presidency again. 基什内尔曾指导了庇隆主义运动向民族主义靠拢,是阿根廷过去十年主要的政治人物,并准备再次参加总统大选。 ecocn Mr Kirchner, who is the president of the ruling Peronist party, is himself standing for the lower house in the all-important province of Buenos Aires, which contains two-fifths of the voters. 身为贝隆主义党领袖的基什内尔先生本身是重镇布宜诺斯艾利斯省在下议院的代表,该省有25%的投票者。 yeeyan Ms Kirchner might note that it is winning support within the traditionally pro-industry ruling Peronist party. 但是德基什内尔总统可能会发现庇隆党的主要支持者都是来自于传统农副业。 ecocn Once in office, however, she left Mr Kirchner in charge of economic policy and managing the country’s hegemonic Peronist party, and retained his confrontational style. 然而甫一登基,她就丢下基什内尔的经济政策,和占这个国家支配性的庇隆主义政党,继续他的对抗性风格。 ecocn President Cristina Fernández’s Peronist ruling party suffered a major defeat, losing its legislative majority, in the nationwide June28th congressional elections. 总统克里斯蒂娜·费尔南德斯所属的的阿根廷正义党又名庇隆主义党遭受重创,在6月28日举行的全国性国会选举中,失去议会中多数党的地位。 ecocn Rather than the divided opposition parties, Peronist barons of the centre-right may be the big winners. 比起分裂的各大反对党,中右派的庇隆主义贵族也许能成为大赢家。 ecocn So why did he decline to stand for re-election himself and impose his wife as the Peronist candidate? 那么为什么他要让步来进行改选,并让他妻子成为庇隆主义党派的候选人。 ecocn The Kirchners control the Peronist movement, the country's most powerful political machine: Ms Fernández was anointed, rather than having to submit to a primary. 科奇勒家族控制着庇隆运动——国家最坚不可摧的政治机器,菲南德斯当选总统是命里注定,而非通过总统初选而当选上的。 ecocn The economic and political atmosphere shares certain parallels with Weimar Germany or Pre- Peronist Argentina. 这种经济政治环境堪比德国魏玛以及阿根廷庇隆党。 yeeyan They face a reviving opposition, and a revolt from within the ruling Peronist party see article. 夫妻两人将面对复苏的反对派以及来自执政的庇隆党内部的策反。 ecocn |