

单词 Athos
释义 Ath·os 英ˈæθɒs, ˈeɪθɒs, ˈɑːθɔːs美ˈæθɑs, ˈeθɑs, ˈɑθɔsAHDăthʹŏs, āʹthŏs, äʹthôs COCA⁴⁵²⁸⁷BNC⁶⁴⁷⁴⁹

an autonomous area in northeastern Greece that is the site of several Greek Orthodox monasteries founded in the tenth century It gives us a taste of life in the Byzantine years, from the fortresses of Mystras and Monemvasia in Southern Greece, to the famed monasteries and churches of Mount Athos in the North.
从希腊南部的米斯特拉和莫奈姆瓦夏的城垒,到希腊北部著名的阿索斯圣山,我们从中体验到拜占庭时代的醇厚精神。 cpanet

No pressures, no troubles. No need to worry about anything. We are living together in Mt. Athos and have longer life expectancies than anywhere else around the world. So what does a woman mean for us?
这里悠然而宁静,没有烦恼,没有麻烦,不必为任何事情担心,我们在阿陀斯山上生活在一起,比世上任何其它地方的人都长寿,在这里我们为什么需要女人呢? ycxyz

The Byzantine emperor Basil I officially recognized Mount Athos as a spiritual center in A. D.883.
公元883年,拜占庭皇帝巴息勒斯一世正式把阿索斯山定为教会中心。 edu.sina.com.cn

The calculated results of the code based on this model is in good agreement with the experimental data of BUGEY4 steam generator in France and the calculated data of ATHOS code.
基于该模型开发的程序计算结果与法国在 BUGEY4蒸汽发生器上的试验结果及 ATHOS程序的计算结果较好符合。 cnki

The owner of Mt. Athos was apparently capable of handling such a diplomatic situation, which might have evolved into a complex, international“ conflict.”
阿陀斯的主人显然谙熟如何处理这种外交事件,避免其演变成一场复杂的国际“纠纷”。 www.35mc.com

“What I had read of Athos and Olympus seemed less incredible as I myself witnessed the same things, ” he wrote.
他写到,“亲眼见到的阿托斯圣山和奥林匹斯山比我读到的更加令人感到不可思议”。 yeeyan

Although the number of monks in most monasteries has declined over the decades, Mount Athos has enjoyed a revival in the last25 years.
尽管近几十年大多数修道院的修道士数量大大减少,但阿索斯山在过去的25年里仍经历了复兴。 edu.sina.com.cn

As night draws in on Mount Athos, the monasteries resonate with a repetitive “ tack, tack, tack,” a haunting sound that seems to echo around the courtyards.
随着夜幕降临阿索斯山,“梆”“梆”之声在修道院中响起,在庭院中萦绕回荡。 edu.sina.com.cn

If a lady is caught sneaking onto Mt. Athos, she can face as many as6 to16 whippings, before being driven out of the area.
倘有偷偷进山的女子被捉,惩罚的惯例是6-16记鞭笞,然后立即驱逐。 edu.sina.com.cn

Monastery Window, Greece: A trinity of sun, sky, and sea paints an inspiring backdrop for the Xenofontos monastery on Mount Athos.
希腊:修道院的窗户,阳光,天空,和大海三合为一为阿托斯圣山上的埃克斯诺方克斯修道院构成了一幅令人心旷神怡的背景。 www.79288.com

Most of them were sent to Mt. Athos when they were born, so they know little about females.
这里的大多数人是一出生就被送来的,所以平生没有见过女人。 edu.sina.com.cn

Mount Athos is situated in the most beautiful peninsula of Halkidiki. It is the only place in Greece that is completely dedicated to praying and worshiping God.
阿陀斯山坐落在最美丽的半岛哈尔基季基上,是希腊唯一一个完全用于向上帝祈祷与膜拜的地方。 edu.sina.com.cn

On the holy peninsula of Mount Athos, monks chant“Christos arest— Christ is risen” during a midnight vigil.
在神圣的阿索斯山半岛上的一场午夜祈祷仪式中,僧侣们吟颂着“基督复活了——基督复活了”。 ngpod

On Athos and elsewhere, monasticism plays an important symbolic role in Greek culture.
在阿索斯山和其他地区,修士制度在希腊的文化中有着重要的象征意义。 edu.sina.com.cn

Who are the monks in Athos?
阿陀斯的隐修士都是些什么样的人呢? edu.sina.com.cn

With Athos, A., “The Art of Japanese Management: Applications for American Executives”, Simon& Schuster,1981
同 Athos合著, A.,日本的管理艺术:美国高管的应用,西蒙&舒斯特,1981 ecocn

Athos is a relic of human history. It is the last male retreat on earth.
阿陀斯是人类历史的一个古迹,也是男子在地球上的最后一个隐居地。 edu.sina.com.cn




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