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词汇 Permian
释义 Per·mi·an 英ˈpɜːmiːən, ˈper-美ˈpɝmiən, ˈpɛr-AHDpûrʹmē-ən, pĕrʹ- 高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

from 280 million to 230 million years ago; reptilesPermian system二迭系Permian period二迭纪the Permian二叠记
近义词 Permian period二迭纪

用作形容词Permianbioclastic limestone and bioherm are the most favorable reservoirs.二叠系生屑灰岩和生物礁为最有利的储层。
The clastic rocks inPermianSystem at the southeast area of Ordos Basin contain tremendous potential in exploration of natural gas.鄂尔多斯盆地东南部二叠系碎屑岩具有巨大的天然气勘探潜力。用作名词Cathaysian Flora extincted totally at the end ofPermian.华夏植物群在二叠纪末绝灭。
During thePermian, the continents joined to form a single supercontinent, Pangaea.二叠纪时期,各大陆组合成了一个单一的超级大陆板块盘古大陆。 Ammonoids, with their tightly coiled, spiral shells, are also widespread in the Permian fossil record.
鹦鹉螺化石,这些螺旋状的贝壳,经常分布在二叠纪的化石群中。 hjenglish

The die-off was surpassed only by the gargantuan Permian extinction250 million years ago.
只有2亿5000万年前史上空前的二叠纪大灭绝盖过这次灭绝。 yeeyan

The easily available oil from West Texas’s Permian Basin, the richest oilfield in America, is mostly gone now. The best way to extract the remainder is to pump gas down to force the oil out.
西德克萨斯的帕米亚盆地 Permian Basin是美国储量最丰富的油田,不过里面容易开采的石油已经所剩无几,开采剩余石油的最好办法是打入气体迫使石油涌出。 ecocn

The largest of the Big Five was the end- Permian or Permian- Triassic extinction event roughly250 million years ago, which eliminated as much as95 percent of the planet's species.
最大的一次大灭绝事件是距今2亿5千万年前的二叠纪末或二叠纪-三叠纪大灭绝,导致地球上多达95%的物种灭亡。 yeeyan

The loss of so many species at the end of the Permian gave new creatures the chance to take their place.
生存在二叠纪末的许多丢失的物种会产生新的生物体的机会来取代原有物种。 yeeyan

‘ The fossils at Luoping have told us a lot about the recovery and development of marine ecosystems after the end- Permian mass extinction, ’ said Professor Benton.
“这些化石向我们演示了很多关于在二叠纪后期大灭绝之后海洋生态系统的复苏和演化过程。” Bebton教授说。 yeeyan

A few of the CTAM staff organized a day trip to the mountains of the Queen Alexandra Range east of camp to look at the Glossopteris fossils preserved in the Permian sediments exposed there.
几位CTAM营地的工作人员安排了为期一天的行程,到营地东侧的亚历山德拉皇后山脉露营并勘察暴露在外的二叠纪沉积岩中的舌羊齿化石。 yeeyan

Although not one of the “ big five” mass extinctions, the mid- Permian extinction has long been considered an important, if puzzling, event.
尽管不是五次物种大灭绝之一,二叠纪中期的物种灭绝依然被长期作为谜一般的事件受到重点关注。 yeeyan

Dinosaurs appeared after one of the biggest mass extinction events on Earth, the Permian- Triassic extinction about250 million years ago.
恐龙,是在地球上一次最大规模灭绝事件发生在约二叠纪-三叠纪的2.5亿年前发生以后才出现的。 yeeyan

First, that there was not one mass extinction at the end of the Permian, but several.
第一,在二叠纪结束的时候并不是一个大规模灭绝,而是好几个。 ecocn

In the latter part of the Permian, smaller varieties emerged, likely warm- blooded and covered in insulating hair. From them, mammals would arise.
在二叠纪后期,个头小热血的有皮毛的爬行类出现了,这其中就有以后的哺乳类。 hjenglish

More than90% of Permian genera of sponges, corals and brachiopods vanished in the extinction.
二叠纪海绵、珊瑚和腕足动物三个属多于90%的物种在大灭绝事件中消失了。 ecocn

Most rock sequences that straddle the end of the Permian are either incomplete or hard to date.
大部分跨越了二叠纪的岩序列不是不够完整就是很难确定日期。 ecocn

Previously, the only dateable layers were from the moment the Permian ended and from a subsequent volcanic event some 14m years later.
之前,唯一能够确定日期的岩层来自于二叠纪结束的时刻和随后大约一千四百万年的火山活动的时候。 ecocn

Researchers suspect that the Siberian Traps eruption, which occurred just10 million years later, was responsible for the Permian- Triassic extinction, the worst mass dying of all time.
研究者猜测西伯利亚 Traps火山在一千万年前的喷发,是造成有史以来最大规模的二叠纪-三叠纪生物灭绝事件的原因。 yeeyan

Scientists are still debating the cause of the end- Permian extinction, the biggest the Earth has ever known.
科学家们对地球上有史以来最大的二迭纪末大灭绝的原因依然有争议。 yeeyan

Some250 million years ago, at the end of the time known as the Permian, life was all but wiped out during a sustained period of massive volcanic eruption and devastating global warming.
大约25千万年前,也就是所说的二叠纪的末端时候,经过一系列火山剧烈喷发和毁灭性全球升温,生命几乎消失殆尽。 yeeyan

That's what some scientists think may have set off the Permian mass extinction event some250 million years ago.
这正是一些科学家所想的,在大概250万年之前,引起二叠纪物种大灭绝的原因。 yeeyan

The Earth has witnessed several mass extinctions in its 4.5bn year history, but the event that struck at the end of the Permian was unequaled in scale.
地球在她45亿年的历史长河中,已经见证了几次大规模的灭绝,但是发生在二叠纪末的整个重大事件在规模上堪称史无前例。 yeeyan

The eruption is one of the likely causes of the Permian- Triassic mass extinction event, in which 95% of marine species and many terrestrial vertebrates, insects and plants died off.
这次喷发是 Permian- Triassic绝种事件的可能原因之一,约95%的海洋物种,陆生脊椎动物,昆虫和植物在这次绝种事件中灭绝了。 yeeyan

The situation at the moment is not as bad as it was at the end of the Permian.
现在的情形还没有恶劣到达二叠纪晚期的境地。 ecocn

The Permian- Triassic extinction event about250 million years ago was the deadliest: More than 90 percent of all species perished.
发生在约于2.5亿年之前的二叠纪-三叠纪大规模灭绝事件是最致命的:所有物种的90%以上灭亡了。 yeeyan

The Permian period, which ended in the largest mass extinction the Earth has ever known, began about 299 million years ago.
二叠纪开始于2.99亿年前,并以地球上最大规模的物种灭绝而结束。 hjenglish

The Permian seas came to be dominated by bony fishes with fan-shaped fins and thick, heavy scales.
二叠纪的海洋被硬骨鱼类统治着,它们有着扇子一样的鳍和厚厚的鳞片。 hjenglish

The Permian was curtailed by massive volcanism.
二叠纪被大量火山爆发缩短了时间。 yeeyan

These more metabolically active reptiles, which could survive the harsh interior regions of Pangaea, became the dominant land animals of the late Permian.
这些新陈代谢更活跃的爬行类,能够熬过盘古大陆上的恶劣环境并成了后期二叠纪上的霸主。 yeeyan

This was the end of the Permian period, and of the era of life called the Paleozoic.
这就是二叠纪以及整个古生代的终结。 ecocn

When Grasby and his team analyzed rocks from just before the Permian mass extinction, they noticed unusual microscopic particles.
当 Grasby和他的团队分析了“二叠纪灭绝”前的岩石成分后,他们注意到一些不寻常的微观颗粒。 yeeyan

Permian- Triassic The worst mass extinction took place250m years ago, killing95% of all species.
二叠纪-三叠纪最严重的大灭绝发生在两亿五千万年以前,杀死了所有物种的95%。 yeeyan




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