

单词 perma
释义 perma 英'pɜːmə美'pɜːmə COCA²²⁵⁵²¹
The problems are obvious to anyone who bothers to see, but everyone is in denial, and even the perma- bears are starting to doubt themselves.
有心人都会发现问题,但是人们都拒绝承认,甚至恒久熊 perma- bear也开始怀疑自我。 yeeyan

A day watching CNBC, a financial television channel, or a few minutes trawling the internet should allow investors to come across every shade of opinion from perma-bear to super- bull.
看一天财经频道CNBC,或是几分钟的上网,投资者会看到持续熊市或是超牛市的各种不同观点。 topsage

But if Mr Edwards can be dubbed a perma- bear, most investment-bank strategists tend to be perma- bulls.
但是,如果 Edwards被看成是“持续熊市”派,那么大多数投行的战略家倾向于成为“持续牛市派”。 ecocn

Frankly speaking, I don't suggest you do the cosmetic surgeon, People with perma-youth all look the same.
老实说,我不建议你做整容手术,整过容的人看起来长的都差不多。 jukuu

I'm by no means a perma-bear, something those of you who have read my work over the past13-plus years know.
我绝不是死空头,这一点,凡是过去13年一直在看我写的文章的人多多少少都知道。 yeeyan

John perma certainently goes straight home even after work.
约翰放工后总是间接回家。 xhhb

This is Seligman’s PERMA theory: Positive Emotion; Engagement; Relationships; Meaning; and Accomplishment.
这是塞利格曼的层压理论:积极情感、参与、关系、意义、和成就。 yeeyan

Tom perma certainently rushes his homework on Sunday evenings.
汤姆总是在星期天早晨赶做他的家庭作业。 xhhb

Will Dark& Light feature Perma death?




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