

单词 perm
释义 perm.
=permanent 永久的,持久的,=permutation 变更,置换,排列

a city in the European part of Russiaa series of waves in the hair made by applying heat and chemicals
give a permanent wave to;

She perms her hair

缩写自permanent wave.perm.=permanen…
近义词 curl卷曲wave波浪kink纽结crimp使起皱permanent永久的frizz使成卷发…permanent wave烫发Molotov莫洛托夫(苏联政治家…

用作动词I think an ordinarypermwill do.我相普通电烫就行了。as in.body wave
同义词 permanent,permanent wave
body wavenoun hair curling treatment
permanent,permanent wave Many million years ago the territory of the present Perm region was occupied by the Perm Sea.
现在的彼尔姆地区在数百万年前还属于彼尔姆海。 yeeyan

Russia’s prime minister, Vladimir Putin, attacked local officials for safety lapses that may have contributed to a fire in a nightclub in Perm that killed almost120 people.
俄罗斯 Perm一家夜总会的失火导致了近120人死亡。总理普京就可能导致了这一事故的安全隐患问题斥责了当地的官员。 ecocn

The creation of additional classes results in a 20 to40 percent higher perm gen space allocation.
创建额外的类会导致多分配20%到40%的空间。 infoq

The products investigated include teapot, ion perm, electric kettle, multi yogurt machine, hair dryer, cooker, etc, which are all home electrical products commonly used in residents house.
被检测的产品包括电子泡茶壶、离子烫发器、电热开水壶、多功能酸奶机、电吹风、电火锅等,这些都是居民家中常用的电器产品。 cen

Actually, I'm thinking about a perm.
事实上,我在考虑烫发。 hxen

Because there are also those who couldn’t recognize Angelina Jolie if she got a perm.
因为,也有一些人会认不出朱吉丽娜茱丽,如果她烫了发. yeeyan

But more and more people started using perm lotions which made the process more complicated and costly.
但越来越多的人开始烫头发,这时提炼过程变得复杂,成本也提高了。 yeeyan

But most people in America do head for the beauty parlor or barber shop occasionally for a haircut, a perm or just some friendly conversation.
然而大部份的美国人偶尔会到美容院或理发厅去,剪头发、烫头发,或是去跟人聊聊天。 ebigear

I might as well try a foam perm.
今天我想试试泡沫烫。 jysq

I have no perm, I have nothing in my hair. Ill get a full-head weave today, maybe some color.
我没有烫发,我的头发什么也没做过。我今天会烫满头波浪,或许再染点儿颜色。 ad-rc

I need a perm.

I think that if I have a perm now, I'll look very natural by then.
我想如果我现在烫发,到时候我的头发看起来会很自然。 hxen

I want to perm my hair very curly like corkscrew curls.
我想要烫得卷,像有许多螺旋般。 iciba

I'd like a trim and a perm.
我想修剪头发并烫一下。 jysq

I'd like a perm.
我要烫发。 ebigear

Last time I tried a pin curl perm and a foam permanent.
我上次试做了小卷发和泡沫烫。 putclub

Michael Douglas commits the sin of infidelity, brings the monster, Glenn Close, to his home, a monster with a perm.
迈克尔道格拉斯犯下不忠的罪过,使长着卷发的怪物——格伦克洛斯,来到他家。 hjenglish

No, you can take your time. Oh, I also want a manicure while I'm having the perm.
是的,你可以慢慢来。噢,在我烫发的时候,我想修一下指甲。 hxen

Oh, I also want a manicure while I'm having the perm.
噢,在我烫发的时候,我想修一下指甲。 hxen

Oh, we have quite a variety: regular, cold perm, straight perm, pin curl and foam.
啊,我们能烫很多种:普通的、冷烫、直发烫、小卷发和泡沫烫。 putclub

On the western part of the journey, the approaches to large conurbations, like Perm and Omsk, featured functional industrial buildings and concrete apartment blocks.
在整个旅途的西面部分,火车经过像珀姆和鄂木斯克那样的大城市群,以各种功能的工业建筑和水泥公寓楼组成的街区为风景。 yeeyan

Our beauty salon specializes in shampoo, haircut, perm, hair dye, wigs and manicures.
我们的美容沙龙专营洗头、理发、烫发、染发、假发和修指甲。 camriver

She dyed her brown hair black and got a perm like the other popular girls.
她还像其他很潮的女生一样把一头棕色的头发染黑烫卷。 putclub

She let her short blonde perm grow shoulder- length and dyed it auburn.
她任其金色短烫发长到齐及肩长,而后染成赤褐色。 yeeyan

Your little fluff balls ruined my perm.
你的小混球们毁了我的离子烫。 blog.sina.com.cn




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