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释义 PERL ˈpɝːl COCA⁶⁵²¹⁴BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
abbr.计算机实用信息抽取与报告语言=Practical Extraction and Report Language
The point of Perl5 regular expressions is to say either“ look for this,” or“ look for this and replace it with that.”
Perl5正则表达式要指明的或者是“寻找此内容”,或者是“寻找此内容,并用另一内容取代之”。 ibm

The way to understand the code above is the way to understand all Perl code.
要理解以上这些代码的唯一途径就是掌握所有 Perl的语法。 ibm

After reading this chapter, I understood the syntax and features of Perl6 much better than before.
阅读完这一章后,我认识到, Perl6的语法和特性比以前好了很多。 ibm

Because of this, Perl is powerless when it stands alone against all the issues in UNIX systems.
由于这种原因,当 Perl单独应付 UNIX系统中所有问题时,它是无能为力的。 ibm

Because this function is so tightly bound to the core Perl infrastructure, the overhead in learning and using it is small.
因为这个功能与核心 Perl基础结构结合得很紧密,所以学习和使用它的开销很小。 ibm

For this reason I tend not to suffix my Perl applications with any special endings.
因为这个原因,我不想给 Perl应用程序加上任何特殊的后缀。 ibm

Generally you will want to do this as root, to make the Perl modules available to all users.
一般来说,应该作为根用户执行这个操作,从而让 Perl模块可供所有用户使用。 ibm

I recommend the Perl Cookbook strongly, even for those who already have the first edition.
我向大家强烈推荐 Perl Cookbook,甚至是那些已经拥有第一版的人。 ibm

If a callback does not require arguments, we do not need to create the anonymous list, since Perl treats scalar values, evaluated in list context, as single- element arrays.
如果回调不需要参数,则我们不需要创建那个匿名列表,因为 Perl按单元素数组来 处理列表上下文中计算得到的数量值。 ibm

If you thought“ Hey, why just Perl?” when you read this article, you were not the only one.
如果阅读本文时您会想到“嗨,为什么只是 Perl?” ,其实您不是惟一这样认为的人。 ibm

In this regard, PHP is similar to Perl, which is one of the reasons some people love it and others despise it.
在这种意义上, PHP类似于 Perl,这是一些人喜欢它而其他人鄙视它的原因之一。 ibm

Let's look at the roadmap to porting Perl scripts from Solaris to Linux. This roadmap builds on the classes of portability issues in Table1.
让我们来看看将 Perl脚本从 Solaris移植到 Linux的路线图,这个路线图是根据表1中的可移植性问题分类构建的。 ibm

Nevertheless, some hope exists; after all, we just looked at some ways in which Perl can simplify system administration.
然而,还是存在一些希望;毕竟,我们只是查看了 Perl可简化系统管理的一些方法。 ibm

Now, to the back end. I’ll have to do this in PHP, but because the output is XML you can write the back end in any language— Perl, ASP, whatever you like.
现在,回到服务器端.我们将使用 php来实现,不过由于输出的是 xml,所以你可以使用你喜欢的任何语言来写后段代码,比如 Perl或者 asp. yeeyan

One of Perl's advantages over straight C, of course, is that it does heap management on objects, so that when an object passes out of scope, it will be destroyed.
当然, Perl相比直接的 C 语言的优势之一是在于它确实可以在对象上进行堆积管理,这样当一个对象超出范围时,就会被销毁。 ibm

Some core Perl functions are either not implemented or have been implemented differently on various platforms; these functions will behave differently on Solaris and Linux.
有些核心 Perl函数要么不能实现,要么在各个平台上的实现都不相同;这些函数在 Solaris和 Linux上的表现也不同。 ibm

This is not cross-platform compatible, but it does allow you to distribute an executable version of a Perl script without giving out the source.
虽然这个代码不是跨平台兼容的,但是它允许您分发一个 Perl的可执行脚本,而不会泄漏出源代码。 ibm

This is where the Perl i match modifier comes in handy, so you can express simple concepts in a simple way.
这就是 Perl i匹配修饰符派上用场的地方,这样您就可以以简单的方式表达简单概念。 ibm

This is important for Perl6, because it is a project in progress.
这对 Perl6来说很重要,因为它是一个进行中的项目。 ibm

This site contains all things of interest to the Perl community.
这个网站包含了 Perl社团感兴趣的所有内容。 ibm

Throughout this article you build upon each step of installing and configuring the components involved in accessing a Derby database from Perl.
在本文中,您将亲历安装和配置用 Perl访问 Derby数据库所需的各种组件的每一个步骤。 ibm

Thus you have to be pretty darned familiar with Perl, C, how they interact with one another, as well as your target language and how it interacts with C.
这样的话,您必须要非常熟悉 Perl和 C,以及它们之间是如何互相作用的, 还要非常熟悉您的目标语言,以及它与 C 语言之间是如何相互作用的。 ibm

Using these nine tips, you can keep using Perl, keep your style, and still have an accessible and stable program.
使用这九个提示,您可以一直使用 Perl,保持您的风格,并且仍有一个可理解且稳定的程序。 ibm

We need to use PERL to make the installation process easier.
我们需要使用 PERL来使安装过程变得更加容易。 ibm

You can use the techniques described in this article to enhance the authentication options of your existing Perl applications or modify any program based on these concepts.
您可以使用本文中所述的技术来增强现有 Perl应用程序的身份验证方式,也可以根据这些概念修改任何程序。 ibm

You don't have any license restriction beyond the familiar Perl ones.
您没有任何许可证限制除了您熟悉的 Perl许可证。 ibm

You should also have some understanding of Perl references and SQL databases.
您还应该对 Perl引用和 SQL数据库有一定理解。 ibm

PERL is the driving language it controls the build or deployment flow, checks return codes and based on the logic executes through a designed build and deployment path.
PERL是驱动语言,它控制构建或部署流,检查返回的代码,用设计好的构建和部署路径执行逻辑操作。 ibm




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