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词汇 periphery
释义 pe·riph·er·y 英pəˈrɪfəriː美pəˈrɪfəriAHDpə-rĭfʹə-rē ★☆☆☆☆高四GIMST宝八COCA¹⁴⁴⁷⁷BNC¹⁴⁰¹²iWeb¹⁶¹⁴⁷Economist⁵⁷¹⁰

the outside boundary or surface of something前缀peri表“周围,环绕”,可以用同前缀单词period周期助记,“周期”就是环绕一圈的时间嘛;词根pher,体会它的发音和词根fer相同,它们是一个词根,表“拿、带”。所以整个单词的字面意思是“传到周围”。可以和circumference类比串记。tangent to periphery圆周切线periphery beam圈梁periphery cam平凸轮,盘形凸轮…force of periphery切线方向的力…flood periphery洪水边缘
peri + ferph=f 携带→外带着的;peri- 周围 + sphere 球,范围→外围;
非常记忆peri周围〖词缀〗+phe配合〖拼音〗+ry人妖〖拼音〗⇒周围的人都配合抓捕城市边缘的人妖peri在周围+pher蕴含+y抽象名词后缀→包含在周围的状态→外围,边缘⇒转作具体名词周边,次要部分。词根记忆peri周围+ pher带+ y → 带到周围 ⇒外围→不重要的部分词根记忆peri周围+pher带来+y→带到周围→不重要的部分;外围词根记忆peri+pher带有+y=带到周围=外围近义词 edge边缘border边界fringe流苏margin边缘corner角落suburb郊区compass圆规circuit巡回boundary边界outside在外面outskirts郊区sideline球场边线outer boundary外边界

用作名词The US cordons China'speriphery.美国在中国周边都画上了警戒线。
You can take a look at theperipheryof the Yandi Ling.你可以到周边的炎帝陵看看。
He was on theperipheryof Kenya's liberation struggles, but he was still imprisoned briefly during repressive times.他身处肯尼亚解放斗争的边缘,但仍在镇压时期遭到短时间的囚禁。
The condition makes it difficult for patients to see objects at theperipheryof their vision.这种病症使患者难于看见视觉边缘的物体。
Other animals were depicted on theperipheryof the group.其他动物在群像的外围加以修饰。
Jackals emerged from the shadows at theperipheryof the factory, crawling out behind pipes and plasma tubes.在工厂的外围,豺狼人从隐蔽处现身,在管道和等离子导管后缓慢移动。noun.outskirts, outer edge
同义词 brink,fringe,perimeter,rim,vergeambit,border,boundary,brim,circuit,circumference,compass,covering,edge,hem,margin,outside,skirt
反义词 center,inside,interior,middle
bordernoun outermost edge, margin
bound/boundsnoun farthest limit
boundariesnoun outer limit
abuttals,ambits,barriers,beginnings,borderlands,borderlines,bordersboundsbrinks,circumferences,circumscriptions,compasses,confines,edges,ends,environs,extents,extremities,frames,fringes,frontiers,hems,horizons,limits,line of demarcations,lines,marches,margins,marks,meres,metes,outlines,outposts,pales,perimeters,peripheries,precincts,purlieuses,radii,rims,sides,skirts,terminals,terminations,termini,verges
boundarynoun outer limit
abuttals,ambit,barrier,beginning,border,borderland,borderline,bounds,brink,circumference,circumscription,compass,confines,edge,end,environs,extent,extremity,frame,fringe,frontier,hem,horizon,limits,line,line of demarcation,march,margin,mark,mere,mete,outline,outpost,pale,perimeter,periphery,precinct,purlieus,radius,rim,side,skirt,terminal,termination,terminus,verge
brimnoun edge of object, usually the top
brinknoun edge of an object or area
border,boundary,brim,fringe,frontier,limit,lip,margin,perimeter,periphery,point,rim,skirt,threshold,verge On the periphery people have fewer friends, yet their loneliness leads them to lose the few ties they have left.
处于社交边缘的人的朋友更少,而他们的孤独又会让他们失去仅有的几个朋友。 yeeyan

The nations of the world should declare that a given zone say,250 yards around ships that is part of their defense periphery.
世界各国应当宣布,船只周围一个给定的区域例如250码是船只防御外围的一部分。 yeeyan

The contextual- domain components are then arrayed around the periphery like a dashboard.
然后将上下文相关的域组件像指示板一样排列在周边。 ibm

The embattled economies on the periphery, such as Ireland, Portugal and Greece, have less choice and a grim future.
爱尔兰、葡萄牙和希腊等深陷困境的边缘经济体选择的余地较少,前途一片暗淡。 ecocn

The same could be said for Europe’s approach to the sovereign- debt crisis, as it has spread relentlessly round the southern and western periphery of the euro area.
对于欧洲解决主权债务危机的方法,你也可以说它走错了方向,因为危机已经无情的蔓延到了欧元区的南部及西部边缘。 ecocn

At my weekly checkup, Minshull explains that this“ ghosting” or halo effect occurs because, while the lenses have corrected the centre of my pupils, they have not yet altered the periphery.
在每周一次的检查时,米舒尔对这种重影或光晕现象作了解释:隐形眼镜虽然已经矫正了我瞳孔中央的位置,但还没有矫正周围的部分。 yeeyan

By knowing the names of the group and what they worked on, people on the periphery may connect to ask questions and gain valuable insight into this largely untapped knowledge source.
通过了解小组成员的姓名和他们所从事的工作,周围的人可以连接提出问题,并对主要更新的知识源获取有价值的见解。 ibm

He claimed that European states will act in “ solidarity” by continuing to support the periphery, even if some northern European citizens object due to peculiar“ sensitivities about responsibility”.
他声称,欧洲国家将继续“团结一致”地采取行动支持欧洲外围,即使在北欧一些国民由于特殊的“关于责任的敏感性”而反对。 ecocn

However, on the periphery, there is one aspect of enterprise development which may be often overlooked. This is software release management.
然而,在企业级开发的外围,其中一个方面却可能经常被忽略,这就是软件发布的管理。 ibm

In a composite application, you can improve on this by bringing up an edit mode component for the data element in a focus and periphery style page.
在复合应用程序中,您可以通过在焦点和外围样式页面中打开数据元素的编辑模式组件来改进这一点。 ibm

In this experiment, however, the babies were able to perceive the faces even when they were located in the periphery of their visual field.
但是,在这个实验中,婴幼儿能够感知到这些面孔,即使把它们放置在婴幼儿视野的边缘。 ebigear

Less American involvement in European security will shift the burden back onto Europeans to manage Russia’s intimidation of its neighbors and solve“ frozen conflicts” on Europe’s periphery.
美国减少对欧洲安全的参与,这势必将应付俄罗斯对它邻居的恐吓以及解决欧洲边缘的“冷冲突”的责任转移到欧洲的肩上。 yeeyan

One of your periphery components could allow you to browse your company's cost centers and select one.
其中多种外围组件可以允许您浏览公司的成本中心并作出一个选择。 ibm

Second, the problem debts of the European periphery are too big for the healthy core to deal with.
其次,欧洲外围国家的债务问题过于庞大,令健康的欧洲核心国家难以承受。 yeeyan

Such planning is not just a matter for companies in threatened economies on the periphery.
不仅仅是那些受到周边经济不振所威胁的公司要做这样的计划。 ecocn

The most likely scenario in the future is continuing low- level violence and threat shifting around the periphery of the Islamic world depending on local circumstances and the emergence of new leaders.
在将来最可能的结果是,低水平的暴力和威胁仍将在伊斯兰世界周围继续,或取决于地区形势的变化,或者由于新领导人的出现。 yeeyan

The Afghanistan on show at the London museum sits at the center of trade routes— not the periphery of the civilized world.
伦敦大英博物馆的阿富汗展览位于商业路线中心,不是在文明世界的外围。 yeeyan

This makes the frame periphery visible again.
这会使框架的周边再次可见。 ibm

Though often lumped into the smaller periphery, it has one foot in the core group of Germany, France and Italy.
尽管它经常被归类到边缘小国之列,但也算是一只脚踏进了德国、法国和意大利的核心集团。 hjenglish

What happens as result of this rewiring of the animal’s sensory periphery to the cortical heart of the brain?
把动物的感官外围神经重新连接到大脑皮质的核心区以后,会发生什么结果呢? yeeyan

While all the approaches discussed so far are architecturally interesting, they all operate around the periphery of the kernel.
目前探讨的这些方法在架构上都很有趣,但是它们都在内核的外围运行。 ibm




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