

单词 periodic
释义 pe·ri·od·ic 英ˌpɪriːˈɒdɪk美ˌpɪriˈɑdɪkAHDpĭr'ē-ŏdʹĭk ★☆☆☆☆高六IMST6八COCA¹¹⁰⁷⁰BNC⁹³⁶⁵iWeb⁷¹⁶⁴Economist¹⁵⁰¹⁷


happening fairly regularly

happening or recurring at regular intervals;

the periodic appearance of the seventeen-year locust

recurring or reappearing from time to time;

periodic feelings of anxiety

periodic, alternate

这两个词的共同意思是有规律地重复再现。alternate指两件事物交替出现或一件事物每隔一段时间出现; periodic指可预测的周期性发生。

来自period,周期,时期。periodic law周期律,门捷列夫定律…periodic table周期表periodic sentence圆周句指主要意义至…periodic inspection定期检查定期检查,定…periodic function周期函数periodic repair定期检修periodic error周期误差,周期性误差…periodic system周期系,周期系统…periodic plankton周期性浮游生物…periodic motion周期运动periodic duty周期运行,循环工作,…periodic load周期性负载periodic vibration周期振动periodic maintenance定期维修periodic sampling等间隔取样,周期取样…periodic chart周期表periodic variation周期性变化periodic acid高碘酸,过碘酸…periodic oscillation周期振荡periodic damping周期性制动,周期性阻…
period(-ic…的⇒adj.周期的³¹;定期的⁴⁹;间歇的¹⁷;完句的³adj.周期性的;间发性的;时而发生的;数循环的;周期函数的;语完整句的;回归的;定时的;时时的;化高碘的;某一时期的;修辞学掉尾句的;圆周句的;美词丽句的;定期发生的n.定期非常记忆period期间〖熟词〗icIC(卡)〖编码〗⇒春节期间IC卡都是定期出售的近义词 定期的…broken弄坏的cyclic循环的serial连载小说regular有规律的seasonal季节的periodical期刊occasional偶然的episodic插曲式的continuing连续的interrupted中断的recurrent再发生的intermittent间歇的sporadic不定时发生的…intervallic间隙的悬殊的…反义词 aperiodic非周期性的
~+ n.Long long ago,we knew the periodic motion of a planet.很久以前,我们就知道行星的周期运动。
These arrangements are subject to periodic reviews.这几项安排须定期检查。Paperiodica.非周期性的Pnonperiodica.非周期的Pantiperiodic反周期的抗疟的Ppseudo-periodicity准周期性Pthermoperiodicityn.温周期现象Paperiodicityn.非周期性无周期性Pperiodicityn.定期性周期性频率周波Pperiodicallyad.定期循环间歇周期定期刊行期刊Pperiodicaln.期刊a.定期出版的期刊的间歇周期的定期的

用作形容词Long long ago, we knew theperiodicmotion of a planet.很久以前, 我们就知道行星的周期运动。
Why are the version numbers not in any particularperiodicsequence?为什么版本号不是按照任何特定的周期序列?
The doctor madeperiodicvisit to the house to see if the baby was all right.医生定期到这家进行拜访,检查婴儿的健康。
There is aperiodicreshuffle of our company staff.我们公司定期有人事变动。adj.at fixed intervals
同义词 annual,intermittent,monthly,occasional,recurrent,recurring,regular,repeated,routine,seasonal,sporadic,weekly,yearlyperiodicalalternate,at various times,centennial,cyclic,cyclical,daily,epochal,every once in a while,every so often,fluctuating,hourly,infrequent,isochronal,isochronous,on certain occasions,on-again-off-again,orbital,perennial,rhythmic,serial,spasmodic
反义词 constant,infrequent,unusualcontinual,irregular,lasting,permanent,sporadic,variable
cyclicadjective recurrent
cyclical,like clockwork,periodical,recurring,repeating
cyclicaladjective happening at regular intervals
dailyadjective occurring every day;during the day
circadian,common,commonplace,constantly,cyclic,day after day,day by day,day-to-day,diurnal,everyday,from day to day,often,once a day,once daily,ordinary,per diem,periodic,quotidian,regular,regularly,routine
fitfuladjective irregular, sporadic
bits and pieces,broken,capricious,catchy,changeable,desultory,disturbed,erratic,flickering,fluctuating,haphazard,herky-jerky,hit-or-miss,impulsive,inconstant,intermittent,interrupted,on-again-off-again,periodic,random,recurrent,restive,restless,shifting,spasmodic,spastic,spotty,unstable,variable
frequentadjective common, repeated
a good many,commonplace,constant,continual,customary,everyday,expected,familiar,general,habitual,incessant,intermittent,iterated,manifold,many,monotonous,numberless,numerous,periodic,perpetual,persistent,pleonastic,profuse,recurrent,recurring,redundant,reiterated,reiterative,successive,thick,ubiquitous,usual,various
intermittentadjective irregular, sporadic
alternate,arrested,broken,by bits and pieces,checked,cyclic,cyclical,discontinuing,discontinuous,epochal,every other,fitful,here and there,hit-or-miss,infrequent,interrupted,isochronal,isochronous,iterant,iterative,metrical,now and then,occasional,on and off,periodic,periodical,punctuated,recurrent,recurring,rhythmic,rhythmical,seasonal,serial,shifting,spasmodic,stop-and-go A management technique is for planned, periodic migration to newer versions of the service.
管理技术可用于有计划地周期性迁移到服务的较新版本。 ibm

At best, then, the report highlights the debilitating effect on Pakistan’s institutions of its periodic spells of military rule.
该报告充其量强调了巴基斯坦这种正在逐渐削弱的周期性军事统治政治的符咒。 ecocn

At the very least, most change management products can save the project schedule or requirements in HTML form for easy periodic publication.
毫不夸张地说,大多数更改管理产品都可以采用 HTML格式保存项目日程或需求,以便于定期发布。 ibm

But their emphasis on growth frequently led them to lend excessively, as they did to Latin America, resulting in massive write- downs and periodic financial crises.
但他们频繁强调增长导致放贷过度,正如他们在拉丁美洲所做的,导致大量资产减值和周期性金融危机。 ecocn

Fix packs, represented by FP, are periodic maintenance upgrades, released in between refresh packs.
修复包使用 FP表示,是在刷新包之间发布的定期维护升级。 ibm

However, the carry trade, which proved highly lucrative between 2000 and2007, reversed sharply last year, as it has a tendency to do at periodic intervals.
然而,2000年至2007年期间证明非常有利可图的套利交易去年开始急转直下,因为做套利交易有其周期性间歇。 blog.sina.com.cn

If you happen to find this approach successful, please let us know so that we can plan periodic updates for future columns.
如果您碰巧发现这种方法很成功,请告诉我们,以便我们能够为今后的专栏计划定期的更新。 ibm

In order to manage the authentication of IBM employee credentials, some business partners requested a copy of the IBM employee LDAP directory, along with periodic updates.
为了管理 IBM员工凭据的身份验证,有些业务合作伙伴要求提供 IBM员工 LDAP目录的副本并定期进行更新。 ibm

In both, there is a need to manage risk and uncertainty, especially since the periodic upheavals can be profound.
在两者中,都需要控制风险和不稳定,特别是因为周期性的剧变可能影响深远。 ecocn

In the scenario above it seems that there is a periodic event happening every20 minutes that cause a spike in the load average chart.
在上面的情形中,好像有周期性的事件每20分钟发生一次,从平均负载图上显示的波峰可以看到这一点。 infoq

In this example, the periodic basis is just a timer that goes off at a regular, configurable, interval.
在这个示例中,周期基础只是一个计时器,该计时器按照规律的、配置好的间隔到期。 ibm

One way to deal with trash is periodic cleaning: Every once in a while we assemble a crew to go out and pick up trash as thoroughly as our budget permits.
处理垃圾的一种方法是定期清理:每一次当我们聚集在一船员走出去,拿起了彻底垃圾作为我们预算许可。 yeeyan

So, this means we have the general trends down, so we should be able to look at actual atoms in our periodic table and graph them and see that they match up with our trends.

That people will produce more if they have periodic breaks; and from that, he introduced the coffee break.
那些周期性地得到休息的工人会生产出更多的东西,从那以后,他发明了咖啡休息时间。 yeeyan

The bond market too has suffered periodic setbacks from the incredible magnitude of Treasury borrowing.
由于天量的财政部借款,债券市场也经历了周期性的震荡。 yeeyan

The vaccine is designed to prevent periodic epidemics of the deadly disease in these countries.
该疫苗旨在预防这种致命疾病在这些国家中周期性的流行。 who

These periodic tests also build confidence in the support staff.
这些定期测试还可以培养支持人员的信心。 ibm

They learn in software engineering that this is not enough, and they must find a way for periodic face-to-face communication.
他们认识到在软件工程中这些是不够的,还必须找到一种定期面对面沟通的渠道。 ibm

This feature can be used to tune database performance according to periodic changes in use, such as switching from daytime interactive use to nighttime batch work.
可以使用这个功能,根据使用过程中的周期变化例如从白天的交互式使用转换到夜间的批处理工作来调优数据库性能。 ibm

This is about the periodic trends that we discussed on Wednesday.

This periodic use of snapshots can be especially useful in detecting trends.
在探测趋势时,这种定期使用快照的方法特别有用。 ibm

Today there is no spectacle so ridiculous as the British public in one of its periodic fits of panic about the National Health Service NHS.
现在可以说,没有什么景象能比英国民众对于国民健康保险制度的周期性恐慌更荒唐可笑。 ecocn

Trusted Execution supports the run- time integrity check whenever any command is executed, whereas the TCB mostly does the periodic checking of system integrity.
可信执行支持在每当执行任何命令的时候执行运行时完整性检查,而 TCB主要执行定期的系统完整性检查。 ibm

Typical smart meter designs include periodic transmission of current, phase, and frequency data from the user to the electricity distribution company.
典型的智能度量设计包括来用户端的电流、相位和频率数据向电力调配公司的周期传送。 yeeyan

Periodic crises are an inherent feature of market capitalism, or indeed any economic system run by humans.
周期性危机是市场资本主义,或者人类经营的任何经济体系的固有特征。 yeeyan




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