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词汇 period
释义 pe·ri·od 英ˈpɪriːəd美ˈpɪriədAHDpĭrʹē-əd


an amount of time


a certain time in the life of a person or the history of a country


a lesson


a full stop

an amount of time;

a time period of 30 years

hastened the period of time of his recovery

Picasso's blue period

the interval taken to complete one cycle of a regularly repeating phenomenonice hockey one of three divisions into which play is divided in hockey gamesa unit of geological time during which a system of rocks formed;

ganoid fishes swarmed during the earlier geological periods

the end or completion of something;

death put a period to his endeavors

a change soon put a period to my tranquility

the monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women from puberty to menopause;

the women were sickly and subject to excessive menstruation

a woman does not take the gout unless her menses be stopped

the semen begins to appear in males and to be emitted at the same time of life that the catamenia begin to flow in females

a punctuation mark . placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations;

in England they call a period a stop


❌ There are six lesson period in a normal school day.

✔️ There are six lesson periods in a normal school day.



❌ During those years of turmoil, we stayed on a farm for a long period of time.

✔️ During those years of turmoil, we stayed on a farm for a long time.

误句中的period of是多余的,应删去。

period, age, generation


period是这组词中最一般的常用术语,用于任何时限,时间可长可短; age意为“时代,寿命”,常用来表示以一个中心人物或显著特征而闻名的时期; generation意为“代、世代”,用于上辈出世与下辈出世之间的时段,对人类来说这段时间有时可算作20年或25年,也可用于下辈本身。例如:

The period in which people learnt to make tools of iron is called the Iron Age.人类学会用铁制造工具的时代,我们称为“铁器时代”。

My generation behaves differently from my father's and grandfather's.我这一代人和我父辈及祖辈表现不同。age,epoch,era,period,times







英语的“句号”叫period或 fullstop.Period来逢希腊语的periodus,意思是“周期”,“循环”,period至今仍保留着这层意思。到了16世纪末,这个词则用来指任何动作的完成时刻,继而指一个句子的完结,或一句话后的停顿时间,最后才变成一个圆点,标志一个句子的结束。
用作名词 n.
动词+~come to period完结,告终conclude a period结束一个时期cover a period包括一个时期end a period结束一个时期enter a period进入一个阶段go through period经历一段时期have period of有一堂…课shorten a period缩短一个阶段tide over critical period渡过危险时期place period点上句号put period点上句号have a period来月经形容词+~brief period短暂的阶段certain period某一时期considerable period相当长的时期cooling-off period冷却时期corresponding period相应的时期critical period关键阶段,紧要关头different period不同阶段dry period旱季early period初期,早期extra period加时赛fixed periods固定的时期fruitful period硕果累累的阶段historical period历史时期long period长期natural period自然周期prehistoric period史前时代pre-school period学龄前阶段present period目前阶段remote period很久前的时期short period短期wet period雨季double period连续两节课free period自由课question-and-answer period问答课heavy period月经来得多monthly period月经名词+~emergency period紧急时期harvest period收获时节Jurassic period侏罗纪时期lesson period一节课postwar period战后时期rest period休眠期teaching period教学课trial period试验期vacation period休假时间waiting period等待时期working period工作时间介词+~during period在…期间for period在一段时期中for period one year一年间in certain period在某一时期in that period在那个…时期within period在…期间~+介词period of a circulating decimal小数的循环节period of adolescence青春期period of availability有效期period of gestation妊娠期period of history历史时期period of incubation潜伏期period of international tension国际形势紧张时期period of office任职期间period of peace和平时期period of recovery恢复时期period of revolution自转周期period of rotation自转周期period of the French Revolution法国大革命时期period of three years三年的时间period of two months两个月时间
非常记忆pe体育课〖编码〗+rio鸡尾酒〖编码〗+d弟〖编码〗⇒体育课期间鸡尾酒被弟弟喝光了近义词 ageeratermtimeepochinterval
用作名词n.The students' lunch period is from 11:30 to 12:30.学生们的午餐时间是从11点半到12点半。
Mary was restored to health after a period of medical treatment.经过一段时间治疗,玛丽康复了。
We lived in Beijing for a period.我们在北京住过一段时间。
She was taken on for a three-month trial period before being accepted as a permanent member of staff.在她被接受为固定雇员之前经过了三个月的试用期。
The work must be completed within a two-month period.工作须于两个月内完成。
There were long periods when we had no news of him.我们曾有好长时期没有得到他的消息。
He excels all other composers of his period.他胜过同时代的所有其他作曲家。
We have entered upon a new period of history.我们进入了一个新的历史阶段。
It was the most glorious period of the Roman Empire.这段时期是罗马帝国最辉煌的时期。
They were young at the period of their entrance upon the stage of history.在他们登上历史舞台的时代,他们还很年轻。
The cavemen lived in a period of history antecedent to written records.山顶洞人生活在有文字记载之前的一个历史时期。
During the Warring States period, more walls were put up to defend the borders of the different kingdoms.战国时期,修建了更多的城墙来保卫不同王国的边境。
The Ming period declined.明朝衰落了。
The school day is divided into seven periods.学校一天有七节课。
We have four periods before noon.上午我们有四节课。
Each school day has six periods with a ten minute recess between.每一个上课日分为六节,中间各休息十分钟。
Use a period at the end of the sentence.在一个句子的末尾用句号。
The period marks the end of a sentence.句号标明一句话的结束。
There should be a period at the end of a declarative sentence.陈述句的末尾应该有一句号。
Ross is a girl of the period.罗斯是个现代姑娘。
He is the youth of the period.他是一个现代青年。
My period is only for half a day and I get terrible headaches.我月经来时通常只有半天,而且头痛得厉害。
She had never had her period before.她以前从没来过月经。Phalf-period半周Pblow-period吹风期Pperiodogram周期图Psemi-period半周期Pperiodization周期化Pphotoperiodn.光周期Ppseudo-periodn.赝周期Paperiodica.非周期性的Pnonperiodica.非周期的Pperiodoscope分娩日期计算表Pantiperiodic反周期的抗疟的Ppseudo-periodicity准周期性Pthermoperiodismn.温周期现象Pthermoperiodicityn.温周期现象Paperiodicityn.非周期性无周期性Pphotoperiodismn.光周期现象光周性Pperiodicityn.定期性周期性频率周波Pperiodicallyad.定期循环间歇周期定期刊行期刊Pperiodica.周期的定期的间歇的循环的用完整句的高碘的Pperiodicaln.期刊a.定期出版的期刊的间歇周期的定期的



period可作“时期,时代”解,指某个历史阶段或时期; 也可作“课时,学时”解; 还可作“月经期”解。

在美式英语中period的意思是“句号,句点”,相当于英式英语的a full stop。


period表示一段时间时,一般不指一点时间。如果从全部过程的角度来看,每一个period也可算是一“点”,常与介词at连用。 例:at any period of the year在这一年的任何一个时段;

表示朝代时,用dynasty或period,如Qing Dynasty/Period清朝。表示某个皇帝的朝代时,用reign或period来表示,如the Qian Long Reign/Period乾隆朝;


用作名词He feels completely restored to health after aperiodof intensive care.通过一段时间的精心照顾,他感到身体完全康复了。
The exerciseperiodwas similar to the previous study.运动周期类似前面的研究。
Childhood is aperiodof rapid growth.幼年是生长迅速的时期。
He teaches 10periodsa week.他每周授课10课时。
This course needs 30periodsin all, and case analysis will use 4periods.本课程的总学时是30学时,其中4学时是让学生做案例分析。
Use aperiodat the end of the sentence.在一个句子的末尾用句号。
How long is yourperiodusually?通常你的月经周期多长?noun.extent of time
同义词 age,course,cycle,date,duration,era,season,span,stage,stretch,term,timeaeon,days,epoch,generation,interval,measure,space,spell,while,yearsnoun.ending
同义词 endcessation,close,closing,closure,conclusion,discontinuance,limit,stop,termination
chapternoun section of book or group of items
closenoun ending
conclusionnoun end
cease,cessation,close,closure,completion,consequence,culmination,denouement,desistance,development,end of the line,ending,eventuality,finale,finish,issue,outcome,payoff,period,result,stop,termination,upshot,wind-up,wrap
continuancenoun duration
coursenoun plan of study
class,conference,curriculum,discussion group,interest,laboratory,lecture,matriculation,meeting,method,period,preparation,procedure,program,regimen,schedule,seminar,session,speciality,subject
coursesnoun plan of study




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