

单词 perimetry
释义 perimetry 英pə'rɪmɪtrɪ BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
As a testing method of visual function, perimetry is important tool to the diagnosis, selection of treatment and follow up of glaucoma.
视野检查作为视功能检测的一种方法,在青光眼的诊断、指导治疗、追踪随访中占有重要地位。 chemyq

If anything looks abnormal, the doctor will measure the extent of your visual field by a painless method called perimetry.
如果有什么看起来异常,医生会让你做无痛性的视野检查来测量你视野的范围。 www.bddyyy.com.cn

Metabolic factors play an important role in visual field loss. These also reveal the automated perimetry is an effective and potential examination in DR patients.
除视网膜形态性损害外,糖尿病条件下代谢因素影响亦是视野损害的重要原因。 sosyao

Methods By using the static perimetry technique and swinging light test, we assessed MLS and RAPD in normal subjects, anisometropic and ametropic amblyopia in school aged children.
方法应用静态视野技术和光摆实验对正常组、屈光参差性和屈光不正性弱视的学龄儿童进行检查。 cnki

Methods237 patients finally diagnosed diabetes were examined by fluorescence fundus angiography, VEP and examination of visual field; perimetry, the information of the optic neuropathy were analyzed.
方法:对确诊为糖尿病的237例患者,行眼底荧光血管造影检查、 VEP及视野检查,对其视神经病变情况进行分析。

Objective To study the presentation of frequency doubling perimetry FDP in patients with primary open angle glaucoma POAG.
目的探讨早期原发性开角型青光眼 POAG倍频视野 FDP的表现。 cnki

Prognosis for visual performance including results of visual testing and perimetry;
愈后的视觉功能状况,包括视力和视野检查结果; airiti.com

Visual acuity, perimetry, P- VEP and CSF were performed in the two groups at the first view.
两组患者初诊时皆查视力、视野、 P- VEP及对比敏感度。 cnki

Perimetry has been widely used in the examination of visual function, which has specific clinical value of application.
视野计已成为一种被广泛应用的主要视功能检查手段,它具有独特的临床应用价值。 chemyq




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