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词汇 peridotite
释义 per·i·do·tite 英ˈperɪdəʊˌtaɪt, pəˈrɪdə-美ˈpɛrɪdoˌtaɪt, pəˈrɪdə-AHDpĕrʹĭ-dō-tīt', pə-rĭdʹə- BNC⁷⁵⁰⁵²

a dark coarse-grained igneous rock consisting principally of olivineperi-周围|靠近-dotite⇒n.橄榄岩
用作名词The magnesite originated from theperidotiteby weathering.菱镁矿是由橄榄岩风化形成的。
This may be up to 50km thick and comprises ultrabasicperidotite.其厚度可达50公里并由超基性的橄榄岩所组成。 As a result of repeated injection of magma, peridotite facies and olivine-gabbro facies appear repeatedly in the vertical section.
岩浆多次贯入使得纵向上橄榄岩相和橄榄辉长岩相重复出现。 cnki

Crystallized coarse grain peridotite in deeper mantle, ultracrustal deep faults and rapidly ascending magma constitute the basic conditions of ore forming.
地幔深处的富粗晶橄榄岩,超壳深断裂带,岩浆的快速上升构成了成矿的基本条件。 cnki

In the Mesozoic basaltic rocks from northern Guangxisouthern Hunan, there are abundant deep- source enclaves, which can be divided into peridotite, gabbro and intermediate-acid gneiss.
桂北—湘南中生代玄武质岩石中含有丰富的深源包体。 它们分别为橄榄岩、变形的辉长岩和中酸性片麻岩三大类。 cnki

The chromite deposits in the Muskox Complex occur only in feldspathic peridotite.
在穆斯科克斯杂岩体中,铬铁矿矿层仅产于长石质橄榄岩中。 dictall

The Karamaili ophiolite complex in East Junggar of Xinjiang province was composed of metamorphic peridotite, gabbro, diabase and basic lava.
新疆东准噶尔卡拉麦里蛇绿混杂岩的岩石组合为变质橄榄岩、辉长岩、辉绿岩和基性熔岩等。 dictall

The magnesite originated from the peridotite by weathering.
菱镁矿是由橄榄岩风化形成的。 dictall

The melt extracted a mass of metallic elements gold and silver during its reaction with mantle peridotite when it migrated upward to the mantle wedge;
熔体与地幔楔橄榄岩及幔源熔体的相互作用金属的萃取使熔体富集成矿元素; cnki

The team has shown that the Omani peridotite absorbs tens of thousands of tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, far more than anyone had thought.
科研小组已经证明,阿曼的橄榄岩每年能吸收数以万吨的二氧化碳,这大大地超过了人们的想象。 ecocn

The trace elements analysis shows that limburgite is the product of partially melting of mantle peridotite and diagenesis did not undergo the crustal contamination.
微量元素地球化学特征表明,该岩石是地幔橄榄岩低度部分熔融的产物,成岩过程没有地壳混染; geojournals

Basalt, olivine basalt and peridotite buried in deep strata may act just as the molten iron in laboratory.
地下深处的玄武岩、橄榄玄武岩和橄榄岩与实验室条件下的熔融铁类似。 cnki

Below the lithosphere is the geosphere comprising partly fused peridotite.
岩石圈之下是由部分熔融的橄榄岩所组成的软流圈。 dictall

Genetic mechanism of metamorphic peridotite in the ophiolites is partial melting of the upper mantle peridotite. Difference between two types ophiolites is divided by degree of the partial melting.
两类蛇绿岩中变质橄榄岩的成因机制是上地幔岩部分熔融,两者之间的差异则是由部分熔融程度决定的。 cnki

Geologists have long known that when peridotite is exposed to the air it can react quickly with carbon dioxide to form carbonates like limestone or marble.
很早地质学家们就已经知道:当橄榄岩暴露在空气,它可以迅速与二氧化碳发生化学反应,形成类似石灰石和大理石的碳盐酸产物。 ecocn

Gubaoquan intrusion is the product of highly partial melting of spinel peridotite at low pressure level in mantle.
岩体是地幔尖晶石橄榄岩在较低压力下发生较大程度部分熔融的产物。 geojournals

In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Messrs Kelemen and Matter suggest an alternative: pumping the gas from places where it is produced and into underground strata of peridotite.
凯莱门和马特尔在《美国国家科学院学报》上提出了另一种替代方式:把气体从其产生地注入到地下有橄榄岩的岩层。 ecocn

Like basalt, peridotite chemically reacts with carbon dioxide- saturated water to quickly form minerals, some of which contain carbon.
橄榄岩像玄武岩一样和二氧化碳饱和溶液发生化学反应后能迅速生成矿物质,其中一些含有碳。 yeeyan

Serpentinite is the least altered member of the peridotite suite.
蛇纹岩是橄榄岩组蚀变最轻微的分子。 kuenglish

The ophiolite is composed of metamorphic peridotite, accumulative gabbro and the upper-seated basic volcanic rock series.
蛇绿岩由变质橄榄岩、堆积辉长岩和上部层位基性火山岩系构成。 cnki

The ores exist mainly as peridotite inclusion.
矿石主要为橄榄岩包体。 cnki

The ultramafic intrusive complex is composed of dunite, peridotite, pyroxenite, gabbro and their metamorphic products.
超镁铁质侵入杂岩体由纯橄岩,橄榄岩,辉石岩,辉长岩及它们的变质产物组成。 cnki

The mantle peridotite at the bottom of ophiolitic section in the orogenic zone is direct sample of enriched upper mantle.

The rock is peridotite, which is one of the main rocks in the upper mantle, an area that provides a girth below the Earth’s crust.
这种石头是橄榄岩,上地幔地壳以下环绕地壳一周的区域的主要组成成分。 ecocn

The rock occurs some20km or more down, although in areas where plate tectonics have forced up some of the mantle, peridotite reaches the surface.
这种岩石常在地表20公里或者更深的地方出现,虽然在有些地方橄榄岩会因地幔的板块构造运动而上升到地表。 ecocn

This is the first case in the world for large-scale compositional changes of the lithospheric mantle resulting from peridotite- melt interaction.
这是全球首例由橄榄岩-熔体相互反应造成的岩石圈地幔大规模的组成变化。 cnki

Peridotite occurs in sizable and accessible quantities on every continent except Antarctica, according to Kelemen.
据科勒曼说,在除了南极洲以外的所有大陆都能相当容易地找到大量的橄榄岩。 yeeyan

Peridotite can also be found at the surface in other parts of the world, including some Pacific islands, along the coasts of Greece and Croatia, and in smaller deposits in America.
地表的其他地方也可以找到橄榄岩,包括一些太平洋岛屿,希腊和克罗地亚的沿岸,还有美国的一些较小的矿场上。 ecocn




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