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performance-enhancing pəˈfɔːmənsɪnhɑːnsɪŋ COCA³⁰⁰⁷⁴BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺⁵iWeb²⁹⁶⁰⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹ 基本例句 adj.提高成绩的¹⁰⁰ At the same time, a small but growing number of people have begun to suggest that performance-enhancing drugs should be legalized. 同时,少数但越来越多的人开始建议将部分兴奋剂合法化。 yeeyan But Armstrong, who has never tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs, has consistently denied the allegations. 而阿姆斯特朗则一直否认此项对他的指控,在药检中,他也从未被检测出呈阳性。 yeeyan In addition to serving as a testing site, the agency will help coordinate a campaign against illegal factories that make steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. 该中心除了要进行反兴奋剂检测工作之外,还要协同打击制造类固醇和激素类药物的非法工厂。 ept-cn.com On Wednesday, Henry failed an honesty test and was guilty of performance-enhancing cheating. 周三,亨利没有通过诚实测验,他有罪。 tianya The FBI is investigating whether Roger Clemens lied to Congress when he denied taking performance-enhancing drugs. 美联邦调查局正在对罗杰克莱门是否就服用兴奋剂一事对国会撒谎展开调查。 putclub The study released Tuesday found that 75 percent of adults surveyed agreed that athletes' use of performance-enhancing drugs is a violation of ethics in sports. 这份调查报告公布于本周二,其中75%的成年受访者认为,运动员使用兴奋剂是对体育道德的公然侵犯。 sports.enorth.com.cn They said I used performance-enhancing drugs. 他们说我使用违禁药物。 putclub |