

单词 perforating
释义 perforating 英'pɝfə,ret美'pɝfə,ret COCA¹³⁵³⁷⁹BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺
动词 perforate:
make a hole into or between, as for ease of separationpass into or through, often by overcoming resistanceperforating rate穿孔速度perforating tool穿孔工具perforating adder穿孔加法器tape perforating计 纸带穿孔…perforating injury穿孔性外伤perforating arteries穿动脉perforating speed凿孔速率perforating appendicitis穿孔性阑尾炎…perforating drill颅骨穿孔钻头…perforating machine穿孔机,打眼机…perforating veins穿静脉perforating fiber贯穿纤维perforating fracture穿孔性骨折perforating ulcer穿通性溃疡,穿孔性溃…perforating die冲孔模perforating feed冲多孔送料装置…perforating press冲孔机perforating wound穿孔创,穿破创伤…perforating branches穿支perforating organ穿孔器官
A rapidly burning explosive that requires time and high temperatures to ignite and does not require air or oxygen. Low explosives are used for sidewall coring and bullet perforating.
为使炸药发火需要时间和高温但不需要空气或氧气的快速燃烧的炸药。低能炸药用于井壁取心和子弹射孔。 www.infopetro.com.cn

The flow depends on following: permeability decrease in crushed zone, the shapes of perforating tunnel, the thickness of crushed zone.
流量影响因素依次为:压实带内渗透率下降程度、射孔孔道形状、压实带厚度; cnki

Based on the above conclusions, this paper proposes many new methods for solve the problem, such as the oriented perforating technology, reformative fracture fluid system and scientific fracture.
针对以上研究,提出应用定向射孔技术、改进的压裂液体系、科学的压裂设计方案及控缝高技术可以有效地解决砂堵问题。 cnki

Based on the analysis of test difficulties, the technique of combining test with perforation and solids- free perforating fluids were employed.
在分析该井测试作业技术难点的基础上,决定采用测试-射孔联作工艺及无固相射孔液。 cnki

Based on field test results, this paper discusses the effect of different perforating techniques on productivity of oil wells.
本文在现场试验的基础上,研究了不同的射孔工艺对油井产能的影响。 chemyq

Caliper logging is mainly used to determine the change of inside diameters of casings, perforating depth and the depth of collars.
井径测井主要用于确定套管内径变化、射孔孔深及接箍深度等。 cnki

Compound technique of perforating and fracturing is promising in coal.
复合射孔技术必将成为煤层致裂发展方向之一。 cnki

Especially the perforating technology in the exceptional horizontal wells such as slim-hole casing wells, large hole wells and complex wells is detailed.
着重介绍了水平井射孔技术在小井眼、大井眼及复杂井况条件下特殊井中的技术要求和特点。 cnki

Objective To investigate the method of lightening astigmatism and regaining cornea refraction state in the operation of corneal perforating injury.
目的探讨角膜穿孔伤手术缝合中运用辅助手段减轻术后角膜散光屈光性缝合的方法。 cnki

Objective To study the association of corneal astigmatism after perforating wounds of the cornea with the shape, position and method of suture of the wounds.
目的探讨角膜穿孔伤后角膜散光与角膜伤口的大小、形态、部位及手术处理等因素的关系。 cnki

Objective:To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of perforating gastric cancer.
目的:探讨胃癌急性穿孔的诊断和治疗。 cnki

Oilfield application obtained better results. For low pressure and low permeability hydrocarbon reservoirs, especially gas well, this perforating completion process has important application value.
通过现场应用取得了较好的效果,该工艺技术对低压、低渗油气藏特别是气井的射孔完井具有重要应用价值。 cnki

The article introduces the principle, features and procedures of joint operation techniques of overpressure perforating and sand fracturing, and its application in Baimamiao gas field.
文章介绍了超正压射孔与加砂压裂联作的工艺技术原理、技术特点、工艺流程,以及该联作技术在白马庙气田的应用。 cnki

The result of analysis indicates that the remaining strength of perforating casing with different scheme for holding is different.
分析结果表明,不同布孔方案的射孔套管的剩余强度是不同的。 cnki

The minimum restriction should be considered in both running and retrieving modes if any increase in tool string outside diameter is likely, such as when perforating or when using inflatable packers.
如果工具管柱外径有可能增加如在射孔或使用膨胀式封隔器时,则在下入工具管柱和起出工具管柱这两种情况都应考虑井筒最小直径。 www.infopetro.com.cn

This article briefly describes a new perforating technique that will result in clean, open perforations.
本文简要地介绍了一种对产层不会造成伤害的新型射孔技术。 cnki

This paper introduces applications of the perforating optimization design software in Daqing Oil-field.
介绍射孔优化设计软件功能特点及在大庆油田的应用情况。 cnki




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