

单词 perfectibility
释义 per·fect·ibil·i·ty 英,pəfektə'biliti美,pəfektə'biliti 高COCA⁹⁷²⁶¹BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰iWeb⁵⁷⁶⁷⁴

the capability of becoming perfect;

he believes in the ultimate perfectibility of man

perfect-ibil-ity名词⇒n.完全性反义词 imperfectibility不完善性
And I prove the formal axiomatic system of prepositional logic that is made up of Axiomatic Mode and the Rule of Detachment does not possess syntactic perfectibility.
证明:由公理模式和分离规则构成的命题逻辑公理系统不具有语法完全性。 sinoss

Classic : There is a nature of man, a definite structure of existence that puts limits on perfectibility.
人有其自然,亦即一种确定的存在结构,它为人的完善性设立了限度。 tianya

I think the formal axiomatic system of propositional logic that has limited axioms and the rule of substitute possesses syntactic perfectibility.
公理数有限、有代入规则的命题逻辑公理系统具有语法完全性; sinoss

It then fell out of favour, along with the idea that behaviour is genetically determined, as Marxist ideas of the pliability and perfectibility of mankind became fashionable.
后来随着马克思思想中的人类易受影响性和可完善性观点的流行,它和遗传决定人类行为观点一样不受大家庞爱。 ecocn

The richness and Perfectibility of this thesis are ensured, as far as possible, under current conditions.
在现有研究条件下尽量力图文章的充实与完善。 fabiao

Where Christianity taught that humans are sinful because of the fall, modernity taught universal human goodness and even perfectibility and denied the doctrine of sin.

In recent years, the financial supervisory system of China has been tending to maturity and perfectibility, but there are still many contradictions and problems.
近十几年来,中国的金融监管制度在逐步趋向成熟和完善,但是仍存在许多矛盾和问题。 cnki

Liberalism placed its hopes in human perfectibility.
自由派将他们的希望放在人类的可完善性上。 yeeyan

Reading Price's moral theory is an uplifting experience, giving one the impression that human perfectibility is not an impossible goal.
阅读普赖斯的道德理论是一次提升的体验,告诉我们:人类要成为完美的,并不是完全不可能的目标。 blog.sina.com.cn




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