

单词 perfect condition
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Based on philosophy, ethic and aesthetics, these activities have reached an almost perfect condition in which the true, the good and the beautiful are integrated.
其科学创新活动以哲学、道德学、美学等为基础,达到了融真、善、美于一体的近乎神韵的境界。 cnki

But if you’re afraid to smile because of the less than perfect condition of your teeth, you may be interested in the emergence of the new field of cosmetic dentistry.
如果你因为牙齿不够完美而不敢展现你的笑容,那么你也许会有兴趣去了解牙齿美容的新成果。 yeeyan

How could they not be happy about buying a house in perfect condition and without any holes in the walls?
他们能买到一所保持得如此完好,墙上连一个小孔都没有的房子,不是应该很高兴吗? ebigear

Jan HuntleyClaude Monet Foundation: The public expect to see a very famous garden in perfect condition.
简·亨特利莫奈基金会:公众希望见到一个毫无瑕疵的著名花园。 jbenglish

Lastly, they buy in “ seconds” clothes not in perfect condition for the sale and they are sold very cheaply.
最后,他们会购买“二手货”有些小缺陷的衣服用作促销,他们会卖得非常便宜。 ppwsj

Many airports currently use thermography cameras to detect feverish travellers to prevent them from travelling in a constricted air space, a perfect condition for spreading disease.
很多机场目前使用热成像摄像机来检测发烧旅客,禁止其登机,因为狭小的机舱极易传播疾病。 voa365

We trust that the goods will reach you in perfect condition.
我方相信货物能够完好无损地抵达你处。 hjenglish




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