

单词 peregrine
释义 per·e·grine 英ˈperəgrɪn, -ˌgriːn美ˈpɛrəgrɪn, -ˌgrinAHDpĕrʹə-grĭn, -grēn' 高COCA⁴⁰⁷⁸³BNC²²⁴⁶¹iWeb²³⁰⁵⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a widely distributed falcon formerly used in falconry

a restless mobile society

the nomadic habits of the Bedouins

believed the profession of a peregrine typist would have a happy future

wandering tribes

缩小自peregrine falcon,长途跋涉的猎鹰或来自国外的猎鹰,来自peregrine,长途跋涉的,falcon,猎鹰。peregrine falcon游隼
per和pre同源,在前面,在此引申为远离+egr=agr-,田地+in=an,形容词和名词后缀+e→远离田地的→远离故土的→异国的,外来的隼⇒游隼。近义词 mobile移动的nomadic游牧的roving不固定的wandering漫游的peregrine falcon游隼

用作名词But experts can't agree on theperegrine's top speed.但专家们对游隼的最高飞行速度未达成一致。as in.exotic
同义词 alien,alluring,bizarre,colorful,curious,different,fascinating,glamorous,peculiar,romantic,strange,unfamiliar,unusual,weirdavant-garde,enticing,external,extraneous,extraordinary,extrinsic,far-out,foreign,imported,introduced,kinky,outlandish,outside,striking,way-out
反义词 boring,common,dull,familiar,native,normal,ordinary,regular,standard,uninteresting,usualas in.roving
同义词 itinerant,peripatetic,wanderingambulatory,mobile,roaming,vagrantarrant,desultory,digressive,discursive,migratory,nomadic
反义词 settled
exoticadjective not native or usual;mysterious
rovingadjective moving around
ambulatory,arrant,desultory,digressive,discursive,itinerant,migratory,mobile,nomadic,peregrine,peripatetic,roaming,vagrant,wandering At the other end of the spectrum, peregrine falcons can reach speeds of up to200 miles322 kilometers an hour but only in short bursts to catch prey.
飞行能力的另一极端——鹰隼的飞行速度每小时可达200英里322千米,却只能在短距离内抓住猎物。 yeeyan

More unusual species of bird are merlin, peregrine falcon, corncrake and chough.
不大常见的鸟类品种有灰背隼、游隼、秧鸡和红嘴山鸦。 kuenglish

The US-based Peregrine Fund said at least three species could die out in Kenya's Masai Mara.
总部美国的游隼基金会声称最近三种秃鹫有可能在肯尼亚的马赛马拉草原灭绝。 blog.sina.com.cn

The peregrine is God's creature, and by understanding its beauty and function I appreciated more and more my own Creator.
游隼是上帝的杰作,了解了游隼的美丽和能耐,我更加感激造物主了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Again I felt a thrill for one of earth's fastest creatures: the American peregrine falcon.
我内心又一次感到非常激动,我为这地球上速度最快的物种之一——美国游隼而激动不已。 blog.sina.com.cn

Fringe benefits here include a cigar club, the fastest lifts in the world, and the chance to snap peregrine falcons as they migrate past your no doubt hermetically sealed expanse of window.
这里的额外好处包括了一个雪茄俱乐部,世界上最快速的电梯,以及当游隼迁徙飞过你的绝对密封的巨大玻璃窗户时,抓住它们的机会。 yeeyan

He brought his six Dreadnaught ships, including his flagship the Peregrine, to seek out the remainder of the Katana fleet before the Empire claimed them.
他带着六艘无畏舰,包括旗舰“游隼号”,去寻找锋刃舰队的残余,以防帝国领先一步。 starwarschina

I also have a feather from another species making a comeback against the odds, the peregrine falcon.
我还有一支游隼羽毛,这是另一个被挽救的生物种类。 yeeyan

In fact, border collies and peregrine falcons have been particularly good at keeping birds at bay on airfields.
实际上,博德牧羊犬和游隼在使鸟不靠近飞机场上效果特别好。 ecocn

One of Scotland’s best ridge walks is a favourite of Nutkins: it offers a chance to see golden eagles, peregrine falcons and ravens, as well as glorious wild and mountainous countryside.
在这苏格兰山岭散步的最佳之地是努特金的爱好之一: 在这里,有机会看到金雕,游隼及乌鸦,还有美丽的大自然以及山区农村的风情。 yeeyan

The male peregrine's love of his cliff is the strongest bond in his life, even greater than the attachment to his mate.
这只雄隼对着这片崖壁的热爱已成为它生命中最牢不可破的约定,甚至比它对伴侣的爱恋还要强。 blog.sina.com.cn

Peregrine falcons usually pluck the feathers and strip the flesh off their bird prey.
游隼捕到鸟类猎物时,通常是先拔掉它们的羽毛,再把肉撕下来。 ecocn

Peregrine has received FDA approval to initiate two separate Phase1 clinical trials in advanced solid cancer and chronic Hepatitis C virus indications.
游隼已经得到食品及药品管理局批准在先进的固体的癌症和慢性丙型肝炎病毒迹象里起动两单独的第1阶段临床试验。 healthbbs

Peregrine Pharmaceuticals, Inc. disclaims any obligation, and does not undertake to update or revise any forward- looking statements in this press release.
游隼医药制品股份有限公司否认任何义务,并且不保证在这新闻发布过程中不断改进或者修正任何有远见的陈述。 healthbbs




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