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词汇 at grass
释义 at grass ætɡrɑ:s 短语⁶⁰²³⁷
In the next place, the present states of performance appraisal of law enforcement officials at grass roots are analyzed based on the emphasis investigation and typical investigation.
其次,在问卷调查与典型调查的基础上,分析了海事系统基层执法人员绩效评估的现状; fabiao

The Lineages have turned active again in the Liangshan Yi area since the1980s and, in some situations, have handicapped the state's administration at grass roots.
自80年代以来,家支组织在凉山彝区再度活跃起来,时而对基层行政构成妨碍。 cass

From that point on, it analyses several issues concerning the construction of governing capacity of rule for rural governments at grass roots level from a perspective of human development.
以此作为农村基层政府执政能力建设的研究起点,进而上升到人的发展的高度来探讨农村基层政府执政能力建设的几个着力点。 cnki

However, there are still a lot of problems remaining in theinformationization construction, which will otherwise contain the further development of the basic work at grass-root level.
然而,信息化建设还存在诸多问题,势必影响到基层基础工作的进一步发展。 qiqi8

Objective: Strengthening medical services for war preparedness and supplying basic knowledge of military topography on commanders at grass roots.
目的:加强基层卫勤工作的军事斗争准备,有针对性的为基层卫勤指挥干部补充军事地形学的基本知识。 chemyq

People's courts founded in rural area are outside divisions of People's Court of P. R. China at grass roots level and are set up according to the laws.
人民法庭是我国基层人民法院依法设置的派出机构,较多地存在于中国农村,并且数量巨大。 fabiao

Strict new limits on political donations have hurt the Liberals, who usually looked to business for money, more than the Conservatives, who are better at grass- roots fund- raising.
相对于保守党一般都从草根募款上取得金援, 自由党更多是向企业们提出需求. 因此对政治献金严厉的新规定让自由党遇到了难题. ecocn

The fourth part discusses the public trust in government at grass roots effect on social stabilization.
第四部分主要论述了我国基层政府公信力对社会稳定的作用。 qk114

Then, the thoughts of countermeasures and working process of performance appraisal for law enforcement officials at grass roots are dissected and approached.
然后,对海事系统基层执法人员绩效评估的对策思路与工作流程进行了探讨; fabiao

Therefore, it is significant for State-owned Commercial Banks to construct a scientific, reasonable and efficient performance evaluation system and motivation mechanism of the staff at grass-roots.

To strengthen the leadership role of rural Party organization at grass-roots level; we have to actively promote the reform of governance mechanisms in rural areas and develop township democracy.
要加强农村基层党组织的领导作用,积极推进乡镇治理机制改革,发展乡级民主政治。 dictall




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