

单词 percovich
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For now, Percovich uses the skateboards to entice children into informal lessons and counseling sessions.
到现在为止, O利用滑板让孩子们享受到非正式的课程心里咨询课程。 yeeyan

Oliver Percovich, a lanky Australian in a black T-shirt, emerged from the van with a load of banged-up skateboards.
只见一个骨瘦如柴穿着黑色 T恤的人从货车里走出来,手里拿着一大堆滑板邦邦的放到了地上。 yeeyan

Skating here has a distinctive Afghan flair. Percovich said he doesn't want to impose Western clothing, hair styles or techniques.
在这里玩滑板的孩子有一种特别的阿富汗风格, O说,他并不想把西方的服饰、发型、和技术都强加到里面去。 yeeyan

“ Maybe we can play some small part in keeping these kids from becoming insurgents later on, ” Percovich said.
“也许我们可以做些小小的贡献让这些孩子们以后不会成为反动势力” O说到。 yeeyan

But Percovich's“ Skateistan” nonprofit club has become a magnet for children in Kabul, the capital.
但是 O的 Skateistan非盈利项目对于 K城的孩子来说变得很有吸引力啦。 yeeyan

One day last month, two young Afghan men confronted Percovich and a volunteer and demanded that they remove girls from the skating fountain.
上个月的一天,两个阿富汗男子围着 O和一个志愿者,要求他们让女孩子从喷泉广场离开。 yeeyan

The park, outfitted with skateboarding surfaces and ramps, will be Afghanistan's largest indoor sports facility when it is completed, Percovich said.
这个公园里安装了专为滑板设计的滑板面和一些斜坡,待到工程竣工的时候将会是阿富汗最大的室内活动中心。 yeeyan




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