

单词 perceptive
释义 per·cep·tive 英pəˈseptɪv美pɚˈsɛptɪvAHDpər-sĕpʹtĭv ★☆☆☆☆高IMST八GCOCA²⁴⁵⁰¹BNC¹⁵²³⁵iWeb²¹⁹⁴¹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

of or relating to perception;

perceptive faculties

having the ability to perceive or understand; keen in discernment;

a perceptive eye

a perceptive observation

词根词缀: per-完全,贯穿 + -cept-拿 + -ive形容词词尾perceptive deafness感受性聋,感音性聋,…disturbance of perceptive synthesis感知综合障碍…perceptive function感知功能
GRE难词记忆perceptive → per=through+cept=take 感受+ive→感知的 per全部+cept知道+ive⇒观察入微的per全部+cept知道+ive⇒观察入微的近义词 keen敏锐的aware知道的sharp锋利的sensitive灵敏的aesthetic美学的intelligent聪明的understanding理解discerning有见识的observant观察力敏锐的…insightful有深刻见解的…反义词 unperceptive无识别力的

用作形容词It was veryperceptiveof you to notice that.你能注意到此事,真够敏锐的。
Her books are full ofperceptiveinsights into the humanity.她的书充满了对人性敏锐的洞察力。
He is a trulyperceptivecritic.他确是一位很有眼力的批评家。
The quality of writing is closely related with the writer'sperceptiveability.写作质量的高低与作者感知能力的高低有直接关系。adj.alert, sensitive
同义词 astute,discerning,discreet,incisive,insightful,intuitive,knowing,knowledgeable,observant,penetrating,wiseacute,awake,aware,brainy,conscious,ear to the ground,gnostic,insighted,judicious,keen,knows what's what,penetrative,percipient,perspicacious,quick,rational,responsive,sagacious,sage,savvy,sharp,sophic,tuned-in,wise to
反义词 careless,foolish,idiotic,ignorant,stupid,thoughtless,unaware,undiscerning,unintelligentdense,insensitive,unobservant
alertadjective attentive, lively
active,all ears,bright,cagey,careful,circumspect,clever,fast on the draw,good hands,heads up,heedful,hip,intelligent,jazzed,observant,on guard,on one's toes,on the ball,on the job,on the lookout,on the qui vive,psyched-up,quick,ready,sharp,spirited,switched on,vigilant,wary,watchful,wide-awake,wired,wise,with it
analytic/analyticaladjective examining and determining
analyticaladjective examining
appreciativeadjective understanding, recognizing worth
attuned toadjective receptive
in harmony with,perceptive,responsive,sensitive,sympathetic
awareadjective knowledgeable
acquainted,alert,alive,appraised,appreciative,apprehensive,apprised,attentive,au courant,awake,cognizant,conscious,cool,enlightened,familiar,go-go,groovy,grounded,heedful,hip,in the know,in the picture,informed,into,know the score,know what's what,know-how,knowing,latched on,mindful,on the beam,on to,perceptive,plugged in,receptive,savvy,sensible,sentient,sharp,tuned-in,up on,wise,wise to,wised up,with it After more than a decade of open-wound agony, Teresa seems to have begun regaining her spiritual equilibrium with the help of a particularly perceptive adviser.
经过十多年的痛苦,特蕾莎修女似乎在一个相当有洞见的顾问的帮助下重新建立了她属灵的平衡。 yeeyan

Another is the admonition not to throw your pearls before swine, not to preach to those who can't hear, or won't be perceptive.

Even so, this is a lively and perceptive analysis of Mexican society.
即便如此,这也是对墨西哥社会生动而敏锐的分析。 ecocn

His vision of Paris isn’t perceptive.
他对巴黎的看法并不够透彻。 yeeyan

How perceptive of you!
你的感觉真敏锐! ibm

I can't get access to the paper, but the perceptive Ben Trawick- Smith at Dialect Blog has.
我不能直接浏览这一文件,但方言博客中敏锐的本·特拉维克·史密斯拥有这份文件。 yeeyan

In general, women are much more perceptive and search out for personality more than just good looks.
一般来说,女性更加敏感,并且更关注一个人的品性而不是外表。 yeeyan

In Asian countries it now seems easier for a dynasty’s founder to pass over talentless playboys in favour of more intelligent and perceptive daughters.
在亚洲国家,开国元首似乎更倾向于将职位传给聪慧知性的女儿们,而不是无能的花花公子们。 yeeyan

It is cocksure, impatient, cold, exciting and instinctively perceptive.
它自信而专横、缺乏耐心、兴奋并有着敏锐的直觉。 yeeyan

It's perceptive and yet at times there are little moments of comic absurdity.
它观察深邃,却时不时上演一小段荒谬的喜剧。 yeeyan

Most people are pretty perceptive, and they can tell when someone meaning you is interested— really interested—in what they have to say and when he or she is not.
大多数人是相当敏感的,而且他们知道别人也就是你什么时候希望——真心希望——他们必须说什么,什么时候又不应说什么。 yeeyan

Okay, so you have stumbled across the most sensitive, perceptive Pisces friend who is always willing to lend you a helping hand.
好吧,你已经发现了最敏感,最善解人意的双鱼座的好友总是乐于给你帮助。 yeeyan

Since the nobles are more perceptive and cunning, they always have time to save themselves, seeking the favours of the side they believe will prevail.
因为贵族更具有洞察力和更狡猾,他们总是有时间来拯救自己,寻找他们相信将得势的那一方。 yeeyan

The second, “ Valuing Wall Street” received less attention but its insights were no less perceptive.
第二本,评估华尔街并不如第一本那么引人注意,但是其观点却是一样的有见地。 ecocn

This all comes back to the hunter- gatherer days, when men led the hunt for meat and needed to have all of these perceptive tools handy for a successful hunt.

To a person of analytical ability, perceptive enough to realise that that mathematical equipment was a powerful sword in economics, the world of economics was his or her oyster in1935.
对于一个具有分析能力、充分意识到数学工具是经济学领域有力武器的人来说,1935年的经济学界,是属于他或她的天下。 blog.sina.com.cn

What makes me happy is that they are independent thinkers, insightful and perceptive, clear- headed; that they are kind; that they care about the world and its people.
令我高兴的是,他们能独立思考,有远见,知觉敏锐,头脑清晰,心地善良,关注世界和各国人民。 edu.sina.com.cn

Women are very perceptive and if you really like her, she’ll feel it.
女人是很有感知力的,如果你真心喜欢她,她会感觉到的。 yeeyan

You enjoy change, but think things through deeply and are very perceptive and intuitive.
喜欢变化,思考深入,感性,凭直觉做事。 my399

You are very perceptive.
恭喜你,你很敏感。 yeeyan

Your natural ability to communicate ideas to others is keenly perceptive now.
天生的向别人表达想法的能力非常敏锐。 ebigear




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