

单词 Perca
释义 per·ca AHDˈpərkə COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺

type genus of the PercidaeAny of various spiny-finned freshwater fishes of the genusPerca,especially either of two edible species,P. flavescens,of North America,and P. fluviatilis,of Europe.河鲈,任何一种有刺状鳍的鲈属淡水鱼,尤指两种可食用类,北美洲的金鲈和欧洲的河鲈。
Any of various spiny-finned freshwater fishes of the genusPerca, especially either of two edible species, P. flavescens, of North America, and P. fluviatilis, of Europe.河鲈任何一种有刺状鳍的鲈属淡水鱼,尤指两种可食用类,北美洲的金鲈和欧洲的河鲈
Percaand Jones, from Switzerland and the Uk, firstly travelled around the world across 42,810 kms during the last 20 days by fire balloon, on 20th March 1999.1999年3月20日,瑞士人皮尔卡、英国人琼斯经过近20天的飞行,终于完成了首次乘热气球环球飞行的壮举,总计飞行42810公里。 A North American perch Perca flavescens having golden yellow sides marked by broad, dark vertical bars, much valued as a food and game fish.
一种北美鲈金鲈鲈鱼科 ,体侧呈金黄色,并有深色的竖宽带条纹,被视为价值很高的食用鱼和垂钓鱼。 odict.net




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