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词汇 Perak
释义 Perak 'pεərə;'peiræk;'peira: Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
After breakfast processed to Perak Tong Cave Temple at Ipoh.

First, the fruit of the newly adopted widely distributed under the sun field in a week or two, until the fruit until the issue of Perak popping sound, natural drying.
首先将刚采下的果实广布在晒场上一两个星期,直到果实发出霹啪的声音为止,自然干燥之。 ymtweb

In early March, in Perak in Malaysia, the state assembly convened an emergency session under a tree.
三月上旬,在马拉西亚的 perak, 国会在一棵树下召开了一次紧急会议。 ecocn

I was shocked when I read that one of the PAS leaders who wrote that if the Perak issue is not resolved, it might degenerate into the exact situation in Bangkok.
我惊闻一名回教党领袖在其党报中写道,如果不解散霹雳州议会,可能会上演类似曼谷芭堤雅的流血示威事件。 drchuasoilek

In the case of Perak, the legal and legislative routes have not been exhausted, argues Khairy Jamaluddinno relation, a senior UMNO official.
一名资深巫统官员 Khairy Jamaluddin争辨,在霹雳州,法律和立法路线还没有用尽。 ecocn

Mr Anwar12 subsequently sought to persuade30 ruling MPs to cross the floor, the same tactic used in Perak.
随后 Mr Anwar企图说服30执政党议员转而支持对方,相同的战术被用在霹雳州的选举中。 ecocn

On May7th, amid scuffles at Perak’s parliament, UMNO’s man was installed as chief minister.
在5月7日霹雳州议会的混战中,巫统方的人任首席部长。 ecocn

Similarly DAP's leadership has been consistently urging the government to enact an anti-hopping law even before the Perak crisis, and we have expressed support of our28 MPs.
同样地,民主行动党一直以来都在促请政府制定反跳槽法,在霹雳州危机前也是如此,我们表达了28名国会议员的支持。 jeffooi

The bigger question posed by the proxy war in Perak is what happens if the levers of federal power should one day slip from UMNO’s hands, as has seemed inevitable since last year’s election.
构成霹雳州代理权争斗的最大的问题是,如果某一天州权力的操作杆从巫统的手中滑脱将会发生什么?自从去年的大选后,这看起来是不可避免的。 ecocn

The scenes from Malaya include a rubber plantation, Chinese temples, tin mining in Perak, tobacco planting and pineapple- picking in Penang, as well as fine buildings and boats with cargo.
这些来自马来半岛的风景包括一个橡胶园、中国寺庙、霹雳州的锡矿、烟草种植园和槟榔屿摘菠萝,还有精美的建筑和载有货物的船。 yeeyan

Perak was indeed the start of something, but not the rollback of Malaysia’s opposition, as foreseen by UMNO and its ruling coalition partners.
霹雳州确实发生了政变,但是马来西亚反对党没有倒戈,巫统和其执政联盟已预见到了。 ecocn




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