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词汇 peptones
释义 peptones
The results from RHP were similar to those of standardpeptones.来自 RHP 的结果与标准消化蛋白质的类似。
Most media contain amino acids,peptones, and proteins.大多数的培养基含有胺基酸、蛋白冻与蛋白质。
Polypetone is a specially designed mixture ofpeptones,it contains a wide spectrum of peptide sizes,used in media where wide range of fastidioud organisms may be grown.性状本品是多种蛋白胨混合的特殊蛋白胨,富含各种分子量的肽,常用于培养要求高的微生物。
Whey proteins are not precipitated by acidification or rennetting, but when milk is heated to about 65℃ or above, they start to denature, and with the exception of the proteosepeptones, become insoluble.乳清蛋白不会发生酸凝固或凝乳酶沉淀现象。但当乳品被加热至65℃或更高温国庆节时,乳清开始变性,并成为不溶物,但蛋白胨不析出。
The influence ofpeptoneonavailable iodine and germicidal efficacy was observed by addingpeptonesproduced bydifferent factories to the iodophor solution.将不同厂家生产的蛋白胨加进碘伏溶液中,观察其对有效碘与杀菌效果的影响。
an enzyme produced in the stomach; when activated by acid it splits proteins intopeptones.胃中产生的一种酶,被酸激活后能将蛋白质分解成蛋白胨。




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