

单词 peppery
释义 pep·per·y 英ˈpepəriː美ˈpɛpəriAHDpĕpʹə-rē ☆☆☆☆☆高ICOCA⁴²³⁸⁶BNC⁵⁸²⁷⁴iWeb²⁴⁵⁰²Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

having the piquant burning taste of peppers;

corn chips with peppery salsa

来自pepper,辣椒。比喻用法。peppery whisky辛辣威士忌酒…
GRE难词记忆peppery→pepper n.胡椒+y→胡椒的 peppern.胡椒+y⇒胡椒的近义词 hot热的fiery火的spicy辛辣的strong强烈的piquant辛辣的pungent刺鼻的gingery姜似的zesty兴致很高的

用作形容词This soup is toopepperyfor my taste.这汤的胡椒味太重了,不合我的口味。
We are not used to verypepperyfood.我们不太习惯吃太辣的事物。
The old man was verypepperyand sometimes without rhyme or reason flew into a passion.这位老头性情暴躁,有时无缘无故地大发雷霆。adj.highly seasoned
同义词 piquant,pungent,spicy,zestyfiery,hot,poignant,racy,snappy,zestful
反义词 bland,dull,flavorless,tastelesscheerful,happyadj.irritable;sarcastic
同义词 acute,angry,astringent,biting,caustic,choleric,cranky,cross,fiery,hot-tempered,incisive,irascible,keen,lively,passionate,quick-tempered,sharp,sharp-tempered,snappish,spirited,spunky,stinging,testy,touchy,trenchant,waspish
反义词 cheerful,happy
fieryadjective passionate;on fire
ablaze,afire,aflame,agitable,alight,blazing,burning,choleric,combustible,conflagrant,enthusiastic,excitable,febrile,fervid,fevered,feverish,fierce,flaming,flaring,flickering,flushed,glowing,heated,hot,hot-blooded,hot-headed,hot-tempered,igneous,ignited,impassioned,impetuous,impulsive,in flames,inflamed,intense,irascible,irritable,madcap,perfervid,precipitate,red-hot,spirited,unrestrained,vehement,violent
grayadjective silver
gray/greyadjective muted silver in color
grayeradjective silver
grayestadjective silver
greyeradjective muted silver in color
Dove,ash,ashen,battleship,cinereal,clouded,dingy,drab,dusky,dusty,granite,heather,iron,lead,leaden,livid,mousy,neutral,oyster,pearly,peppery,powder,sere,shaded,silvered,silvery,slate,smoky,somber,stone Its flavor ranges from tangy to spicy with a bit of a peppery aftertaste.
味道从刺鼻的到辛辣的不等,有胡椒的后味。 yeeyan

That burning sensation in your mouth when you eat foods spiced with cayenne red pepper comes from capsaicin, the oily compound behind most of the health benefits of cayenne and its peppery cousins.
当你吃含红辣椒的辣味食品时,你口中的灼烧感来源于辣椒素,这种油性成份是辣椒及辛辣食物中所含有益健康的化合物。 yeeyan

The wine displays balance of sweetness, peppery and spices enhanced with vanillin oak flavours to create a long, smooth and fine savoury finish.
显示出甜香,胡椒和辛辣感构成的平衡并由香草项目的香味所衬托,制造出悠长,顺华和舒适的结尾。 umega88

The peppery arugula, the red leaf, the baby mizuna, they yielded at once to my touch, like a sigh.
辣味的芝麻菜,红色的叶,嫩水菜丽,他们一碰到我的触摸就屈服了,像一声叹息。 yeeyan

Which do you prefer, sour peppery soup or four-jewel soup?
你喜欢什么汤,酸辣汤还是四宝汤? putclub

At the top of the article, she saw a peppery black-and-white image of him, which Carmen Elcira tore out and put in her green satin change purse.
在文章的上方,她看到一张他面带怒容的黑白照片,卡门·艾尔茜拉把它撕下来放进自己的绿色缎面零钱包。 yeeyan

Bathe small could no feel horary corridor, could not feel climate of exceedingly peppery, in her eyes, only source of vitality pile up mighty light corps.
沐小小感觉不到时间的流逝,感觉不到气候的酷热,她的眼中,只有生机越来越浓厚的光团。 www.dot-matrix.com.cn

I like peppery food.

It's bitter sour and peppery but also sweet.
这是苦的酸和暴躁而且甜。 soohi.com

See Lan Hui though don't give up but or heed to the appearance of general position, at heart a peppery hammer horizontal begin to hug her male the bed walk toward Luo of the carving.
见澜惠虽是不舍但还是顾着大局的样子,心头一热打横抱起她向雕花的罗汉床走去。 www.dazhongtg.com.cn

She cuts off beautiful small face mortal pale favor paper, to the extreme is light anguished, the Mo color grows cilia to roast in the blazing peppery Zhi below lost aboriginal luster.
她绝丽的小脸惨白如纸,尽是淡淡的憔悴,墨色长发在炎热的炙烤下失去了原本的光泽。 www.bb365.org.cn

That's a good idea, but is it very hot, I mean spicy? We're not used to very peppery food.
这主意不错,可是这菜很辣吗?我的意思是说放了辣椒,胡椒之类。我们不太习惯太辣的食物。 hopecup

The radish was old and coarse and so peppery that tears started in her eyes.
那萝卜又老,又粗,又辣,竟把她的眼泪也辣了出来。 kuenglish

The wine finishes with peppery note and lingering smooth tannins.
此酒余味辛香、单宁丝滑。 vsharing

The peppery rye is from fields one can see across the lake and aged in casks that held local fortified wine.
该酒所用的辣黑麦生长在那些人们可以望见的湖那边的田地里,并且是长年放于酒桶里的当地加强酒。 yeeyan

To ADD to their slender income, she went every day to read to Aunt March, a peppery old lady.
为了要增加她们微薄的收入,她每天去给马奇姑姑,一个暴躁的老太太朗读。 ebigear

Used as raw material, the white radish was processed into crisp peppery radish can with special flavor. Therefore, a new way for white radish deep processing was developed.
用白萝卜为原料,加工成质地艮脆、风味独特的辣萝卜罐头,开发一条白萝卜深度加工的新途径。 chemyq




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