

单词 penury
释义 pen·u·ry 英ˈpenjəriː美ˈpɛnjəriAHDpĕnʹyə-rē ☆☆☆☆☆高四GST宝COCA⁷¹⁵²⁷BNC⁴¹⁵¹⁴iWeb⁴⁶⁹⁰⁴Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

a state of extreme poverty or destitution;

their indigence appalled him

a general state of need exists among the homeless

来自拉丁语penuria,缺乏,稀少,来自paene,几乎,接近没有,词源同penumbra.引申词义物质缺乏,贫穷。pen-ury⇒n.贫穷⁷⁹;拮据²¹n.缺乏;赤贫;贫乏GRE难词记忆penury→penur=dearth 缺乏+y→贫穷GRE难词记忆penur→prune n.梅干→penur缺少+y⇒贫穷,拮据GRE红宝书音:贫奴,贫女近义词 need需要poverty贫困necessity需要indigence贫穷neediness穷困destitution穷困impoverishment贫穷pauperization贫困化pauperism有被救济的资格…反义词 luxury奢侈品

用作名词Laid-off workers fall intopenury.下岗职工陷入贫困。
He was cradled in the lap ofpenury.他自幼生活在贫困的环境里。
Hardship andpenurywore him out before his time.受穷受苦使他未老先衰。noun.poverty
同义词 barrenness,dearth,destitution,indigence,insufficiency,need,privation,scantiness
反义词 plenty,sufficiency,wealthaffluence
beggarynoun poverty
impecuniositiesnoun poverty
impecuniositynoun poverty
impecuniousnessnoun poverty
impoverishmentnoun poverty
indigencenoun poorness
destitution,penury A succession of bad harvest had reduced the small farmer to penury.
连续歉收使得这个小农场主陷入了贫困境地。 iciba

An array of nearby countries, such as Ghana and Nigeria, which had fallen into misrule and penury, envied the Ivorians’ stability and growing wealth.
当加纳与尼日利亚这样的周边国家都深陷暴乱与平穷的泥淖时,科特迪瓦内政的稳定以及与日俱增的财富则让它们艳羡不已。 ecocn

As other countries struggle with fiscal penury and the need to find new sources of growth, the government’s approach to Silicon Roundabout could become a model to emulate.
其他国家都在经济赤字中苦苦挣扎,力求找到增长的新来源,英国政府对迷你硅谷的手段可以成为竞相模仿的典范。 ecocn

Can a wretch who wanders about, who works and starves, whose life is a continual scene of sore affliction or pinching penury; can that man call England or any other kingdom his country?
一个到处流浪的可怜人,一个终日辛劳却还忍饥挨饿的人,一个总是生活在痛苦或赤贫如洗的境遇里的人,会把英国或其它王国称作自己的国家吗? putclub

For two decades after the fall of Saigon in 1975, the defining image of Vietnam was the waves of bedraggled refugees washing up on its neighbours' shores, fleeing oppression and penury back home.
20多年前的1975年,当西贡陷落时,越南给人的印象是潮水般的落魄难民涌入邻国的海岸,逃离充满压迫和贫穷的祖国。 ecocn

In other words, the prevalence of violent crime seems to predict mating preferences only in so far as it reflects a country’s relative penury.
换句话说,就目前而言利用暴力犯罪的流行程度来预测择偶偏好只适用于一个相对拮据的国家。 ecocn

There are five parts in this paper:The first part stresses the mutual action of economy, society, environment and penury based on general definition of penury.
第一部分在讨论贫困一般定义的基础上,重点研究贫困与经济、社会及环境的相互作用。 cnki

Aid workers say that in reality the nation has been driven deep into penury.
援助工人们表示真实的情况是,整个国家已经一穷二白。 ecocn

China is no longer the destination for those looking to accumulate hardship tales of scarcity, penury and adversity overcome.
中国不再是那些为了填补传奇故事的空白,克服贫瘠和坎坷的族人的目的地了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Despite penury, loneliness, and drought, they established a viable research station, and, over several years, they gained the trust of several prides of lions and clans of brown hyenas.
尽管面对他们的是清贫、孤独和干旱,但他们还是建立了一处切实可行的研究点,而且经过几年的磨合,他们还赢得了几只傲慢的狮子和一群棕鬣狗的信任。 yeeyan

Distress, if not penury, loomed in the distance.
如果说还不会马上贫穷,那么烦恼已经在不远的地方出现了。 hjenglish

Give me the strength to strike at the root of penury in my heart.

He warmed the hearts of Argentines with the comforting notion that it was the evil IMF, rather than their own mistakes, which was responsible for a once-rich country’s penury.
他曾自我慰藉的宣称昔日富极一时的阿根廷的赤贫不是阿根廷人民自己造成的,而真正应该负责的是万恶的国际货币基金组织,这一言论极大的鼓舞阿根廷人民。 ecocn.org

However, his finances remained precarious, with periods of prosperity and of penury.
然而,他的经济状况始终不稳定,时而富裕,时而贫困。 blog.sina.com.cn

It has stymied every effort towards economic reform, deterring investors and letting the country slide more deeply into penury and debt.
它阻碍了经济改革的各项工作,吓退了投资者,使国家越来越深地陷入贫困与债务的深渊。 ecocn

It led to a condition of penury which led him briefly into a debtor's prison, a thing I have always dreaded.
这直接导致了父亲极度的贫困,也使他被投入负债人监狱,监禁了一段时间,这是一件我一直害怕的事。 zftrans

Mass media should be efficient in the strategy of West China anti- penury.
在西部反贫困战略中,大众传媒应有积极作为。 cnki

Mr Thomas was born in penury and grew up with bare feet and intestinal worms.
托马斯出身微寒,伴着光脚丫儿、肚里住着蛔虫的日子长大。 blogbus

One woman we talked to had started in such penury that four of her children had died of starvation or disease.
我们和另一个女人聊过。一开始,她穷困潦倒,有四个孩子或死于饥饿,或死于疾病。 yeeyan

Some students discontinue school due to penury.
一些学生因贫伌而辍学。 borog

The family live in penury.
那家人生活贫困。 yeshj

This is my prayer to thee, my lord---strike, strike at the root of penury in my heart.
这是我对你的祈求,我的主--请你铲除,铲除我心里贫乏的根源。 ebigear

Yet in California, where independent lobbies were spending freely in campaigns even before the Supreme Court recently allowed it, penury need not spell political death.
但是加利福尼亚在最高法院批准之前,独立的游说者早已经可以将其资金无限制地花在竞选上,所以贫穷并不意味着政治的终结。 topsage




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