

单词 Pentonville
释义 Pentonville ˈpentənvɪl;ˈpentnvɪl Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
The restorative justice conference was in Pentonville Prison. It's a very foreboding Victorian institution. Going through locked entry- doors, there was a real sense of entering a labyrinth.
司法会议在普顿维尔监狱举行。这是在维多利亚建立的一个不祥的制度。穿过所有锁着的门,你会感觉像是进了一个迷宫。 yeeyan

But the singer denied reports that he had been distressed during his time in north London's Pentonville prison.
有报道称,他在伦敦北部的本顿维尔监狱服刑期间一度痛苦不已。但是他否认了这点。 yeeyan

I am the girl that dragged little Oliver back to old Fagin's on the night he went out from the house in Pentonville.
我就是把小奥立弗拖回老费金家里去的那个姑娘,就是他从本顿维尔那所房子里出来的那个晚上。 tingroom

I'm an orphan. I live in Pentonville.
我是孤儿,我住在本顿维尔。 olivercn

The restorative justice conference was in Pentonville Prison.
司法会议在普顿维尔监狱举行。 yeeyan

When the young man was arrested they were approached to meet him in a restorative justice conference at Pentonville Prison.
当这个年轻人被逮捕之后他们却在本顿维尔的监狱里的一个恢复性司法会议上碰见了他。 yeeyan




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