

单词 pentathlon
释义 pen·tath·lon 英penˈtæθlən, -ˌlɒn美pɛnˈtæθlən, -ˌlɑnAHDpĕn-tăthʹlən, -lŏn' ☆☆☆☆☆高八COCA⁶³²⁸⁷BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²iWeb³⁸⁴⁹⁹

an athletic contest consisting of five different eventspenta-,五,-athlon,运动,词源同athlete.modern pentathlon现代五项运动…military pentathlon军事五项
词根pent-五来自希腊语。它和拉丁词根quin-五 及日耳曼单词five五最终都源自原始印欧语词根*penkwe-五。词根athl-竞赛来自希腊语,本意为“奖品”,引申为“争夺奖品的竞赛”。
pent五+athl竞赛+on名词后缀→五项竞赛⇒五项全能运动。 For the first time in Olympic history, Sydney2000 featured a women's modern pentathlon event.
2000年悉尼奥运会是历史上第一个次设立女子现代五项。 hotdic

One of the greatest honors was to be crowned to the winner of the pentathlonmeaning “ five contests”.
赛场上最大的荣耀是获得五项全能比赛的优胜桂冠。 zftrans

The River Zone, along the Manzanares River, would host rowing, beach volleyball, archery, cycling, tennis, modern pentathlon, triathlon, equestrian and rhythmic gymnastics.
沿曼萨纳雷斯河的场馆区域,将举办赛艇,沙滩排球,射箭,自行车,网球,现代五项,铁人三项,马术,艺术体操。 cnnas

The ancient pentathlon was made the early Greeks to show all the skills a soldier of that time.
古代的五项运动是用来展现早期希腊士兵的优秀技能。 iciba

The pentathlon is a traditional Olympic Sport most popular in Europe, but it is not popular outside the Olympics.
五项运动是一项传统的奥运体育项目,在欧洲十分受欢迎,但是除此之外,不太流行。 iciba

Applying the method of taking pictures, this essay analyses the running skills in cross country running in modern pentathlon.
采用数码摄影研究方法,对比分析现代五项越野赛中上坡跑和台阶跑技巧。 cnki

But the incidence is especially high in case of modern pentathlon.
但现代五项出现这种问题的概率尤其高。 hotdic

But unfortunately, the modern Pentathlon's Olympic history has all too often failed to live up to the lofty ideals of its founder.
但遗憾的是,奥运会现代五项的历史却频频辜负其创始人的崇高愿望。 hotdic

Four multi- sport arenas within the Olympic Park will ensure that competitors in the Fencing, Modern Pentathlon, Volleyball, Handball and Basketball events would be right at the heart of the action.
位于奥林匹克公园内的四个多功能运动场将可以确保障碍赛、现代五项、排球、手球和篮球等比赛成为众人瞩目的赛事。 for68

Gradually, other running events were added, as well as horse racing, wrestling, a pentathlon, chariot racing, and boxing.
后来,运动项目不断增加,包括赛马、摔跤、五项全能、马车比赛和拳击等。 hjenglish

He is an athlete who participates in a pentathlon.
他是一名参加五项运动的运动员。 yeshj

Mathematics Pentathlon relates to a mathematics curriculum and staff development program known as Mathematics Experience- Based Approach MEBA.
数学五项全能运动涉及到数学课程及以经验为基础的数学方法的教职员训练程序 MEBA。 jpkc.nxu.edu.cn

Modern pentathlon, women's football finals and men's110m hurdles finals will also be highlights of the day.
另外,现代五项、女足决赛和男子110米栏决赛也将是今日值得关注的比赛。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Modern pentathlon used to be held over several days, but it's been compressed into a single day since Atlanta1996.
过去,现代五项分几天举行,但自从容不迫1996年亚特兰大奥运会以来,这项比赛缩短在一天内完成。 hotdic

More stable: gymnastics, equestrian, swimming, gymnastics, diving, modern pentathlon.
更稳:体操、马术、花样游泳、艺术体操、跳水、现代五项。 blog.sina.com.cn

One of the greatest honors was to be crowned to winner of the pentathlonmeaning “ five contests”.
赛场上最大的荣耀之一,是获得五项全能比赛的优胜桂冠。 zftrans

Originated in ancient human beast with spears hunting activities, and after the spears into combat weapons.2070, 708 were classified as the 18th session of the ancient Olympic Games pentathlon.
起源于古代人类用长矛猎取野兽的活动,后长矛又发展成为作战的兵器。公元前708年被列为第18届古代奥运会五项全能之一。 bbs.ahradio.com.cn

She won four gold medals in the1992 summer Paralympics. In the1996 Paralympics she won silver in the shot put and gold in the Pentathlon.
1992年夏季残奥会上,她一人斩获4枚金牌,1996年残奥会,她获得铅球银牌和马拉松金牌。 yeeyan

Such things have also happened to other events rather than modern pentathlon alone.

The modern pentathlon was added to the Olympic program.
现代五项全能被加入到奥运会设项之中。 jb1000

To some local disgruntlement, test competitions in eventing and the modern pentathlon shut chunks of Greenwich Park, a few miles to the east, over recent weeks.
最近几周,综合全能马术和现代五项的比赛测试,封锁了格林威治公园向东几英里区域的大部分,这使一些当地人不太高兴。 ecocn

When was modern pentathlon introduced to the Olympic Games?
现代五项是何时成为奥运会比赛项目的? hotdic




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