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词汇 pensioners
释义 pensioners ˈpenʃənəz COCA⁴⁵¹⁵²BNC⁵⁰⁶⁰Economist⁴²⁸⁰
n.领退休金者pensioner的复数原型pensioner的复数 Payments to pensioners will continue to risesee chart, before dropping off after2035.
但是退休人员的养老金将会持续增加,直到2035年才会下降。 ecocn

“ We get teenagers wanting to travel, families wanting a safer environment for their children and pensioners enjoying the health benefits, ” says one expat.
一位外地读者说,“在这里有喜欢旅游的年轻人,希望孩子有个安全的环境的家庭,还有那些享受健康福利的领养老金的人。” yeeyan

Across the rich world the supply of workers is about to slow as the number of pensioners rises.
随着领取养老金的人数不断攀升,各富裕国家劳动工人供给速度即将减缓。 ecocn

All true tea lovers not only like their tea strong, but like it a little stronger with each year that passes — a fact which is recognized in the extra ration issued to old- age pensioners.
所有的真正好茶者不仅喜欢喝浓茶,而且年纪越大就越喜欢更浓一点的茶-这一点从发给给高龄养老金领取者的额外配给这个事实可以得到确认。 yeeyan

An enlightened response would be for many of the demolished communities to be abandoned for ever, because in Japan’s greying society their residents are mainly pensioners.
一个让人眼前一亮的想法是永远抛弃这些被摧毁的渔村。这是因为日本社会老龄化加剧,这里的大部分居民都是养老金持有者。 ecocn

And the accident was an old mailing list, so that promotional brochures with pornographic samples went out to clergymen, schoolgirls, old-age pensioners and wives of members of Parliament.
而机遇是有一份旧的邮寄名单,这样附带色情样照的宣传册便能发到牧师、女学生、领养老金者和议员妻子的手里。 yeeyan

At that point the Treasury warns that it will have to stop paying something, though it won’t specify what: interest on the debt, or other payments such as to government suppliers or pensioners.
到了这种地步,财政部发出警告,它必须要停止某些项目的支付了。尽管没有指明是哪一项,是国债利息,还是其他,比如给政府供应商和养老金领取者的支付? ecocn

Benefits are linked to annuity rates, protecting both the scheme and the pensioners from annuity risk.
收益和每年的缴费数额挂钩,保护组合和养老金受益人免除年金风险。 ecocn

By then China would have1.2 pensioners per worker, although it would also have relatively few children to look after: just one for every9.2 workers.
届时,中国每个劳动者要供养1.2个养老金领取者,虽然要照看的儿童数目也相对减少:每9.2个劳动者照看一个儿童。 ecocn

Civil servants and pensioners have already seen their incomes shrink by more than20%.
公务员和养老金领取者已经发现他们的收入缩水超过20%。 ecocn

Even though Mr Brown gave more money to poorer families and pensioners, income distribution was more unequal when Labour left office than when it took power.
尽管前首相布朗向贫困家庭和养老金领取者拨出更多款项,收入不平等问题在工党卸任之时,比其上任之前更为严重。 ecocn

He was anxious to arrest the spread of means-tested top-up help for pensioners, which discourages private retirement saving.
他急于阻止针对养老金的经济状况调查援助计划的推广,这让私有退休收入大大受挫。 ecocn

In longevity news, the spotlight frequently passes from one group to another: Georgian yogurt eaters, Japanese pensioners, the Pennsylvania Dutch.
在长寿新闻中,聚光灯在一组组人中转换,格鲁吉亚酸奶引用者,日本养老金领取者,宾州荷兰人。 yeeyan

In one Nagano village, Shimojo, where almost a third of the citizens are pensioners, some of the elderly have started providing child care so that young women can work.
在长野县的一个小村子里,几乎三分之一的村民都是领退休金的,一些老年人已经开始提供儿童保健就是为了让年轻的妇女可以去工作。 yeeyan

It is still paying benefits to rich pensioners.
它也仍旧为富有的退休金主支付福利。 ecocn

It strongly opposes many of the policies that Ms Merkel adopted during the grand coalition to placate her SPD partners, such as minimum wages and give-aways to pensioners.
它强烈反对默克尔女士在大联合期间为安抚其基督教民主联盟的夥伴而采取的很多政策,诸如最低工资制和向领取退休金者让步。 xmlchina

Many poor pensioners do not claim the tax credits to which they are entitled, partly because of the system’s opacity.
很多贫穷的养老金领取者不申领他们该得的税收抵免的资金,部分原因是体制过于模糊。 ecocn

Some better- off pensioners will have their incomes frozen.
较富裕的养老金领取人将被冻结收入。 ecocn

Special benefits for pensioners, who will be gaining from separate plans to shore up the basic state pension, could also be reduced.
对领取养老金者的特殊救济也可以缩减,这部分人的基本养老金来自于特殊计划的支撑。 ecocn

Switching to a funded model would involve making current taxpayers pay twice: once to fund existing pensioners and again to fund their own pensions.
倘若转换至基金模式,将牵扯到让现有纳税人重复支付的问题:一份支付现有的养老金基金,另一份为自己的养老金支付。 ecocn

That means the pool of workers and consumers is shrinking, while the ranks of pensioners are swelling.
这意味着劳动力和消费者都在减少,而领取养老金的人数正在增多。 yeeyan

That said, GM has well-known problems: too much debt, too many dealers and brands, high labour costs, and crippling liabilities to pensioners.
那就是说,通用汽车公司的问题很清晰:沉重的债务、过多的经销商和子品牌、过高的劳动力成本以及庞大的养老金负担。 yeeyan

The majority of the squad are aging and putting the pensioners into Chelsea.
他们的球员大都上了岁数,在切尔西挣着养老金。 yeeyan

There is more sympathy for pensioners, who face a double blow from a freeze in pensions and the impact of tax rises.
对那些靠养老金度日的人们来说,打击是双重的,因为他们不仅面对着养老金的冻结,还面对着缴税的增加。 ecocn

They can break their promises to their creditors or they can break their promises to future pensioners.
他们可以违背对债主的诺言,或者不履行对未来领取养老金公民的承诺。 ecocn

THIS year, the number of pensioners in the UK exceeded the number of minors for the first time in history.
今年,英国领取退休金的人数有史以来第一次超过未成年人人数。 yeeyan

To keep up his approval rating, particularly among pensioners and state workers, Mr Putin has had to increase general government spending to nearly 40% of GDPsee chart.
为了维持高支持率尤其在国企员工和领养老金者间,普京不得不将政府支出占GDP比例提升到40%。 yeeyan

With expanded coverage, the government initially collects more revenue and can afford to pay benefits to current pensioners.
覆盖面扩大后,政府可以在刚开始时获得更多的收入,并且能支付现有养老金领取者的待遇。 worldbank




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